They have also trained themselves in the basics of hand-to-hand martial arts, and combined it with their own ferocity to create a unique style of fighting.
After seeing a Lupine in battle, many believe them to be barbaric or mindless beasts, but Lupines respect every aspect of the wolf, including their cunning, and so Lupines usually possess a strong intelligence.
Legend: (P) = Primary Attribute, (E) = Elite Skill, (?) = I don't really like the name, but couldn't think of another, (Note: ) = A side note on the above mentioned item, usually giving information that wouldn't be given in-game or in the description, such as how an animation would look. Also, when a skill says that the stats are ?...? the 1st number is the amount of effect at rank 1, and the 2nd number is at rank 12.
Body Type: Thin/athletic, similar to the ranger.
Appearance: They should not look excessively rough like the warrior does, but they should look cold and dangerous; kind of like the 2nd Necromancer male face, but less decayed/drained. They should have kind of spikey hair, not "sticking straight out" spikey, but sort of like the 3rd necromancer male hair, only longer (not straight up or out "longer"). The hair should have all of the natural colors most classes do (including black), but they should also have platinum/silver hair. Most of the female hair should look similar to the general style of the female rangers, though without all of the twigs and flowers.
Armor appearance: The armor should be made of leather and fur, but it should NOT look extremely rough and patched together hobo style like the ranger armor; it should look a little rough though, some types a little rougher than others. The concept of what I'm trying to describe is similar to the ranger fur armor. The leather's primary color (un-dyeable) should be black, and the fur should range in color from dark grey to white, depending on the armor. Also, most of the armor should not be as tight-fitting as most leather armor is (necros and the above mentioned ranger fur armor).
On most of the armor, the arms (except forearms or sometimes shoulders) should be exposed, and the legs definately shouldn't (except maybe sometimes on females) be skin-tight.
The armor can cover the hands, but it should never cover their fingers. Also, if there is fur near their shoulders, then it shouldn't puff out real tall (I don't mean shorter than the fur anywhere else, just don't make it puff out to their ears by making it taller there).
And I hadn't mentioned this, but the fur on the armor should be short, since it should be wolf fur. The fur, in my idea, should be placed in strips across various parts of the armor, not covering a majority of it in some creepy attempt to make it look like the Lupines have fur.
Their should obviously be differences between the sets of armor, but this is just how I imagined them as looking. There could be sets that look very barbaric, or sets with a lot of fur, or ones with almost no fur.
Also, a good secondary (dyeable) color for most of the armor sets would be a very dark brownish-red, like the color on the ranger's druid armor, only a little darker. Or some could also have a shade of grey, but either way the leather should have a dull, mostly natural shade.
Average/Basic armor stats: 70AL, +20 vs Physical. 25 energy. 3 energy regen. Extra +'s to defense (set based): +10 while shapeshifted, +10 while attacking, +energy, +health, 80AL +10 vs physical.
Attributes -
Ferocity (P): Each point in Ferocity increases your attack speed by 1%. Whenever you miss with an attack for any reason or if you are struck by a critical hit, Ferocity recovers a small amount of your energy, the amount is +1 at rank 1, +2 at rank 7, and +3 at rank 13.
Wolf Aspects(?): Wolf Aspects increases the effects of skills that grant wolf-like aspects, or of Wolf Forms.
Unarmed Mastery(?): Each point in Unarmed Mastery enhances your unarmed damage by +1. This increases the effects of skills relating to unarmed fighting, and also increases the chance of scoring a critical hit while unarmed.
Predatory: Predatory increases the effects of skills relating to the hunting of creatures, and ones that allow you to better survive while hunting.
(Note: Tracking skills in the predatory line track creatures by creating a translucent line around the lupine, similar to with enchantments, and there are small balls of light on the line around the character aimed in the directions of the creatures being tracked (sort of like a compass), and the balls are different colors depending on the type of creatures being tracked; humans are yellow, demons are blood red, undead are dark purple, beasts are green, elementals are blue, and bosses are white. This effect can only be seen by the Lupine themself. Also, Tracking skills are actually a minority skill, and take up a very, very small percentage of the Predatory skills.)
Grey Wolf Form: 15 energy cost, 6 second cast, no reset.
Shapeshift. Transform into a Grey Werewolf, granting +1 health regeneration, +2...10% movement speed, +10...120 health, +4...8 damage-per-hit.
Only Lupine skills may be used while in a Wolf form, and you can only fight unarmed. Wolf Aspects.
(Note: many Lupine skills are more effective while in a wolf form, and some can only be used while in one. Also, the form is canceled in the same way as maintained enchantments.)
(Note: you automatically return to your human form on death.)
(Note: This werewolf is dark grey, all forms should have a lean muscular build and bi-ped body structure. They should have thick fur, none of that disgusting thin fur/half-bald kind you sometimes see in movies. The head should look almost if not completely like a wolf's too.)
Aspect of Claws: Instant cast, no cost or reset.
Aspect. Grants +2...8 damage per hit. If you are in a wolf form, this aspect grants +5% armor penetration on attacks as well as the additional damage.
Only 2 aspects can be active at the same time. Wolf Aspects.
Aspect of Rage(?): Instant cast, no cost or reset.
Aspect. This aspect enhances your attack speed by +6...10%. If you are in a wolf form, this also grants a 5% run speed bonus.
Only 2 aspects can be active at the same time.Wolf Aspects.
Aspect of Metabolism(?): Instant cast, no cost or reset.
Aspect. Grants +1...3 health regeneration. If you are in a wolf form, then conditions inflicted on you also have the durations cut by 15%.
Only 2 aspects can be active at the same time. Wolf Aspects.
Aspect of Hunger: Instant cast, no cost or reset.
Aspect. This aspect causes -1 health degeneration, but causes you to steal 2...3 health on attacks. If you are in a wolf form, you recover an additional +2 health on attacks.
Only 2 aspects can be active at the same time. Wolf Aspects.
Aspect of Stamina(?): Instant cast, no cost or reset.
Aspect. Grants +1...2 energy regeneration. If you are in a wolf form, this also causes you to gain 1 energy on attacks.
Only 2 aspects can be active at the same time. Wolf Aspects.
(Note: this should work as +1 at rank 1, +2 at rank 8, +3 at rank 13.)
Aspect of Agility(?): Instant cast, no cost or reset.
Aspect. Grants a 10...30% chance to evade melee attacks while attacking. If you are in a wolf form, then you block rather than evade, and any attacks blocked in this way cause the attacker to take 5 damage.
Only 2 aspects can be active at the same time. Wolf Aspects.
(Note: the idea here isn't that the werewolf is blocking a sword with their arm or something, but that you strike the other person's arm before they finish the swing. The crazyness of how hard this would be to accomplish while surrounded by people is a good explanation as to why you only block/evade 10-30% of the time, although it was actually done for balancing, obviously.)
Aspect of Predation(?): Instant cast, no cost or reset.
Aspect. This enhances your Predatory attribute by +2. If you are in a wolf form, then tracking skills are enhanced by +3 rather than +2.
Only 2 aspects can be active at the same time. Wolf Aspects.
(The effects if this aspect do not take place with a Wolf Aspects rank of less than 5.)
Aspect of Cunning(?): Instant cast, no cost or reset.
Aspect. This enhances your Unarmed Mastery attribute by +2. If you are in a wolf form, then skills inflicting a condition other than Silence or Dazed are enhanced by +3 rather than +2.
Only 2 aspects can be active at the same time. Wolf Aspects.
(The effects if this aspect do not take place with a Wolf Aspects rank of less than 5.)
(Note: there shouldn't be any aspects that enhance Wolf Aspects or Ferocity.)
Aspect of Bloodlust (E): Instant cast, no cost or reset.
Aspect. This allows the effects of Ferocity which take place whenever you miss an enemy to work on any attack. If you are in a wolf form, this also causes you to recover +1...3 health any time you successfully strike a foe.
Only 2 aspects can be active at the same time. Wolf Aspects.
(Note: Aspects are canceled the same way as maintened enchantments and wolf forms.)
(Note: If some of you don't know what I mean by "aspects", the idea is that your character becomes physically or mentally more wolf-like in whatever way the skill demands by using their shapeshifting skills in a more subtle way.)
Fang's Descent: 5 energy cost, 6 second reset.
Unarmed attack. Strike target foe, dealing +2...20 damage. If target is suffering from weakness, then they are interrupted. Unarmed Mastery.
(Note: this is a kick attack, and "Fang" isn't supposed to be the name of a Lupine.)
Tear the Flesh: 5 energy cost, 6sec reset.
Unarmed attack. Strike target foe and inflict bleeding for 4...24 seconds. Unarmed Mastery.
Razor Hand Strike: 10 energy cost, 8sec reset.
Unarmed attack. Strike target foe for +5...34 damage. Unarmed Mastery.
Slashing Wind: 10 energy cost, 8sec reset.
Unarmed attack. Strike target foe 3 times. Unarmed Mastery.
Throat Lunge(?): 5 energy cost, 4sec reset.
Unarmed attack. Strike target foe, stealing 3...15 health along with dealing normal damage. Unarmed Mastery.
Feral Ripper(?)(E): 10 energy cost, 10 second reset.
Unarmed attack. Strike target foe 2 times, dealing double damage with each if the target is below 50% health. If target is suffering from a condition then this attack cannot be blocked or dodged. Unarmed Mastery.
Slice the Throat: 10 energy cost, 12 second reset.
Unarmed attack. Strike target foe, dealing +1...8 damage and dazing them for 2...8 seconds.
Pierce the Spine: 10 energy cost, 12 second reset.
Unarmed attack. Strike target foe, knocking them down for 2 seconds. Unarmed Mastery.
(50% failure chance with Unarmed Mastery 4 or less.)
Sweeping Slash: 15 energy cost, 1/4 second cast, 45 second reset.
Unarmed attack. Strike target foe, crippling them for 8...16 seconds and knocking them down. Normal damage does not take place with this attack. Unarmed Mastery.
Victimize: 10 energy cost, 18 second reset.
Unarmed attack. This attack strikes knocked down foes 4 times. If you are in a wolf form, this attacks 5 times, but deals 25% less damage with each. Unarmed Mastery.
Track Humans: 5/4 second cast, no cost or reset.
Skill. This skill allows you to track down humans by their scent for 15 seconds. The range of the tracking increases with a higher Predatory rank, and the effect is enhanced further while in a wolf form. Predatory.
(Note: the range people can be tracked at is roughly as follows while not in a wolf form; at rank 1 you should be able to track people twice the distance of your radar length, at rank 10 you should be able to track things roughly the distance from the gates of Lion's Arch to the north end of the Ascalon Settlement. Wolf forms increase the range by 3 ranks. Also, Tracking DOES work on non-hostile creatures too, but it will not track teammates.)
(Note: this works on humans and anything similar such as dwarves.)
Track Demons: 5/4 second cast, no cost or reset.
Skill. This skill allows you to track down demons by their unatural scent for 15 seconds. The range of the tracking increases with a higher Predatory rank, and the effect is enhanced further while in a wolf form. Predatory.
(Note: this works on creatures such as Oni, Djinni, and... other demons I guess.)
Track Beasts: 5/4 second cast, no cost or reset.
Skill. This skill allows you to track down beasts by their scent for 15 seconds. The range of the tracking increases with a higher Predatory rank, and the effect is enhanced further while in a wolf form. Predatory.
(Note: this works on companion-type animals, Charr, Trolls, Ettins, Tengu, and other Lupines in wolf form. Things not mentioned as well.)
Track Undead: 5/4 second cast, no cost or reset.
Skill. This skill allows you to track down undead by their scent.. often of rotting flesh, for 15 seconds. The range of the tracking increases with a higher Predatory rank, and the effect is enhanced further while in a wolf form. Predatory.
(Note: this includes zombies, ghouls, liches, shadows, spirits, skeletons, necromancer minions, and other creatures not mentioned.)
Track Elementals: 5/4 second cast, no cost or reset.
Skill. This skill allows you to track down elementals by their scent for 15 seconds. The range of the tracking increases with a higher Predatory rank, and the effect is enhanced further while in a wolf form. Predatory.
(Note: this includes golems, titans, plant creatures, and... imps? Other things not mentioned as well.)
Track the Powerful(?)(E): 5/4 second cast, no cost or reset.
Skill. This skill allows you to track down boss monsters by the scent of their powerful auras for 15 seconds. The range of the tracking increases with a higher Predatory rank, and the effect is enhanced further while in a wolf form. Predatory.
Devour Flesh: 10 energy cost, 2 second cast, 15 second reset.
Skill. Exploit an adjacent corpse and heal +30...300 health. Can only be used in a wolf form. Predatory.
Schism (E): 10 energy cost, instant cast, 30 second reset.
Enchantment spell. The next time you try using a wolf form while this is in effect, rather than change, the wolf form appears next to you as a minion. The form has the same stats that it would based on your Wolf Aspects rank, 80AL, 8 base damage, and 40...100 base health. This spell lasts for 30 seconds, though the minion lasts untill it is killed. While this minion is alive you cannot use that wolf form. Predatory.
(Note: using the skill with the wolf form will still require the casting time to complete before the minion is summoned. Also, this does not leave an exploitable corpse.)
Alpha Beast: 10 energy cost, 30 second reset.
Shout. For 20 seconds, all party members gain a 5...10% run speed bonus, and +4 damage on attacks. Predatory.
(Note: I'm not sure if full-party enchantments exist, but if they do, this would be better as one.)
Howl: 5 energy cost, 12 second reset.
Shout. All party members gain +1...5 strikes of adrenaline. If you are in a wolf form, then all opponents in the area also lose 2 strikes of adrenaline. Ferocity.
Other information:
If you haven't noticed by now, I've been refering to the wolf forms as plural. My idea is that there should probably be more than one wolf form of different colors, which grant different bonuses, or the bonuses are stronger and weaker in different areas. If there should be only one wolf form, then I still think something should differentiate Lupine's in wolf forms from eachother with their appearance, like having hair color effect the werewolf's color.
I was thinking that maybe Lupines should use gauntlet/glove weapons, but that wouldn't go very well with the fact that characters already have gloves as a piece of armor, and artificial finger claws or something sound really stupid to me, especially since theres a skill that's supposed to give them real claws (even if they aren't actually visible).
It may seem strange that their attack skills often rely on slashing the enemy, but the idea is that the Lupines should have somewhat long nails (about an inch from back to end), which they file/sharpen into claw-like points. This doesn't really have to be made actually visible on the character in my oppinion. If you think that's a strange thing to do, the idea is that they do it to make themselves more like the wolves they emulate, and for use in their fighting style; the Aspect of Claws skill is supposed to make them into real claws. Also, with the auto-attacks, I think that they should not do slashing motions (atleast not with all of them); they're trained in basic martial arts, not cat fighting

Also, I keep saying "basic martial arts" because if they were masters of martial arts, that would completely ruin the chances of their being a Martial Artist class, which some people want. If there isn't any chance of there ever being a Martial Artist, then I don't care, they could be as crazy skilled of a martial artists as you want, but they should still make their own style from their ferocity and wolf-like nature.
And, when I say that they trained in basic martial arts and created their own unique style, I mean that they trained in the basics of how to fight bare-handed, and then created their own unarmed martial art unique to them which they then became very skilled in. As you can tell from the skills, their fighting style is very feral and vicious, often relying on their claws to cut their opponent.
I really can't find this classes place in a group other than a tracker or a warrior with a little less defense and a little more offense. I can't really see how any new class would have it's own completely unique area in a group though, and it's kindof a stupid thing to ask for. If I remember right, the idea of every new class being completely unique in it's role is so ridiculous that it was decided that the "Core" classes would remain like that, and any new ones would pretty much end up as variations filling the same general roles (damage, tank, healer, minions, hexer, enchanter etc..) So, this is pretty much a more offensive warrior, sort of like a "bunny thumper" (less offense than an assassin, but more defense. More offense than a warrior, but less defense.) Looking at it more closely, I just realized that this class has almost no spike damage, but pretty good consistant damage, that's something that barely exists right now, atleast in melee classes. But.. that's probably for a reason, maybe melee characters can't stay on someone easily enouph for consistant damage? I guess that makes the Lupines possible perma-light-sprint thing valuable to them.
An idea behind the class is that they can shapeshift. I don't know what the story should be on how they learned some of the ancient druid magic; but the idea is that they had discovered enouph of the druid magic ability of shapeshifting to make themselves wolf-like, shunning any further shapeshifting knowledge that would allow them to become anything else. They trained with this very basic knowledge of shapeshifting that they had gained untill they had actually surpassed what the typical druid was capable of when it came to shapeshifting into a certain form, becuase they had focused solely and fanatically on learning to shapeshift into a wolf. But their knowledge of it was incomplete, so they couldn't actually become an ordinary wolf, and they no longer cared to after learning to grant permenant wolf-like abilities (aspects) on themselves, and learning to become the powerful Werewolf, and decided it was best to combine the greatest aspects of both the human and the wolf, rather than simply being another wolf. Lupines are legendary hunters, and their knowledge of how great a hunter humans can be was one of the reasons they decided to retain a human form. As with many things, the main reason they are hunters is because wolfs are, but the fact that the wolf is such a great hunter is also one of their many reasons for their desire to be more like them. In hunting or fighting, they prefer to rely exclusively on their bodies, refusing to use tools such as weapons, not because the wolf does not, as they realize it is more intelligent to use tools, but because they don't feel they can fully "enjoy" it any other way, though there are a few who do. They are not crazed murderers though, they prefer to avoid any unnecessary fights, as it is usually difficult for them to hold back from killing once they are in one, and any meaningless death is something they often frown upon. Of course, if there is any decent reason for the fight, then they reeeaally enjoy it.
Lupines are not a society. It was a fairly long time ago that a group of people had discovered and perfected the art of Lupine shapeshifting, and Lupines are people with similar ideals that had been trained in the Lupine arts by Lupines. People are trained as Lupines in much the same way as anything else, such as Elementalists or Warriors. The people that want to be trained as a Lupine often share those similar ideals or personalities, and are required to have a very strong affinity and respect for wolves.
Long.. so very, very long...