Great job with fort aspenwood anet
Glob of Noobloplasm
Im really digging how it can be owned 3 vs. 8 with 3 people on the kurzick side
1 warrior - goes around and solo's both amber mines, both of the luxon commanders, no problems at all.
1 interrupt ranger perched on top of a ledge that is in-accessable by anyone except spell casters, in between both doors holding off the entire sqaud of seige turtles and warriors by just standing there and dshotting where no one can get to them
1 person to run amber just incase a gate breaks and they decide to block the turtle and glitch him a corner where he wont move.
The design for this mission really balances things out, I would like to congratulate Anet for really thinking through all the possibilities - advantages - disadvantages of both teams and making it fair.
1 warrior - goes around and solo's both amber mines, both of the luxon commanders, no problems at all.
1 interrupt ranger perched on top of a ledge that is in-accessable by anyone except spell casters, in between both doors holding off the entire sqaud of seige turtles and warriors by just standing there and dshotting where no one can get to them
1 person to run amber just incase a gate breaks and they decide to block the turtle and glitch him a corner where he wont move.
The design for this mission really balances things out, I would like to congratulate Anet for really thinking through all the possibilities - advantages - disadvantages of both teams and making it fair.
Aerial Stormshadow
Especially when you have the opposite alliance joining your side and ruining the battle for you.
obviously the luxons are simply no match for kurzick strategy and skill...
I completely disagree with the OP.. this is not a failure on Anet's part in the least. Instead, it's simply another rant from a luxon who in unable to comprehend the ideas of teamwork and planning..
simply put.. stop basking in the glow of this cleverly disguised rant and build a better team. if your teleporting ninjas can't reach a kurzick ranger.. is it really that hard to grab a few more casters before clicking the enter mission button? If a kurz War is soloing your amber mines.. maybe some defense is in order.. oo! maybe a ranger of your own to cripple any amber runners..
no. wait. that would involve actual planning as opposed to grabbing the first 8 asins/rits that knock on your door..
I completely disagree with the OP.. this is not a failure on Anet's part in the least. Instead, it's simply another rant from a luxon who in unable to comprehend the ideas of teamwork and planning..
Originally Posted by Glob of Noobloplasm
ANET!! i can't get throo Aspenwood w/ Henchs. Pls fix this ASAP.. my turtles have cannons!!. kthxbai
no. wait. that would involve actual planning as opposed to grabbing the first 8 asins/rits that knock on your door..
Aerial Stormshadow
I found out what the kurz strategy is, so I am now going to use it as well. Thanks so much!
In my experience with Aspenwood over the last couple days, the Luxons have seriously been steamrolling over the Kurzicks. I've seen the Luxons win 20 times and the Kurzicks win maybe 4. If the Kurzicks are starting to use strategy to turn the tide of battle. I mean come on, Luxons have freaking giant turtles with cannons on them while the Kurzicks have one giant leaf monster. Also the Kurzicks are defending so it is right that they have better strategic positions to fight from.
I think this mission is well designed. I have fun playing on both sides. This is honestly the most rts feel I've seen in GW being that my guild doesn't GVG much. It reminded me of the squad based fps's I used to play. It also gets people really excited and has already created a fierce rivalry between players who feel loyal to one faction or another. The game's storyline is truely coming to life in the emotions of the actual human players. All good stuff in my book.
I think this mission is well designed. I have fun playing on both sides. This is honestly the most rts feel I've seen in GW being that my guild doesn't GVG much. It reminded me of the squad based fps's I used to play. It also gets people really excited and has already created a fierce rivalry between players who feel loyal to one faction or another. The game's storyline is truely coming to life in the emotions of the actual human players. All good stuff in my book.
Originally Posted by KerrickĀ¹
simply put.. stop basking in the glow of this cleverly disguised rant and build a better team. if your teleporting ninjas can't reach a kurzick ranger.. is it really that hard to grab a few more casters before clicking the enter mission button? If a kurz War is soloing your amber mines.. maybe some defense is in order.. oo! maybe a ranger of your own to cripple any amber runners..
no. wait. that would involve actual planning as opposed to grabbing the first 8 asins/rits that knock on your door.. |
@ the OP: Siege Turtles help a lot to kill the NPCs, but your team can kill the NPCs if the turtles are failing you.
Quinn Falcon
Gotta say "If they can't" generally isn't a statement of "they can", possibly missread that part and done him an injustice.
Anyway. Somehow I don't believe the general idea that those 3 little players pose an impossible problem, save for managing to bug the turtles the almost self sufficient warrior and a ranger packing distracting shot and using hight advantages aren't revolutionary
Anyway. Somehow I don't believe the general idea that those 3 little players pose an impossible problem, save for managing to bug the turtles the almost self sufficient warrior and a ranger packing distracting shot and using hight advantages aren't revolutionary
I've heard arguements about how this mission favor's the luxons. Granted I've not played as many as some have, but I've never had any problems, besides the other side playing better.
Aerial Stormshadow
I caught that too, Savio. Nice reply! You beat me to it!
Tigers Anger
To agree with the OP, is it possible to do that, however as has been said, they are randomly chosen teams. I also find that Kurzicks have easy ways of defending, I can use a 12 healing W/Mo alternating Healing Hands + Seed on the guy you have to protect to completely protect him, and they only realise when Gods Vengeance reaches 99% that the W/Mo is healing him lol.
Sadly, Kurzick have only beaten me once out of the many times I've played Aspenwood. I have no problems running them over with my MM, Kurzick skill and strategy ppft, they dont even attack me half the time.
Nobody appreciates sarcasm. Please grow up or whine elsewhere.
I just turn off chat when playing Kurz, all they say is how unbalanced things are. Unbalnced yes? Can it be won with a little strategie? Yes At least you get decent faction for loosing at Ft Aspen. The Kurzick favored Jade Quarry gives little faction to the looser(dpeending how well you do)
Originally Posted by Savio
Except as Fort Aspenwood... yada yada. Play, then comment.

*hangs head in shame*
Originally Posted by Aerial Stormshadow
I caught that too, Savio. Nice reply! You beat me to it!
Manic Smile
To the OP I farmed 7k faction in a row last night being Luxon...I'd like to be able to challenge against you but yea...random crappyness
i have a lot of fun playing Luxon side with my lovely crippling ranger chick
i bet i make ppl cry some times

wow, maybe you could stick back and kill whoever attack your mines or commanders?
General Typhus
Don't know what you kurzicks are so uppity about. So far my aspenwood record is 8-0, in favor of luxon.
Bir Ki
A mission that assasins arent completely useless
no dp when you die, can quite easily take out the kurzick generals with a single assasin.....especially when the other team dont even know your attacking them cause they are too busy runinng about like headless chickens! i love it!

Originally Posted by Glitched
Nobody appreciates sarcasm. Please grow up or whine elsewhere.
this doesnt have much dealing wti hyour thread but NCSOFT DESIGNED IT NOT ANET!!!!
That Cleary is not a design flaw but a flaw in the tactics you were using, if I think the mines will be under threat I hang back, a blind, crippled, bleeding, poisoned, set on fire warrior cant solo a paper bag never mind me and the two luxon archers.
That said however there is a serious glitch with the luxon soldiers, but as I don't want it used against us I won’t be announcing it to everyone.
That said however there is a serious glitch with the luxon soldiers, but as I don't want it used against us I won’t be announcing it to everyone.
Caelus The Fallen
Originally Posted by MMSDome
this doesnt have much dealing wti hyour thread but NCSOFT DESIGNED IT NOT ANET!!!!
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
Originally Posted by Glob of Noobloplasm
Im really digging how it can be owned 3 vs. 8 with 3 people on the kurzick side
1 warrior - goes around and solo's both amber mines, both of the luxon commanders, no problems at all. 1 interrupt ranger perched on top of a ledge that is in-accessable by anyone except spell casters, in between both doors holding off the entire sqaud of seige turtles and warriors by just standing there and dshotting where no one can get to them 1 person to run amber just incase a gate breaks and they decide to block the turtle and glitch him a corner where he wont move. The design for this mission really balances things out, I would like to congratulate Anet for really thinking through all the possibilities - advantages - disadvantages of both teams and making it fair. |
3 Kurzicks would be crushed by the luxons unless the Crabs had no idea what to do.
The gates are easily breached without a siege turtle, just kill the guards and the gates will go down. There are 3 eles or 3 mesmer NPC:s at each gate but somehow I think you dont really need a siege turtle to take them down. Ever tried to attack both gates at the same time?
If the Kurzicks decided to run around outside the fort, so much better since the Luxons can just rush to the architect. What good is it to kill the commanders if the architect is under attack, same with interupting a siege turtle at the outer gates. Fun to do, I agree, but pretty pointless when the architect is going down.
This isn't PvP, it isn't PvE but a really fun mix of the two. Kurzicks have it easier since they resurrect at the top of their objective, keeping the Architect alive.
Originally Posted by Kerrick¹
oh.. heh. so they changed that since fpe? he haa..
![]() |
Wrong again, in the FPE you could NEVER form parties
Originally Posted by Kerrick¹
*hangs head in shame*
Originally Posted by Kerrick¹
I agree Savio! you have a very fine prosterior.. I would like to kiss it as well!
In any case, this argument is silly, or im missing someithing, I have NEVER seen Kurzicks win this mission!..or come close to controling it!!..never..never..
I want a video of this, or at least a screen shot of the Kurzicks owning Fort Aspen wood!
such a crying shame that you cant form teams on these missions.. even if you had those teams of 4 thing like in 12vs12.... its like ANET thought "oh no, that would make these missions far too enjoyable, lets nerf that idea quick"
Gaile, ANET, anyone, WHY WHY WHY did you make these mission random?
*Confused Snowman*