Weapon condition upgrades not effecting spells?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005

Victoria, Australia


I was scanning through the forum for information on this, and this thread had some information that seemed contradictory to what i've found in game. Ofcoarse it was an old post.

Specifically, I cast Enfeebling Blood on two opponents adjacent to eachother, and tried to test if my axe would extend the effect of weakness. I would only hit one of them, theoretically meaning the other 'untouched' one would have weakness wear off sooner. However, both effects wore off at the same time (I also note the damage went back up for both).

I've also found mention in the GuildWiki (down atm - no link for you, sorry) that weapon upgrades should extend spell-caused conditions, not just weapon skills. Has this recently changed?

[Edit] I must apologise, I went back and actually timed the duration instead of just watching the effects. It seems with Enfeebling Blood that hitting one effected creature in the cloud will extend the spell for all cursed creatures. Good to know!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

The Zaishen Force


The weapon effect that causes conditions to last longer has nothing to do with whether you actually hit the enemy with your weapon.
There's no problem with the duration extension, because the duration was extended on BOTH mobs, and still ended simultaneously, as it should have.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005

Victoria, Australia


Ohh I see, thanks for clearing that up.

I just assumed, being that it was an axe upgrade, that the weapon would have to impart it's ability manually - not just by simply wearing it.