Sup. Absorbtions less than 10k?!?!

Count Feanor

Count Feanor

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Originally Posted by Fossa
They'll meddle in the market too. Remember the days when Black Dye were at 60K at the traders? A quick patch and the price was down to 8K or so.
BLACK DYE WAS 60K?!! Where was I when that happened? I would have cashed in!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


Well I think it's good if they are reducing prices a bit. I know that will annoy some people but according to some Anet stat floating around somewhere the majority of players don't actually have huge sums of gold; therefore the majority of players are unable to get things like this, possibly due to a minority of others farming/hoarding/using their already large purchasing ability to manipulate the market.

That is of course assuming there have been changes from Anet It's making things a bit more level field for the majority of players, which I presume is part of the aim of the game anyway (based on players skills not on which items/equipment they have)




Join Date: Mar 2006


Lievs Death Squad [LDS]

Originally Posted by Count Feanor
BLACK DYE WAS 60K?!! Where was I when that happened? I would have cashed in!
Black dyes where never that much... the highest i've ever seen them was 15k i think it was, heard upto 21k but 60k is sounding way too much like fabrication.

Its not just Sup Absorptions, Major Absorptions are dropping like candy too. I've done 3 trips through Ice Floe searching for chests for the sake of it. So far i've had 1 Major Absorption, 1 Sup Absorption, 1 Sup Divine Favour, 1 Sup Water Magic and a +30 Hale upgrade (if anyones wants to buy that.... ). But you should never be seeing this many absorption runes, since the update i've seen 1 Major Vigour, thats it, compared to 3 Sup Absorptions and over 10 Majors.

Parson Brown

Parson Brown

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I bought my Sup Absorb at 9.5k and my 55 monk setup when the runes hit 6k. I guess there's a chance they could go back up as Asses and Rits finish the game and start new characters.

I still haven't seen a Sup vigor or absorb drop, but the majors have been flowing freely.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Evilsod
Black dyes where never that much... the highest i've ever seen them was 15k i think it was, heard upto 21k but 60k is sounding way too much like fabrication.
Last summer, july or august. It was rising steadily for a few days and then anet pulled the plug. I think that was the patch that they refilled the stocks. Ectos for 100 gold for the lucky ones and so on.



Hall Hero

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Just let it fall as with most runes.I am not ready to spend 9.5k yet.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

it seems that the only real complaints are coming from rich farmers.

i lost x hundred k from runes i was hoarding (like the sigils when they upped the drops)
i used to get 90k easy each time.

now the casual gamer everybody has been saying is screwed by high priced runes can get one by a drop or afford to buy one.

this is for the little guy who would not see a superior absorb drop ever and could not afford 100k to buy them.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

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if(Sup_Absorb == 250)//gold




Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Considering MAJOR Absorption was 10k when I started...and I bought one for that price...this is a steal.

Now this is what I call a decent economy. The price is decent for its usage. 99 plat was really not reasonable for a sup absorption...but 10plat sure is considering you only buy it exactly ONE time unless you have multiple armor sets

Haha @ the sweatshops. They will go away when the gold isnt worth farming.

Ghull Ka

Ghull Ka

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Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
Haha @ the sweatshops. They will go away when the gold isnt worth farming.
Let's hope it soon! Prices crashing, long-hoarded items devaluing, drop quality increasing... three cheers for the end of WTS as we know it.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

this is probly noob question, but what is a absorbtion thing that u guys are talking about?

Parson Brown

Parson Brown

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Originally Posted by Lady Erighan
Why don't they make sense? Increased drop rate and guaranteed Superiors Runes from all gold armors equals lower prices across the board. That's exactly what's happing.
While this is true, I haven't found myself swimming in Sup runes. Using the old Ettin run, I used to get 5-8 gold armors and 1-2 sups. Now I get 1-2 golds and a mess of purple armors.



Wilds Pathfinder

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Originally Posted by stoop14
this is probly noob question, but what is a absorbtion thing that u guys are talking about?
Sup absorbtions are a kind of rune that lets only wars take 3 points less damage.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

/putting on hip boots before wading in

Originally Posted by Hunter Sharparrow
Those are two seperate things you are asking so I'll answer them seperately.

When the drop rate on them were low this had the prices high and gave farmers the incentive to farm them. With so many people farming them the supply was high. Every time I went on and went to Ascalon, LA and Droks Dis 1 someone was either selling a vigor or absorbtion. In some cases more than one. So the supply was always there. You would think that would have brought the prices down but unless your willing to sell everyone you find to the trader (not gonna happen since you lose out on a few k that way) the price won't go down. A price that was strongly influenced by the rate at which the runes drop. It was influenced by other factors too but drop rate was the biggest. Sure the increase in drop rate will increase the number found in the general public (supply) but that supply was always there. I suppose the real problem was that most of the supply (prior to the update) was found amongst the farmers who also had wads of gold and that now this isn't the case anymore with the new drop rates but anyway you see it, it all boils down the the rate at which the item drops.

So the supply was always there, the change came with the update increasing the drop rate which allowed that supply to switch hands into the average player too. Now that the price is as low as it is and more people can find them (even durring regular game play) more people are more than likely just selling them to the trader. This will further decrease the price or atleast keep it from going back up.

As for your second question. Hopefully you should have found the answer already but no. The number of runes the rune trader holds is limited. Everyone knows this. If anet refilled the traders when they ran dry then they would have done this with the assassin and ritualist runes. The drop rate affects the value of the item that is dropping which in turns affects the price the trader buys and sells said rune for. It's doesn't affect the traders supply, not directly anyway. When a rune has a high value it becomes the farmers cash crop while the others become waste product. The farmer will sell off the waste runes the way that offers the most money. Either by selling it as armor to the merchant or as a rune to the trader. Now does the rune you sold as armor get 'destroyed' or sent over to the rune traders supply? I really don't know. The cash crop runes get sold to people instead to the trader so they get the most money for it. Now the farmer would rather be farming then standing in town repeating WTS over and over so when the prices get high enough at the trader they just sell the cash crops to the trader to get out farming more faster. The opposite happens when the price at the trader gets low. The farmers will revert back to selling to people to get the most for it.

So the price at the rune trader is primarily influenced by the drop rate of that item then by the quantity the trader has in stalk. So as the traders stalk of the cash crop came close to running dry the price would go up (I believe when the price was bouncing around 100k, the trader was on and off running out) but as the cash crop was being sold at the trader to save time with the prices so high this increased the amount the trader had and therefore the price would go down. Despite the up and down there was a cap at which the price could not go any higher or lower. That cap is what changes as the drop rate changes. The cap for absorbtion has dropped which dropped the price. The price will still fluctuate and may even go as high as 20k if the trader is close to running out but it won't go back to being what it was unless the drop rate is decreased again. I just say 20k but whatever the cap is now.
You must spend all your time hanging out at the trader with calculator in hand.

The farmers will revert back to selling to people to get the most for it.
Unless you personally know all farmers, or at least a very large majority, DON'T make assuptions like that!

/carefully removing boots and tossing them away

Fitz Rinley

Fitz Rinley

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Originally Posted by TheGuildWarsPenguin
Someone in my guild said that Sup. Absorbtions were 9.5k at the rune trader so I exited by AB and went to my hall and it really was 9.5k so I bought some. Sup. Vigors were 33k when I saw the price of them while buying the Absorbtion rune. No, this wasn't during any trader reset or anything, it was today.
I definately appreciate the new settings for drops. I haven't found any runes but I have been able to buy a superior of absorption. I am hoping to get another for a friend who had his scammed in a trade by someone that pulled their money out as he was hitting accept (back when they were worth almost 100k).

I cant get him the value, but I might get him the use of one.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Supply = (drop rate) x (number of people killing things)

Factions has increased player activity as well as changing the drop rates. And since a lot of older Tyrian characters don't need the runes for themselves, they dump them on the market, so demand has not risen as much as supply. Thus, price drops. (But they are using up steel to make new armor, so that price is up.)



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

The increased drop rate is nice as now more players can afford them, and it hasn't really hurt farmers. You don't get as much gold selling them, but you get more to sell.