i knew from the moment i saw that we have a choice whether to give faction to our alliance or get rare crafting materials that there were going to be fights. and what im experiencing its getting worse everyday. it would be ideal to have everyone donate all thier faction to the alliance, but again gold (like money in the real world) is causing problems. i noticed that those jade and amber are going for some good gold by selling them, so naturally a lot of players will concentrate on trading faction for those crafting materials for thier armor or for a profit. and thats when all the problems start. there will be a few guys that will donate 100% of earned faction towards the alliance and there will be those few guys who dont help the alliance, and they get all the jades and ambers they can get for personal gain. just today i got sick when i started seeing a bunch of "**** the armor," and "**** &%^&%^% ***^%%" in the alliance chat."
this whole faction thing is tearing us apart. if alliances didnt have around 3 million faction then maybe this wouldnt be an issue. but in reality a lot of alliances would love to own a town or the capital for the elite missions and as a result they will keep stressing for all factions to go the the alliance so that we can get 1 million+ faction to own a town. then the fighting starts when people see that one guild donated 100k+ faction and another only donated 50k.
i honestly hope they fix the alliance system. i never had fights like this before factions came out.
are any other alliances having fights concerning donating factions to the alliance?
i dont mean to put your guild in no way at all so do not take offense to this.
If i issue like this tears your guild apart you have a weak bond with eachother. Either you would all just sell it and get the money for yourselves or just get money to cycle between the guild, or everyone would give it to the guild. IMO i think it is impossible and a waste to donate the faction to your guild because the chance of being the alliance to get in the elite missions is slim to none.
If there is chaos in your guild and this issue is tearing your guild apart have a guild meeting. Set a time several days before the meeting, just see who shows up and you will know who the loyal guildies are. Looks as if your guild need to get stuff straight, take a vote or something on what to do. You may lose members in this deal, but if you do it is only healing the guild not hurting it.
If i issue like this tears your guild apart you have a weak bond with eachother. Either you would all just sell it and get the money for yourselves or just get money to cycle between the guild, or everyone would give it to the guild. IMO i think it is impossible and a waste to donate the faction to your guild because the chance of being the alliance to get in the elite missions is slim to none.
If there is chaos in your guild and this issue is tearing your guild apart have a guild meeting. Set a time several days before the meeting, just see who shows up and you will know who the loyal guildies are. Looks as if your guild need to get stuff straight, take a vote or something on what to do. You may lose members in this deal, but if you do it is only healing the guild not hurting it.
Also the other towns do not have any extra content beyond a discounted merchant and a fireworks guy. ONLY the capitol on each side has an elite mission. GL getting it, for either side.
Red Locust
Yeah, you either make an all-out effort to gather millions of faction and get something worthwile out of it, or just don't bother at all. Half a million faction is a huge sum, and at the moment it won't even get you an outpost (and it'll get even worse).
YEah, XoO has to continuously farm and we don't have a monopoly on HzH. Sometimes we take it, sometimes it slips from us. The 10% faction decay isn't helping either.
you have to be a dedicated guild to give away faction toward the goal of controlling it, you must play alot, otherwise it is a waste of faction that could be used for things more of value to you.
my guild doesn't have any alliances and this is part of the reason why. I know that my guildies are making a killing off those rare materials and for people who hardly had any money before they have found their nitch. I am not about to force them to feed out guild or join an alliance so that the alliance can bitch about how much we feed them. It's not worth it.
Former Ruling
Unless your in one of the big Town Controlling Alliances, dont let anyone waste faction on rating.
Until they add some other use for Alliance Rating, theres no reason to get it if you arent going to constantly farm to keep 1mil+ of it.
Until they add some other use for Alliance Rating, theres no reason to get it if you arent going to constantly farm to keep 1mil+ of it.