Online Sit-Down Dev Chat - more thoughts
While that was a nice thoughtful letter, I think A-net is doing a fine job. As with any game, there will always be problems and there will always be people who can't see beyond those problems, or the effort behind the curtains to fix such problems, but I think A-net is doing REALLY well. Considering that there is no monthly fee for this game, I see no room to complain. However, there is nothing wrong with sharing your opinion, and in that sense, I think you did so very well. If there is a voice speaking to A-net, I would feel comfortable having it as yours, since you have displayed well thought out comments, understanding and maturity.
I don't think a conversation with the devs will solve much. I believe it when Anet says they read fan sites. I'm sure they're aware of the common complaints. The fact is, they can't and won't do everything we ask for. In any type of sit-down, I doubt they'd commit to anything, and that's understandable. They're a business--suggestions have to be weighed and prioritized with everything else on their plate. They can't say 'yes' or 'no' in a second. A sit-down discussion will lead to more frustration and anger--people will expect the devs to listen to their reasonable points of view, nod and smile, and say 'yes, we'll get on that right away'. It won't and can't work that way.
As far as dealing with a company goes, the best way to vote is with your wallet. If you're disappointed with Factions, voice reasons for your disappointment on forums like these and don't preorder chapter three. See what the reviews are like before buying. There are plenty of games out there, folks. GW is one among many. If it meets your needs, great, if not, find a better match and spend your money there.
As far as dealing with a company goes, the best way to vote is with your wallet. If you're disappointed with Factions, voice reasons for your disappointment on forums like these and don't preorder chapter three. See what the reviews are like before buying. There are plenty of games out there, folks. GW is one among many. If it meets your needs, great, if not, find a better match and spend your money there.
Originally Posted by Redly
I think it's important to keep this in mind. Michael raises some good points; I've just apparently arrived at a different final answer than he has.
So sorry, but we do not "get a lot of 2". Part of my issue is that we aren't hearing much from the team. Obvious examples include 12v12 and the Elite Missions. Gaile gives us 3 lines of real reasons or defenses, and that's it. 12v12 was altered from FPE, she said, to allow for more tactics--and that was all she said, while recognizing the communication issues. But, did they not see the way teams could come together in the FPE? Or, have they not realized that even with a chat channel for teams in those battles, monks are STILL unable to effectively heal beyond their 4/4 party? We don't know. If we got a No answer, at least we'd know that this is how it would remain; or that they intend to fix the chat issues but have no intention of restoring the 12-man party bar. But, we don't know. |
And, in reference to your comment about how they have to KNOW that it's in their best interests to communicate with players... |
Thats why Anet hired her, to be a buffer/translator (if you've ever worked with developers you'd know how important translation is) between devs/designers and gamers.
As I said before, IRC chats with devs on MMOG's are not an uncommon thing. This is not a radical or new idea you guys
They happen frequently. And while we have a line of communication because of Gaile Gray in game and on the forums and with Alex Weekes on the forums I also think this would be a nice idea to get to know the other devs and hear them answer some questions.
Gaile Gray is the mouthpiece for ArenaNet and just seeing some other devs in a chat room, and hearing their own words would be a great thing for the community I believe.

Gaile Gray is the mouthpiece for ArenaNet and just seeing some other devs in a chat room, and hearing their own words would be a great thing for the community I believe.
Going a little off-topic... (sorry)
Alliance Battles; Wouldn't it be possible for them to split Alliance Battles into both 12 player RA and 12 player TA? Winning 10 RA-Alliance Battles unlocks the next 'level' of Alliance Battles. The TA-Alliance Battles could have a higher faction reward to discourage 'farming' of the newer/un-organized players. I'm not sure what to do about the party screen... Perhaps if the other 8 players came under their own tab(s), like pets do, you'll still see their HP bars but they'll not be effected by party-targetting spells such as Heal Party or Aegis.
Alliance Battles; Wouldn't it be possible for them to split Alliance Battles into both 12 player RA and 12 player TA? Winning 10 RA-Alliance Battles unlocks the next 'level' of Alliance Battles. The TA-Alliance Battles could have a higher faction reward to discourage 'farming' of the newer/un-organized players. I'm not sure what to do about the party screen... Perhaps if the other 8 players came under their own tab(s), like pets do, you'll still see their HP bars but they'll not be effected by party-targetting spells such as Heal Party or Aegis.
Originally Posted by Inde
As I said before, IRC chats with devs on MMOG's are not an uncommon thing This is not a radical or new idea you guys
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Originally Posted by Tijger
Indeed but has it occured to you that their wishes may not be my wishes?
Someone mentioned OSS software development earlier and while it has its successes it also 'enjoys' huge fragmentation exactly because everyone has different wishes, wants, needs and expectations. |
No one said anything about, "gee, I wish Anet would implement every suggestion and idea we come up with."
Originally Posted by Metanoia
Going a little off-topic... (sorry)
Alliance Battles; Wouldn't it be possible for them to split Alliance Battles into both 12 player RA and 12 player TA? Winning 10 RA-Alliance Battles unlocks the next 'level' of Alliance Battles. The TA-Alliance Battles could have a higher faction reward to discourage 'farming' of the newer/un-organized players. I'm not sure what to do about the party screen... Perhaps if the other 8 players came under their own tab(s), like pets do, you'll still see their HP bars but they'll not be effected by party-targetting spells such as Heal Party or Aegis. |
For those of you who are going on about how this is such a bad idea think about this:
-It will not be fanboys and gals shouting out I LOVE YOU GAILE! WILL YOU HAVE MY BABY!
-It will be a sit in where select people are allowed to speak to keep down the stupid stuff (we can't even have that on the boards!)
-It will be a way of getting our ideas and questions out there without a bunch or rants and people calling everyone an idiot!
-The questions will be collected ahead of time.
As Inde has said, this isn't unheard of and it might be the best way to get things across without Gaile and Alex having to sift through all the hate messages on this board.
And no this doesn't have to happen every night but heck I would be happy with every 2wks -4wks or when new info comes out. It can be schedualed so that people know when it will happen (instead of watching your buddy list waiting for Gaile to log on and then fighting with the people shouting at Gaile "here take this 1k as a token of my love!" - half the time valid points and questions go unseen, unheard, unanswered because of things like that.
We cannot ask Gaile to spend more time than she already does talking to us ingame, and it seems that posting our thoughts or ideas on this board just gets us flamed..... If it gets around the stupidity of ingame crazies, board politics, and those who not only don't want to be heard but don't want you to be heard either - and WITHOUT making a mess, then why not?
As for them saying no to things.... I have heard them say no and explain their reasoning which is "usually" valid. Sometimes it something so simple that can be gotten around, but I have seen with my own eyes that the Devs have no problem saying "NO!".
Edits: 1) Please, I know I'm really drawing from 12v12 to exemplify my point, but PLEASE do not turn this into a debate on 12v12 and how to fix it. We already have that forum.
2) Personally, I don't see how Gaile manages to catch ~anything~ with all that goes on around her, AND manages to reply to what she does. o_O Mad props to GGray for not drowning!
THAT is a very, very, very real danger--one that I will immediately acknowledge. Again, I just feel that the opportunities and benefits will outweigh the risks,
Tijger, please don't misunderstand me. I'm not looking for my own Dev In My Pocket... I can't imagine that a single chat every month, or quarter, or expansion--at least every so often--would put them too far behind. And honestly, I'd be willing to wait one more day for the Reconnect feature to be implemented, if it meant we could get the lowdown on what they're thinking and what their goals are.
Buying a game may not entitle me to know everything, but as a customer who will (hopefully!) be providing them further income for years to come... well, let's just say that even if they have ZERO obligation to keep the players happy and engaged, it's still plain good business sense to do so.
And trust me, I understand the huge disconnect between Dev and EndUser. Unfortunately, I get the impression that a similar disconnect exists between ANet's Dev team and their PR team. You said it yourself: "Gaile Gray is paid to talk to players, not the devs". If she doesn't have answers we're looking for, then to whom shall we turn?
2) Personally, I don't see how Gaile manages to catch ~anything~ with all that goes on around her, AND manages to reply to what she does. o_O Mad props to GGray for not drowning!
Originally Posted by felinette
As long as everyone's expectations are realistic. People may expect too much from the conversation.
Tijger, please don't misunderstand me. I'm not looking for my own Dev In My Pocket... I can't imagine that a single chat every month, or quarter, or expansion--at least every so often--would put them too far behind. And honestly, I'd be willing to wait one more day for the Reconnect feature to be implemented, if it meant we could get the lowdown on what they're thinking and what their goals are.
Buying a game may not entitle me to know everything, but as a customer who will (hopefully!) be providing them further income for years to come... well, let's just say that even if they have ZERO obligation to keep the players happy and engaged, it's still plain good business sense to do so.
And trust me, I understand the huge disconnect between Dev and EndUser. Unfortunately, I get the impression that a similar disconnect exists between ANet's Dev team and their PR team. You said it yourself: "Gaile Gray is paid to talk to players, not the devs". If she doesn't have answers we're looking for, then to whom shall we turn?
that's a nice post Redly. I hope that they will agree with the public chat. I am interested in listening to the conversation.
Originally Posted by Tijger
Anet communicates more than any game company I've ever seen but ofcourse, you'd rather see the devs spending their time hanging around in chat it seems...uh...hello? Devs are paid to code, not to chat to players, Gaile Gray is paid to talk to players, not the devs.
Thats why Anet hired her, to be a buffer/translator (if you've ever worked with developers you'd know how important translation is) between devs/designers and gamers. |
And as far as "devs are paid to code not to chat" this is the biggest mistake any programmer can ever make. I have more than 20 years of programming experience and I can tell you that using an intermediary to find out what the end user's problems are is a recipe for disaster. You can only truly understand what your users/players want or need if you spend the time to communicate with them. All it takes is one person inbetween and the communication gets distorted and watered down. And the one caveat to this is you need to make sure you don't do all your communicating with just a small sample of users/players (this leads to a jaded narrow view of what is needed/desired).
Redly & Eviance, you guys keep on posting! Well thought out ideas with just the right amount of humor in them. Now I have to go check out all your old posts to see what else you have been up to

Originally Posted by Quozz
I can tell you that using an intermediary to find out what the end user's problems are is a recipe for disaster.
Anet may communicate more in quantity but I believe what the op is mentioning is that the quality is sorely lacking. |
Originally Posted by Quozz
Redly & Eviance, you guys keep on posting! Well thought out ideas with just the right amount of humor in them. Now I have to go check out all your old posts to see what else you have been up to
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Originally Posted by felinette
Also, all communications about upcoming features and changes should be posted at the official site. Not everyone hangs around forums.
Or the 12v12, they could have posted on the front page: It will be nothing like the FPE, we think it will better off this way with a split of 4+4+4 v 4+4+4 and no more random entering. We think you guys will like this much better, but we are still working out some bugs, so please be pateint.
I don't blame Gaile for not telling us everything, granted she can't usually. But at the same time I feel like I am speaking to some glorified oracle half the time who has fans crawling on her and she is too busy being kind and cryptic to give me any real inkling as to what the bloody heck she is talking about!
Someone mentioned that in her last chat she came off as rude and crass.... Heck she did that in the one before last too and it was a miscommunication, because we don't see all the fanboy yelling that goes on between her sentences.
I recall the last time I watched one of her chats (long while back) and I kept asking calmly about 1v1 and scrimages... some idiot kept yelling: Gaile do you want a Dr. Pepper! and then there were some going GAILE YOU SUCK - others yelling obscene things and it was stupid - for 10mins I repeated it whenever chat would start to slow down some (otherwise I knew she would miss it cause it wasn't in all caps)... Finally I got: ooooh 1v1 that would be cool! I will mention that to them!
But it took so long to get it out there (this was before I knew about GWG).
She comes to the people more as a morale boost than anything else. Months pass and I see people telling me that she mentioned guild storage (for the 30th time I am sure!) and usually its all old news to me, as she has mentioned it about 7times before.
We need better lines of communication. If they didn't care about their players they wouldn't respond or read the boards, they wouldn't come ingame to chat with us. It's obvious that they care at least to some degree and there are ways we could make it easier for them.
This thread isn't about wanting to talk more, it's wanting to clear the air of all the ranting and silly stuff and cryptic oracle talk -_-
I can usually understand Yoda better than I can Gaile's chat logs, and while that isn't her fault there are ways to make it better and this could possibly be one.
Originally Posted by Eviance
Don't hunt down to many of mine dear you might be disapointed =P I don't always show the same amount of class and eloquent wording as my husband. >_<
Originally Posted by Redly
I think it's important to keep this in mind. Michael raises some good points; I've just apparently arrived at a different final answer than he has.
So sorry, but we do not "get a lot of 2". Part of my issue is that we aren't hearing much from the team. Obvious examples include 12v12 and the Elite Missions. Gaile gives us 3 lines of real reasons or defenses, and that's it. 12v12 was altered from FPE, she said, to allow for more tactics--and that was all she said, while recognizing the communication issues. But, did they not see the way teams could come together in the FPE? Or, have they not realized that even with a chat channel for teams in those battles, monks are STILL unable to effectively heal beyond their 4/4 party? We don't know. If we got a No answer, at least we'd know that this is how it would remain; or that they intend to fix the chat issues but have no intention of restoring the 12-man party bar. But, we don't know. And, in reference to your comment about how they have to KNOW that it's in their best interests to communicate with players... GG. |
Lets look at these then.
Elite Missions - Players have a problem with the fact that only the top alliances can have access or GRANT access (remember, anyone in an alliance can let anyone else into the missions area.) However, that's just what players think. Anet might think differently about it. They might decide that it's exactly the way they intended it, just like Favour for the other high level areas.
12v12 - (In particular refernce to the posted quotes) The FPE was a BETA and was subject to changes. The FPE was in no way a 100% accurate representation of what the game would be upon release. Secondly, I suspect the reasons for the changes were made for sensible reasons. 1) Forcing people to join a party of 4 means it is now harder for people to use scripts to autojoin the battles and leech faction. 2) in a team of 12 with team chat as the only communication, if a party member from one "team of 4" calls a target it shows up on every other players window. Including those not in their "team of 4". Having individual teams allows better communication under the current system.
Now, with regards to the above, I don't see Elite missions access changing. However, I do see changes to the alliance battles happening. There are some good suggestions around and something will most likely be done.
BUT, Factions has been out for what, 2 weeks? Think about what Anet have been doing in those 2 weeks. For a start, looking at and fixing bugs. Handling press. Running around trying to sort out CE problems. Mini pet for CE owners. etc. Do you think they've been on holiday on a tropical island somehwere? No. Currently, they are promoting Guild Wars at E3.
You seem to think Anet work 24/7 with nothing else to do but bend to the requests of players. Give a thought for what they have been up to over the last 2 weeks and you might realize that the reason for a lack of info on the two main issues you are concerned about is because they are quite busy at the moment! Come on, they've just released a major title, what do you expect them to do?
I think all your expectations are far too high and totally unfounded.
I think Anet's communication is great. If you think 2 weeks (2 busy weeks for Anet) without mention on two issues YOU feel are important is enough to say Anet do not communicate with the community, then perhaps you need to rethink your expectations.
Perhaps people should relax, enjoy the game and wait for things to settle down a bit. Anet have always responded to issues in the past. It might not have been within the timescales you wanted (or the answer you wanted), but they have. And where possible they have delivered!
Guild Wars has many serious issues besides the two or three most commonly talked about ones.
They definitely should have a sit-down dev chat where hardball questions and uncommon yet important questions are thrown at the devs. Ie: Why is nothing ever done about the "sigils are worthless" issue that has been stagnating for many months, that makes winning on the HoH map pointless?
Or...there should be an announcement about which in-game district Gaile will be in at certain times so that those who wish to ask necessary hardball or uncommon questions have an opportunity to do so.
They definitely should have a sit-down dev chat where hardball questions and uncommon yet important questions are thrown at the devs. Ie: Why is nothing ever done about the "sigils are worthless" issue that has been stagnating for many months, that makes winning on the HoH map pointless?
Or...there should be an announcement about which in-game district Gaile will be in at certain times so that those who wish to ask necessary hardball or uncommon questions have an opportunity to do so.
The bottom line for me is...
Yes, ANet communicate more than enough with the fans in terms of appearances made by Gaile in the forums/game. However, the issue is that REALLY, we get nothing of substance from her in terms of response to questions/future features etc. I'd rather have less quantity and more quality.
There's only so many times the "I'll let the devs decide that one" response can work before people start to get a bit itchy about it. Even a "no" from a dev is better than the apparent PR brush off.
Yes, ANet communicate more than enough with the fans in terms of appearances made by Gaile in the forums/game. However, the issue is that REALLY, we get nothing of substance from her in terms of response to questions/future features etc. I'd rather have less quantity and more quality.
There's only so many times the "I'll let the devs decide that one" response can work before people start to get a bit itchy about it. Even a "no" from a dev is better than the apparent PR brush off.
Originally Posted by michaeldt
You seem to think Anet work 24/7 with nothing else to do but bend to the requests of players. Give a thought for what they have been up to over the last 2 weeks and you might realize that the reason for a lack of info on the two main issues you are concerned about is because they are quite busy at the moment! Come on, they've just released a major title, what do you expect them to do!
Honestly? I expect to see this in Lion's Arch/Kaineng City:
Originally Posted by LA/KC chat
Gaile Gray: Oh, alliance battles?
Gaile Gray: Yeah, the devs are still looking at the, trying to decide what to do. Gaile Gray: Trust me, we know that there are a range of opinions on that, that some people don't like the smaller party bars. Gaile Gray: We're trying to fix the bugs right now, though, so just hold on until then, ok? |
Originally Posted by LA/KC chat
Gaile Gray: Oh, alliance battles?
Gaile Gray: I know the dev team is pretty satisfied with the changes they implemented. Gaile Gray: Honestly, I don't expect to see it change anytime soon. Maybe in the far future, but not soon. Gaile Gray: 12v12 was never supposed to the the chaos that we saw during the FPE. That's why we have random arenas ^_~ Gaile Gray: So, I wouldn't look for any changes there. |
I was actually at this session, one of the 329,u48,390,1xx people who were trying to throw their questions into local chat. I did in fact ask something close to: "Gaile, does the dev team still feel that 4/4 squads were the way to go? Are they satisfied with the change, or are we still seeing as many problems as before?"
Of course, she moved on immediately to something else I missed, some potential exploit I think, and two lines later began giving her farewells. (link to the thread, read the bottom half of the last picture). So, do we wait? Do we hope? Is there any point in continuing to express our dissatisfaction--after all, people have been complaining about the favor system for some time now... but, whether you like it or not, it's apparently here to stay. I'd like to not waste time writing about 12v12 if there's no hope of changing it.
I expect answers, sir. A Yes, a No, or a Maybe. Half-hearted responses do not an answer create.
Originally Posted by Inde
Gaile Gray is the mouthpiece for ArenaNet and just seeing some other devs in a chat room, and hearing their own words would be a great thing for the community I believe.
Originally Posted by CK0
If they answered tough questions, and not give run-around answers, it will change my view of ANET for the better.
The point was, if Gaile is going to be a mouth piece then we would like a little something more than how cute pets are and talk of hair stylists and the same thing over and over. We want something where people do not have to compete with idiots to be heard....
His suggestion was very viable if you read Inde's post that it has been done before.
In this way people can submit questions and such, and they can take the most commonly stressed issues - take a few days to think up a better answer than "Oh sure it needs to be addressed" which tells us nothing (but is usually the round about answer we get) Time to respond with a simple straight forward answer is what is needed.
The PRs aren't the ones working on the game and if you ask around I am sure that a bunch of you will agree that there are many of the GW team INGAME playing or spying or whatever it is they are doing. I have heard a couple of times where GM will sneakily ask questions in local chat about something to get opinions...
So how is this any different? Because it is straight forward and we wouldn't feel like we were getting the run around? Do you like living in the dark on everything? I don't and no one is asking them to answer every little thing we just want to be kept up on changes that they are obviously going to make with or without our say. I hate having to sift my way through the Gaile chat logs and the siliness only to find out nothing was addressed at all -_-
Instead of surfing these forums to answer every little question or request - we could have ONE thread stickied that is full of questions and at the end of 2wks someone collect the important ones and submit them to Anet and 2wks later or however long they need, they could set a meeting time in IRC and address them in full or at least with a little more than cryptic answers.
His suggestion was very viable if you read Inde's post that it has been done before.
In this way people can submit questions and such, and they can take the most commonly stressed issues - take a few days to think up a better answer than "Oh sure it needs to be addressed" which tells us nothing (but is usually the round about answer we get) Time to respond with a simple straight forward answer is what is needed.
The PRs aren't the ones working on the game and if you ask around I am sure that a bunch of you will agree that there are many of the GW team INGAME playing or spying or whatever it is they are doing. I have heard a couple of times where GM will sneakily ask questions in local chat about something to get opinions...
So how is this any different? Because it is straight forward and we wouldn't feel like we were getting the run around? Do you like living in the dark on everything? I don't and no one is asking them to answer every little thing we just want to be kept up on changes that they are obviously going to make with or without our say. I hate having to sift my way through the Gaile chat logs and the siliness only to find out nothing was addressed at all -_-
Instead of surfing these forums to answer every little question or request - we could have ONE thread stickied that is full of questions and at the end of 2wks someone collect the important ones and submit them to Anet and 2wks later or however long they need, they could set a meeting time in IRC and address them in full or at least with a little more than cryptic answers.