i was wondering how to take screenshots in the Game?? i was wondering because i want to post pictures of items i want to sell here on the guru website.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. THANX!
how can i take screenshots?
cane abel
press the print screen button on your keyboard...idk where ur print screen button is but mine is to the right of backspace. The picture should turn up to where you installed your guildwars.
cane abel
hmmm, what does the "print screen" button look like?
mine looks like
cane abel
err, i found it but it doesnt work, any idea on how to turn it on?
Originally Posted by cane abel
err, i found it but it doesnt work, any idea on how to turn it on?
after you press print screen...
go into paint
and press ctrl v or copy... maybe ur screen will turn up there.
cane abel
ok, i figured it out but what is the best way to make a compilation of many items i wish to sell? like use paint, cut? plz help