need an officer to scrim?



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Dragon Academy


i treid using search for this but it was down again.

I heard some where before factions came out that members of a guild could do scrims but now ime hearing they cant only if there is an officer in the battle, can any one clear this up for me? thanks.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Mo Mo Patty Blinks [MoMo]


Anyone can do a scrimmage and you can do as many of em as you want at the same time. Just grab your group, press the Enter Mission/Enter Battle, w/e the button says, then select scrimmage, then whatever team in your guild hall wants to face you presses enter mission and joins your scrim listed on guild battle window. you can do any number (1-8) team vs any other number team, even 1v1.