Guild roster history
I think we could also use a guild roster history, not only the last 20 members... with all members (joinig/leaving dates).
Would be somewhat useful but would take a lot of space to have the entire history of the guild since day one (times the number of guilds = big load on servers)
Dougal Kronik
Originally Posted by quickmonty
Would be somewhat useful but would take a lot of space to have the entire history of the guild since day one (times the number of guilds = big load on servers)
Could also add your accounts Guild history to your Guild screen. Which Guild you've been in, dates, and how you left (kicked or quit).
Tongloid Tarthwood
The op was an ok idea, but a history of every guild you've ever been in? Too much stress on the Guild Wars servers.
Well, at least we could use some kind of guild history outside the game engine itself (game wouldn't have to load that ammount of data), via Web browser. Like every week, data would be updated. A little bit like anarchy online has for each character, you can check each character outside game.
Dougal Kronik
Originally Posted by Tongloid Tarthwood
The op was an ok idea, but a history of every guild you've ever been in? Too much stress on the Guild Wars servers.
1k for each Guild entry.
Around 1 million accounts.
Say 50 Guild changes per account.
1,000 * 1,000,000 * 50 = 50Gb.
J snukka
Nevermind the amount of members displayed. But I think members that end up leaving the guild should be displayed on the roster. I'm always curious on whether anyone left my guild or not.
This can help on black listing guild hoppers too. Those players that use a guild and then leave.
This can help on black listing guild hoppers too. Those players that use a guild and then leave.
Ensabah Nur
As a Guild Leader that keeps a Roster List on the Guilds Website (weekly), I'd rather see when members Quit / Leave the guild than when they join. Being able to see both would be great. Also, many have been asking for this since day 1.