Finding my Minions



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Champions of the King


Does anyone know the best way to locate your minions so that you can cast Death Nova on them? I have tried holding down Ctrl, Alt and even moving my cursor over them and none of these is very affective. Is there a button to push or some method to select them easier? Thanks for any help



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


Alt seems to be the best way to locate them, but obviously that will show all of your allies and NPC's as well, along with drops.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Reading. Berks. UK

Midnight Tokers


Nah, think you got the best / worst and only way. It has been asked that necros get a separate party window for thier minions but seeing as there was (might have changed now) no limit for the amount of minions you could have, the window would take up the whole of the see-able screen.

Its a known problem thats been here from the start of Prophesis that as far as I'm aware hasn't changed or gone away!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Champions of the King


Originally Posted by maffa
Nah, think you got the best / worst and only way. It has been asked that necros get a separate party window for thier minions but seeing as there was (might have changed now) no limit for the amount of minions you could have, the window would take up the whole of the see-able screen.

Its a known problem thats been here from the start of Prophesis that as far as I'm aware hasn't changed or gone away!
It would be nice just a have button that highlights minions/spirits. I do like the minion counter in the upper left corner, maybe they could make that so you could click on it and highlight your minions, that would be sweet



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Reading. Berks. UK

Midnight Tokers


Originally Posted by Hellbender
It would be nice just a have button that highlights minions/spirits. I do like the minion counter in the upper left corner, maybe they could make that so you could click on it and highlight your minions, that would be sweet
yeah I know, I've been waiting about a year now and still no progress. I wouldnt hold your breath, they would have done something by now if they were going to.

Its annoying, but I guess you just have to live with it. Its a single downer for many ups to playing a necro

D Runner

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Agents of Grenth [AoG]


I think the easiest way is to mouse over them just as they are being raised. Once they march into battle it's hard to catch them. I would be happy if we could at least "Tab" through them after clicking on one.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

now there is a limit of 10 minions max right? arent they all stik around you?



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Gotta say this frustrates me also. I would love to use Death Nova but there's no way I'm gonna take the time to mouse around trying to target a minion in the heat of battle.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Reading. Berks. UK

Midnight Tokers


10 minions max? Surely not, where's the fun in that? Have they upped the level of the minions as well then?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Jetdoc
Alt seems to be the best way to locate them, but obviously that will show all of your allies and NPC's as well, along with drops.
My necro girl very recently graduated the Ascalon Academy, and I cannot say I had a long MM career but...Alt key does not seem to work for me. It only highlights my allies. In order to highlight my minions, I seem to have to point directly at them. It has been a major (though fun,) PITA to load them with nova's during a mission. Am I missing something?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

10 minions max? Surely not, where's the fun in that? Have they upped the level of the minions as well then?
Actually the limit is based on your level of Death. Check out the update notes. And no, levels are the same.