SOLUTION: disconnecting with error 7


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005


For 6 months or so GuildWars would randomly disconnect. I could still surf the net so I didn't understand what the problem was. Now I do. It was my VoIP router.

I ordered Vonage, and hooked up the Motorola right after the cable modem because I read that the Motorola QoS (traffic shaping in this case I think) worked best that way. This was the wrong thing to do.

I removed the Motorola VoIP device, hooked up my Linux NAT/router after the cable modem and just placed the Motorola device in the hub with the rest of my computers. Now my wife and I never get disconnected while playing GuildWars!

Fwiw, I have noticed improved voice quality. There is not a lot of traffic to/from my cable modem but it feels like the little Motorolla box just gets bogged down if it has to route anything beyond the voice traffic.

Hope this helps someone else.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005


Grenths Helpdesk[GHD]


yeah, I had that too, and it is a router server. You may still get some error 007, but hen again maybe you are one of the lucky ones that are not going through ALTER.NET with your routing to the game.
I did a large post in here called GW tech e-mail about server malfunction, check it out.