Smokey Jack Wants You!
Ulivious The Reaper
cool, i'll be there i guess :P
Originally Posted by Smokey Jack
Issue 3 schedule?! We actually made it past 2! This issue will introduce a large chunk of the protagonist main characters so if your name is in the schedule more then ever please do not miss the shoot unless you have told me before hand.
Saturday Schedule: (July 8th)
10:00pm GMT (3pm pacific)
Stalker Haras
12:00am GMT (5pm pacific)
Corran Rhys
(Extra character which I still need to pick)
1:00am GMT (6pm pacific)
Corran Rhys
Ulivious The Reaper
Pie Xags
Plushie Penguin
bringer di morte
Sunday schedule will be announced tomorrow cause I still havn't actually written a part of the script
To change things up, instead of pming me if you can't make it, please pm me to let me know that you can make it to the time I've set for you. The deadline is this thursday to pm me back before I consider you not coming.
Thx everyone! dont i get to join =( poohead :P
Saturday Schedule: (July 8th)
10:00pm GMT (3pm pacific)
Stalker Haras
12:00am GMT (5pm pacific)
Corran Rhys
(Extra character which I still need to pick)
1:00am GMT (6pm pacific)
Corran Rhys
Ulivious The Reaper
Pie Xags
Plushie Penguin
bringer di morte
Sunday schedule will be announced tomorrow cause I still havn't actually written a part of the script
To change things up, instead of pming me if you can't make it, please pm me to let me know that you can make it to the time I've set for you. The deadline is this thursday to pm me back before I consider you not coming.
Thx everyone! dont i get to join =( poohead :P
o: I'm shocked and appauled, jk.
Looks like it's gonna be quite big judging by all the people... Good luck with it!
Looks like it's gonna be quite big judging by all the people... Good luck with it!
Smokey Jack
Heh don't worry guys theres still a sunday (july 9th) shoot that I need to plan out before I say who should be there. For sure, Zenrgy, you'll need to be there but thats pretty much all I've figured out yet.
ummmmmm.....hmmmm....arrrr...emmmm.....awwwwww.... ...ok then
Faith the Insane
Name of Character: Savio Mcmathogan[W]
Your time zone: EST
Have prophecies? (original guild wars): yeppers
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one): yeppers
Willing to be a main character? Why not
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate) Doesnt like to hang out with friends
Are they good/bad/neutral? Bad
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium/Tall
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? No
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question) No
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask)
Your time zone: EST
Have prophecies? (original guild wars): yeppers
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one): yeppers
Willing to be a main character? Why not
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate) Doesnt like to hang out with friends
Are they good/bad/neutral? Bad
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium/Tall
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? No
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question) No
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask)
Smokey Jack
Good people of guildwars I come to you all with an important message which you must all pay very close attention to....
I am an idiot
I said that the last shoot would take place saturday the 8th, 1am gmt. Well when I said that I was thinking of the date in terms of PST which at that time would of been friday the 7th. So basically I can't tell time. Because of this I am greatly sorry to everyone who showed up at the time I said and to make up for it you'll recieave an apology gift at the next shoot.
Now if this hasn't driven you away I'd like to try this again next saturday.
Saturday the 15th 10pm gmt (which is also the 15th pst)
Corran Rhys
Ulivious The Reaper
Pie Xags
Plushie Penguin
bringer di morte
Same deal as before, pm me before thursday that you can make it.
Also to make life easier here is what time that is for the different time zones you guys come from.
3:00pm PST
5:00pm EST (Central)
6:00pm Eastern
I am an idiot
I said that the last shoot would take place saturday the 8th, 1am gmt. Well when I said that I was thinking of the date in terms of PST which at that time would of been friday the 7th. So basically I can't tell time. Because of this I am greatly sorry to everyone who showed up at the time I said and to make up for it you'll recieave an apology gift at the next shoot.
Now if this hasn't driven you away I'd like to try this again next saturday.
Saturday the 15th 10pm gmt (which is also the 15th pst)
Corran Rhys
Ulivious The Reaper
Pie Xags
Plushie Penguin
bringer di morte
Same deal as before, pm me before thursday that you can make it.
Also to make life easier here is what time that is for the different time zones you guys come from.
3:00pm PST
5:00pm EST (Central)
6:00pm Eastern
Hidden in the Mist
Name of Character: Ankara Nightsear
Your time zone: PST
Have prophecies? (original guild wars) Yes.
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one) Yes.
Willing to be a main character? Yes.
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate) Friendly, helping, carefree, but if you step on her wrong side, she'll flare like a bitch.
Are they good/bad/neutral? Neutral, could take either side or both at the same time.
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Short.
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? Depends which armor.
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question) Very much yes.
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask) She has fully explored Tyria and Cantha/
Hidden in the Mist
Bump for Smokey Jack to see.
1st Audition
Name of Character: Dwarven Samurai
Your time zone: GMT+1
Have prophecies? yes
Have factions? yes
Willing to be a main character? sure
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Samurai is a young dwarf (dont mention his beard, or he'll punch you) which extends in his personality. He loves beer, and actually fights better when he is tanked, therefore he functions best as a party tank. He's is extremely loyal and won't hesitate to put himself in harms way to save a friend, unless his drunken behavior makes him trip over his own feet.
Are they good/bad/neutral? Good, hell yeah.
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Well.. he IS a dwarf...
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? I have standard gladiators armor and 15k kurzick. Spent enough money on armor for him now :P
2nd Audition
Name of Character: Emilia Withertouch
Willing to be a main character? sure
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Emilia was a very happy girl when she was still a little kid, untill one day a herd of crazed cattle ran over her doll collection. Her grief awakened necromantic powers and she raised and army of undead pigs and headless chickens to avenge her dolls, and unleashed her wrath on the sheep. Her mind never aged as of that day, so she is very playfull as long as she is being left alone, she doesnt like strangers... beware the undead oink!
Are they good/bad/neutral? Neutral, people will need to win her trust before she'll become friends.
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? She isnt the tallest, given her age.
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? I have scar armor and standard necrotic.
3rd Audition
Name of Character: Seishin Takurami
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Seishin is outgoing extravert and always looking for a fun time. She tends to overdo most things and is very naive. [good character] She is easily misled by power but will eventually see her mistake and return to her friends. [evil character] Ever in search of more power she will remova any obstacle in her path to gain what she thinks is rightfully hers. Uses seduction as a weapon.
Are they good/bad/neutral? Neutral+good / Evil
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? 15k Rogues armor, and soon standard Kurzick.
4th Audition
Name of Character: Voices in my Mind
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Overall, 2 words. Village Drunk. But when needed can command powerfull spirits to defeat enemies, who needs weapons? Will 'command' spirits to get him more beer, even though he's actually talking to the waitress.
Are they good/bad/neutral? good
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Tall
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor. Short on cash atm... 15k kurzick is quite an investment an my warrior.
5th Audition
Name of Character: Whispering Roar
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Scout, Spy or Assassin. Nobody really knows her, the ones that knew are dead. Not truly evil, but may be forced into service due to a terrible secret the bad guy knows of, and uses for blackmail.
Are they good/bad/neutral? Neutral+Evil
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor:I have standard Luxon and stander black druids.
6th Audition
Name of Character: Yang Luchan
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Yang is the safe rock in de most dangerous sea to hold on to. He will protect his party no matter what. He is believed to be a descendant of both Dwayna and Balthazar, as such Yang considers it his one and only duty to protect everyone from harm. Such are the teachings of Dwayna. But when all is going wrong and the end is not yet near, Balthazar takes over and Yang undergos a schizofrenic transformation and becomes a smiting machine.
Are they good/bad/neutral? Good
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor: Standard Kurzick and tattoos.
Name of Character: Dwarven Samurai
Your time zone: GMT+1
Have prophecies? yes
Have factions? yes
Willing to be a main character? sure
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Samurai is a young dwarf (dont mention his beard, or he'll punch you) which extends in his personality. He loves beer, and actually fights better when he is tanked, therefore he functions best as a party tank. He's is extremely loyal and won't hesitate to put himself in harms way to save a friend, unless his drunken behavior makes him trip over his own feet.
Are they good/bad/neutral? Good, hell yeah.
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Well.. he IS a dwarf...
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? I have standard gladiators armor and 15k kurzick. Spent enough money on armor for him now :P
2nd Audition
Name of Character: Emilia Withertouch
Willing to be a main character? sure
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Emilia was a very happy girl when she was still a little kid, untill one day a herd of crazed cattle ran over her doll collection. Her grief awakened necromantic powers and she raised and army of undead pigs and headless chickens to avenge her dolls, and unleashed her wrath on the sheep. Her mind never aged as of that day, so she is very playfull as long as she is being left alone, she doesnt like strangers... beware the undead oink!
Are they good/bad/neutral? Neutral, people will need to win her trust before she'll become friends.
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? She isnt the tallest, given her age.
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? I have scar armor and standard necrotic.
3rd Audition
Name of Character: Seishin Takurami
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Seishin is outgoing extravert and always looking for a fun time. She tends to overdo most things and is very naive. [good character] She is easily misled by power but will eventually see her mistake and return to her friends. [evil character] Ever in search of more power she will remova any obstacle in her path to gain what she thinks is rightfully hers. Uses seduction as a weapon.
Are they good/bad/neutral? Neutral+good / Evil
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? 15k Rogues armor, and soon standard Kurzick.
4th Audition
Name of Character: Voices in my Mind
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Overall, 2 words. Village Drunk. But when needed can command powerfull spirits to defeat enemies, who needs weapons? Will 'command' spirits to get him more beer, even though he's actually talking to the waitress.
Are they good/bad/neutral? good
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Tall
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor. Short on cash atm... 15k kurzick is quite an investment an my warrior.
5th Audition
Name of Character: Whispering Roar
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Scout, Spy or Assassin. Nobody really knows her, the ones that knew are dead. Not truly evil, but may be forced into service due to a terrible secret the bad guy knows of, and uses for blackmail.
Are they good/bad/neutral? Neutral+Evil
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor:I have standard Luxon and stander black druids.
6th Audition
Name of Character: Yang Luchan
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Yang is the safe rock in de most dangerous sea to hold on to. He will protect his party no matter what. He is believed to be a descendant of both Dwayna and Balthazar, as such Yang considers it his one and only duty to protect everyone from harm. Such are the teachings of Dwayna. But when all is going wrong and the end is not yet near, Balthazar takes over and Yang undergos a schizofrenic transformation and becomes a smiting machine.
Are they good/bad/neutral? Good
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor: Standard Kurzick and tattoos.
Fire Nin
Fire Nin (Male Elem) Good
The Dark Grenth(Male Necro) Evil
The Immortal Blade (Female Warrior) Good
Defy Arrows (Female Ranger) Netural/Good
Floral Fatalis (Female Mesmer) Good
Time Zone: Not Exactly sure i live in Canada if it helps
Prophecies: yes
Willing to be a main character:yes
all chars are medium
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type:no..If you bought the armor for me :P
Is Smokey Jack handsome?: possibly.....
The Dark Grenth(Male Necro) Evil
The Immortal Blade (Female Warrior) Good
Defy Arrows (Female Ranger) Netural/Good
Floral Fatalis (Female Mesmer) Good
Time Zone: Not Exactly sure i live in Canada if it helps
Prophecies: yes
Willing to be a main character:yes
all chars are medium
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type:no..If you bought the armor for me :P
Is Smokey Jack handsome?: possibly.....
Smokey Jack
Thx to everyone still sending apps! You're makeing my life much easier
Also as a heads up there wont be anouther shooting for 2-3 weeks because i'm not going to be around Once I'm back we'll rip through some shoots and see if we can start getting issues out faster. Before I leave I'll probably do a mini issue so keep an eye out for it.
Also as a heads up there wont be anouther shooting for 2-3 weeks because i'm not going to be around Once I'm back we'll rip through some shoots and see if we can start getting issues out faster. Before I leave I'll probably do a mini issue so keep an eye out for it.
X berzerker X
Name of Character:X bezerker
Your time zone:central
Have prophecies? (original guild wars)yes
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one)yes
Willing to be a main character?sure why not
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)maybe an asshole kind of personality
Are they good/bad/neutral?which ever on u need
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium?tall
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type?maybe cause im cheap lol
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question)uhh yea sure
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask)i got half and half 1.5k kurzick and half 15k kurzick
Your time zone:central
Have prophecies? (original guild wars)yes
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one)yes
Willing to be a main character?sure why not
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)maybe an asshole kind of personality
Are they good/bad/neutral?which ever on u need
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium?tall
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type?maybe cause im cheap lol
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question)uhh yea sure
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask)i got half and half 1.5k kurzick and half 15k kurzick
Smokey Jack
Here it is everyone the lucky Issue 4 schedule!
Saturday 19th, 10pm gmt
Stalker Haras
Meta Physical
Zenrgy (come 30min late cause we wont need ya right away :P)
Wednesday 23rd, 1am gmt
Same deal as usual, let me know if you have any problems with the times listed by thursday.
Saturday 19th, 10pm gmt
Stalker Haras
Meta Physical
Zenrgy (come 30min late cause we wont need ya right away :P)
Wednesday 23rd, 1am gmt
Same deal as usual, let me know if you have any problems with the times listed by thursday.
some guy
Name of Character:
Alien Poo, Ranger/Elementalist. Male, 1.5k Luxon
Poop on Aliens, Assassin/Elementalist. Male, 1.5k Luxon
Poop Tank Lmao, Warrior/Elementalist. Male. 1.5k Luxon
Your time zone:
Pacific, GMT -8
Have prophecies? (original guild wars)
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one)
Willing to be a main character?
Sure, why not
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Say random things, weird, goofs off a lot. but always come through for some reason
Are they good/bad/neutral?
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium?
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type?
yes!!! try beating my sin
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question)
Yes lol
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask)
nothing really
Alien Poo, Ranger/Elementalist. Male, 1.5k Luxon
Poop on Aliens, Assassin/Elementalist. Male, 1.5k Luxon
Poop Tank Lmao, Warrior/Elementalist. Male. 1.5k Luxon
Your time zone:
Pacific, GMT -8
Have prophecies? (original guild wars)
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one)
Willing to be a main character?
Sure, why not
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Say random things, weird, goofs off a lot. but always come through for some reason
Are they good/bad/neutral?
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium?
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type?
yes!!! try beating my sin
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question)
Yes lol
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask)
nothing really
Name of Character: IGN is Animal Hearts You, but we could come up with something spicy or sweet for the comic
Your time zone: Pacific aka -8 gmt
Have prophecies? (original guild wars) yeaaaa budddddy
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one) uhhhh huhhhhhh
Willing to be a main character? f0 sh0 coolio
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate) Hmmm, I would say she is like a mischievious little devil who looks all cute and innocent, but it's her master plan to sabotage and backstab people!!!!!!
Are they good/bad/neutral? probably bad after that description
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? She is a monk, so short, but not insanely short
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? No, but we might have to have a rock, paper, scissors war!! haha jk jk i got cute armor anyways
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question) hmmmm, i was gonna say yes, but i had to change the answer to yes
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask) I'm one cool cat with a fun personality and I think my monk would benefit the comic as well as something fun for the community
ill link some pix
Your time zone: Pacific aka -8 gmt
Have prophecies? (original guild wars) yeaaaa budddddy
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one) uhhhh huhhhhhh
Willing to be a main character? f0 sh0 coolio
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate) Hmmm, I would say she is like a mischievious little devil who looks all cute and innocent, but it's her master plan to sabotage and backstab people!!!!!!
Are they good/bad/neutral? probably bad after that description
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? She is a monk, so short, but not insanely short
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? No, but we might have to have a rock, paper, scissors war!! haha jk jk i got cute armor anyways
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question) hmmmm, i was gonna say yes, but i had to change the answer to yes
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask) I'm one cool cat with a fun personality and I think my monk would benefit the comic as well as something fun for the community
ill link some pix
I I Super Moose I I
Central Day Time
My character's personality is hyperative, and super herory.
Yes if you didn't give me the money to get new clothes.
Central Day Time
My character's personality is hyperative, and super herory.
Yes if you didn't give me the money to get new clothes.
Smokey Jack
Thx for sending more applications in!
And I know this is short notice but in 1hour we are doing a shoot and I need a male ritualist for it. They can't be wearing luxon, or imperial armor but anything else is alright. Kurzick armor is prefered but im willing to make do without it
If you can lend a hand, jump on in an hour from now (which will be 10pm gmt) and pm Senor Hawt that you would like to help. The shoot should only take 30min.
And I know this is short notice but in 1hour we are doing a shoot and I need a male ritualist for it. They can't be wearing luxon, or imperial armor but anything else is alright. Kurzick armor is prefered but im willing to make do without it
If you can lend a hand, jump on in an hour from now (which will be 10pm gmt) and pm Senor Hawt that you would like to help. The shoot should only take 30min.
This sounds like fun, count me in! Let's see what we got...
Name of Character:
- Ernbrecht Sturmtruz, Warrior (15k Plate, 15k Canthan)
- Sister Margarethe, Monk (Fow-Armor, Dragon-Tattoos)
- Xi Xolotl, Necromancer (15k Scar pattern / Tyrian Armor mix)
- Isadora Di Comeri, Elementalist (15k Luxon, 15k Kurzick)
- Regina Di Comeri, Mesmer (Rouge's mix, Shing Jea)
- Sanya Eni Enwa, Ranger (regular Druid's)
- Snow On The Cedars, Assassin (Seitung)
For pictures see here.
Your time zone:
Have prophecies? (original guild wars)
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one)
Willing to be a main character?
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real?
Ern is thoughtful, honest, regular boyscout
Sis is careing, devout, true beliver
Xi is cynical, distant and cold
Isa and Reggie are quarrelsome, short-tempered and vain
Sanya is patient and gentle, but can be stubborn
Snow is mischievous and bold
Are they good/bad/neutral?
Ern, Sis = good
rest = neutral, but wouldn't mind playing good or bad.
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium?
all about medium (one tic from middle setting max)
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type?
I don't have storage space for additional armor sets!
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question)
Margarethe refuses to comment on this question, but Isa and Reggie think he's quite hot.
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask)
These chars are split over two accounts and I can bring chars from both at the same time, although actually playing with both synchronously is somewhat difficult.
Name of Character:
- Ernbrecht Sturmtruz, Warrior (15k Plate, 15k Canthan)
- Sister Margarethe, Monk (Fow-Armor, Dragon-Tattoos)
- Xi Xolotl, Necromancer (15k Scar pattern / Tyrian Armor mix)
- Isadora Di Comeri, Elementalist (15k Luxon, 15k Kurzick)
- Regina Di Comeri, Mesmer (Rouge's mix, Shing Jea)
- Sanya Eni Enwa, Ranger (regular Druid's)
- Snow On The Cedars, Assassin (Seitung)
For pictures see here.
Your time zone:
Have prophecies? (original guild wars)
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one)
Willing to be a main character?
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real?
Ern is thoughtful, honest, regular boyscout
Sis is careing, devout, true beliver
Xi is cynical, distant and cold
Isa and Reggie are quarrelsome, short-tempered and vain
Sanya is patient and gentle, but can be stubborn
Snow is mischievous and bold
Are they good/bad/neutral?
Ern, Sis = good
rest = neutral, but wouldn't mind playing good or bad.
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium?
all about medium (one tic from middle setting max)
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type?
I don't have storage space for additional armor sets!
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question)
Margarethe refuses to comment on this question, but Isa and Reggie think he's quite hot.
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask)
These chars are split over two accounts and I can bring chars from both at the same time, although actually playing with both synchronously is somewhat difficult.
Smokey Jack
I know its been awhile but we're gonna get back on the ball! Sorry about not having an issue up for the past few weeks, theres been a few problems slowing things down. So as usual heres the schedule to feast your eyes on. If you can't make it let me know asap
Sunday Sept. 3rd at 10pm gmt (3pm Pacific)
Ulivious The Reaper
Monday Sept. 4th at 1am gmt (Sunday Sept. 3rd, 6pm pacific)
Plushie Penguin
Corran Rhys
Sunday Sept. 3rd at 10pm gmt (3pm Pacific)
Ulivious The Reaper
Monday Sept. 4th at 1am gmt (Sunday Sept. 3rd, 6pm pacific)
Plushie Penguin
Corran Rhys
Mr. G
Well im usually on, but it seems casting is prob over by now....still im bored lets do this!
Char 1
Pic -
Name of Character: Sant Leo
Your time zone: GMT +0
Have prophecies? (original guild wars) Yep
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one) You bet
Willing to be a main character? I dont see why not
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Being a 55 monk I attribute most of his stupidity to being smacked by Aatxe's, hes not stupid in a "duh" way but stupid in a " sure i can run this...arrrg..." way, those breif moments where common sense leaves him for a moment. Generally cheery despite the odds.
Are they good/bad/neutral? Good
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? Anything up to 1.5k no, but the colour has to stay =D
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question) Do you want an answer from the monk in hot pink shorts? (btw if anyone knows the combo for a brighter pink id be happy to have it)
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask)
Known for:
-Well the armour for one
-Never casting enchantments in the right order...or on the right person for that matter
-Whacking the offline button everytime an annoying guildie comes on....oppps my secrets revealed
Not know for:
-Inventing the Electric Phonograph
Char 2 - Pic
Name of Character: Gali Reborn
Willing to be a main character? not really...PvP kinda restricts him
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? An assasin always tring to be a ranger (like his name sake) - plays critical barrage to great succses. Generally a neutral charater, not shy or quite but not really significant in any way...Endlessly looks Up to the original Gali and aims to one day follow in his footsteps...
Are they good/bad/neutral? neutral
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium...I think?
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type?
Well its PvP so who gives a Dam
Is Smokey Jack handsome?
Yes but not as handsome as Gali
Known for:
-Bringing in alot of faction
-being deeply loyal to the kurzicks (e.g starting brawls with Luxons)
-Being named after Sagittarius Gali my original char who i deleted the other day due to his inabillity to kill anything....or do anything in general
-Having a Twin, Blade
Not know for-
Wearing an Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-dot Bikini that he wore for the first time before
Char 3 - Pic
Name of Character: Blade of Leo
Willing to be a main character? Same as above
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? The ultimate duelist fight with compasioon and honor....except when shes losing...or when she wins for that matter, Knows to be the target for testing your builds as she was (untill recently) undefeated in combat - Twin sister of Gali Reborn and Married to Leo Ares (my warrior, who doest own a full set of armour so carnt audition). A reletivly nice person, cool headed in chaos and depresion, but so very eaisily excited if the slightest good thing happens.
Are they good/bad/neutral?
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium?
same as Gali whatever that is
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type?
Well its PvP so who gives a Dam again
Is Smokey Jack handsome?
She would imbrace him if not for fear of impaling him upon her armour
Known for:
-Known for such good sportsman ship as -Spamming pacifism,Tuanting and danceing on the bodies of fallen opponents while screaming "carnt touch this"
-Being dethroned by Sadow warrior in a recent duel
-Hating Galis obsession with the original
Not known for
Well if i told you then shed be known for it...hmm?
Thats mainly it
Some things im known for-
-on most of the time, if AFK :P I just pick up my messages every 10 mins so to speak
-I am welsh so feel free to stick a Boyo on the end of any of my chars lines (if you use them)
- Much like corran rhys my name is actually Rhys...Small world
-acussing and collecting evidence Mhenlo is a pervert, and protecting nika from him
Love to hear from ya...Boyo
Char 1
Pic -
Name of Character: Sant Leo
Your time zone: GMT +0
Have prophecies? (original guild wars) Yep
Have factions? (the new awesomely cool one) You bet
Willing to be a main character? I dont see why not
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? (helps me develop your character without making them something you would hate)
Being a 55 monk I attribute most of his stupidity to being smacked by Aatxe's, hes not stupid in a "duh" way but stupid in a " sure i can run this...arrrg..." way, those breif moments where common sense leaves him for a moment. Generally cheery despite the odds.
Are they good/bad/neutral? Good
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? Anything up to 1.5k no, but the colour has to stay =D
Is Smokey Jack handsome? (psst this is a yes or yes question) Do you want an answer from the monk in hot pink shorts? (btw if anyone knows the combo for a brighter pink id be happy to have it)
Other: (any stuff you wanna say that I was too stupid not to ask)
Known for:
-Well the armour for one
-Never casting enchantments in the right order...or on the right person for that matter
-Whacking the offline button everytime an annoying guildie comes on....oppps my secrets revealed
Not know for:
-Inventing the Electric Phonograph
Char 2 - Pic
Name of Character: Gali Reborn
Willing to be a main character? not really...PvP kinda restricts him
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? An assasin always tring to be a ranger (like his name sake) - plays critical barrage to great succses. Generally a neutral charater, not shy or quite but not really significant in any way...Endlessly looks Up to the original Gali and aims to one day follow in his footsteps...
Are they good/bad/neutral? neutral
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium? Medium...I think?
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type?
Well its PvP so who gives a Dam
Is Smokey Jack handsome?
Yes but not as handsome as Gali
Known for:
-Bringing in alot of faction
-being deeply loyal to the kurzicks (e.g starting brawls with Luxons)
-Being named after Sagittarius Gali my original char who i deleted the other day due to his inabillity to kill anything....or do anything in general
-Having a Twin, Blade
Not know for-
Wearing an Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-dot Bikini that he wore for the first time before
Char 3 - Pic
Name of Character: Blade of Leo
Willing to be a main character? Same as above
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real? The ultimate duelist fight with compasioon and honor....except when shes losing...or when she wins for that matter, Knows to be the target for testing your builds as she was (untill recently) undefeated in combat - Twin sister of Gali Reborn and Married to Leo Ares (my warrior, who doest own a full set of armour so carnt audition). A reletivly nice person, cool headed in chaos and depresion, but so very eaisily excited if the slightest good thing happens.
Are they good/bad/neutral?
Is your character relatively short/tall/medium?
same as Gali whatever that is
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type?
Well its PvP so who gives a Dam again
Is Smokey Jack handsome?
She would imbrace him if not for fear of impaling him upon her armour
Known for:
-Known for such good sportsman ship as -Spamming pacifism,Tuanting and danceing on the bodies of fallen opponents while screaming "carnt touch this"
-Being dethroned by Sadow warrior in a recent duel
-Hating Galis obsession with the original
Not known for
Well if i told you then shed be known for it...hmm?
Thats mainly it
Some things im known for-
-on most of the time, if AFK :P I just pick up my messages every 10 mins so to speak
-I am welsh so feel free to stick a Boyo on the end of any of my chars lines (if you use them)
- Much like corran rhys my name is actually Rhys...Small world
-acussing and collecting evidence Mhenlo is a pervert, and protecting nika from him
Love to hear from ya...Boyo
Chicken of the Seas
Sounds very interesting
Name of Character:
Sue Aside
Chicken Of The Seas
Lady Deathdancer
Vira The Dark
Your time zone: Pacific
Have prophecies? Yes
Have factions? Yes
Willing to be a main character? Sure
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real?: Hmm...I imagine Sue Aside as a schoolgirlish type girl, chicken of the seas as a fiesty person, lady deathdancer as a wise know-it-all, and vira the dark...well who knows? I'm not real sensetive about who they would play, whatever is fine is fine
Are they good/bad/neutral? Either/And/Or
Is your character relatively (short/medium/tall): Sue Aside is tall (max), Chicken Of The Seas is tiny (min), Lady Deathdancer is Medium/tall, and Vira the dark is medium.
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? My necro has plenty of armors, but um I guess that would depend on the cost, and how many pieces I would have to buy etc
Is Smokey Jack handsome? Sure why not
Name of Character:
Sue Aside
Chicken Of The Seas
Lady Deathdancer
Vira The Dark
Your time zone: Pacific
Have prophecies? Yes
Have factions? Yes
Willing to be a main character? Sure
What kind of personality would you say your character had if they were real?: Hmm...I imagine Sue Aside as a schoolgirlish type girl, chicken of the seas as a fiesty person, lady deathdancer as a wise know-it-all, and vira the dark...well who knows? I'm not real sensetive about who they would play, whatever is fine is fine
Are they good/bad/neutral? Either/And/Or
Is your character relatively (short/medium/tall): Sue Aside is tall (max), Chicken Of The Seas is tiny (min), Lady Deathdancer is Medium/tall, and Vira the dark is medium.
Would you beat me up if I wanted you to change your armor type? My necro has plenty of armors, but um I guess that would depend on the cost, and how many pieces I would have to buy etc
Is Smokey Jack handsome? Sure why not