Changing Secondary Profession in Factions?

Yefrum Skoorb

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Arcane Knights of the Apocolypse [AKA]


Is there a place where you will be able to change you secondary profession in Factions like there was in the original Guild Wars?
If so, I would like to know. I want to change my 20 R/E to a 20 R/Mo




Join Date: Mar 2006

Kentucky, USA

Team Love [kiSu]


Yes. After you Ascend--excuse me, after you achieve Wah no Seh--you will be dropped off in a town (Senji's Corner, maybe?) where there is a [Profession Changer]. The professions work just like they do in Prophecies, except you pay 500 gold to unlock a profession instead of doing a quest. Of course, changing to any unlocked secondary is free.

Yefrum Skoorb

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Arcane Knights of the Apocolypse [AKA]


OK, well right now, the farthest city I'm in with my new character for Factions is The Marketplace.
How far away am I from Senji's Corner? Is it close enough where myself or someone else could run me there?



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

You can't run in Factions. You have to do the missions/priamry quests to advance to next town. Senji isn't that far.

Yefrum Skoorb

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Arcane Knights of the Apocolypse [AKA]


okay cool, cuz im a R/E right now, but i want to switch to R/Mo because I just got a +5/-1 vampiric bow...and if i can have Mending on me while Im using the bow, i wont suffer from any health degen.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

as always, mending ftw!

You just have a couple missions and primary quests to do

edit - if your gung ho to do so consider watchful spirit with no attrib points invested
yeah its divine favour but no need to pump, this will give you +2, so net +1

Mo Joe Joe Joe

Mo Joe Joe Joe

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Where the sun don't shine


ugh, -1 energy regen, just so you can use your vamp.

I recomend either changing weapons for the long periods between skirmishes (F1 and F2 FTW) or jus troll it as needed.