09 May 2006 at 19:07 - 8
For me, I let my poor unevolved lvl 20 dune lizard go and got a fresh level 5 wolf, went to gates of kryta and then to scoundrels rise (north of GoK),
maxed out beast mastery, then put rest in wilderness survival. I simply had
charm animal
comfort animal
feral lunge
beastial pounce
disrupting lunge
troll unguent
symbiotic bond
nature's renewal
basically just attack an enemy once to trigger your animals attack and just keep using the skills, natures renewal makes it easier to interupt deep freeze and in turn deal more damage. try to keep symbiotic bond up but it doesnt matter a great deal. keep troll unguent up when needed. if you wanted to you could probably put in ferocious strike or another attack skill instead of comfort animal because symbiotic bond keeps your pets hp up pretty high. Just attack the mergoyles, dont aggro the big group of skales.
good luck