restarting a char with exact same name to equip customized weapons/armors?


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006



I searched the forum and couldn't find any answer nor question to this. Is it possible to create a character get the amulet with customized armor and weapons and then put it in storage, delete the dude. Then to create a dude with the exact name and primairy proffesion and equip the weapons and armors of his name to this dude?

Because an item is customised to a name, this might be possible but i am not sure. It might just as be that it is connected to an id on the guildwars database or that the name is the id on the gw database.

I hope i was right for posting it here, and i don't want a reply of i think so.. or i heard from a dude that it was possible. I want direct information please from firsthand. So that it is more reliable. Thank you all!


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



No. Even if the name is same, the 'new' chara won't be able to use the old one's equipment. So it's tied to unique ID on GW database rather than the name itself.

And yes, I've tested



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

East Coast US

Yep, I tested this. My test had the same result.

Naming the character the same will not enable you to wear stuff customized for a old character with the same name.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]
