Petitions Petitions Petitions
I think that guildwarsguru, the forums that teached me how to play the game I love and have guided me for over a year has turned into a forum of petitions, whines and it's not even interesting anymore. Please people. Don't be so, hmm childish? When the original game came out you accepted the game and enjoyed it. I have one more petition, go and play your new game that has gotten great reviews everywhere, stop complaining and please bring the fun back to this forums!!!
/signed. ^_^
/signed. ^_^
/signed stop ranting and enjoy the game. Life is full of tribulations. Live with it!
/signed Just enjoy the game

/signed but this forum is already fun!
not signed people can complain if they're not happy, that's half the point of a forum. i don't agree with shutting up and 'just accepting'.
I can't possibly see it as a bad thing as people have great ideas to improve their favourite game even further
That it sometimes is in the form of constructive criticism, well ..

That it sometimes is in the form of constructive criticism, well ..
Whining about whining isnt a solution.
The reason people post complaints and such is because they're by and large fans and want to see some things improved. That's good for the game/developers, because they can see what the issues are and try to improve things for their customers/existing customer base.
Those who really end up hating the game stop playing entirely, won't post and will take their money elsewhere (and perhaps tell their friends too) - which means more lost customers and contributes towards bad rep. for the game etc. which I'm sure most will agree is not good.
Repeating myself from before but if nobody said anything at all and just kept quiet, we'd all still be living in the stone age, in more ways than one.
I'm actually very impressed with the rate at which Anet fixes things and their weekly updates and so forth (which come about partly because of this and other forums and feedback from the players)
edit: lol Hunter, snap!
Those who really end up hating the game stop playing entirely, won't post and will take their money elsewhere (and perhaps tell their friends too) - which means more lost customers and contributes towards bad rep. for the game etc. which I'm sure most will agree is not good.
Repeating myself from before but if nobody said anything at all and just kept quiet, we'd all still be living in the stone age, in more ways than one.
I'm actually very impressed with the rate at which Anet fixes things and their weekly updates and so forth (which come about partly because of this and other forums and feedback from the players)
edit: lol Hunter, snap!
I don't see how it's childish or whiney if people are voicing their opinions and some frustrations about the game, and whining about whiners and petitioning against petitioners doesn't solve anything. How is anything in this world ever suppose to improve itself if everyone always goes with the "Suck it up, and move on, play something else" attitude?
If for example, Coke or Pepsi unleash a really foul tasting softdrink, should people just drink it anyway, or tell them it tastes nasty? And when people stop buying it because a majority don't like it, should they keep producing it and lose money, because a hundred people enjoy it tasting the way it does?
Same thing could be said for life really. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend who's personality and flaws generate more bad apples than good ones, are you gonna suck it up and stay with them? Or are you gonna tell them what you think and show them the door? Leaving them some time to think about how they are with people, and maybe they might improve themselves a little for future relationships.
The "Suck it up, or play something else" attitude in my opinion, is a pretty weak and poor attitude to take towards things. If you don't like reading the forums anymore, the same thing could be said to you really. See how non-productive it gets? I don't agree with all the rants, but some of them I can identify with, and voice my opinion, that's what the good thing is about it. If there's a larger number that agree with a particular annoyance in the game, the more productive it is in helping Anet improve their product. Otherwise, it's just one person's rant or complaint, and is dismissed more easily. Maybe the game will get better or improve some things in the future, then people will stop complaining. If it doesn't, then I would imagine all the "Suck it up or play something else" people would have hardly anyone to talk to in these forums anymore, and the game would slowly die out. Because we would be playing something else eventually. While you're henching almost every mission or LFG for hours and hours. Anyways, have fun with that.
If for example, Coke or Pepsi unleash a really foul tasting softdrink, should people just drink it anyway, or tell them it tastes nasty? And when people stop buying it because a majority don't like it, should they keep producing it and lose money, because a hundred people enjoy it tasting the way it does?
Same thing could be said for life really. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend who's personality and flaws generate more bad apples than good ones, are you gonna suck it up and stay with them? Or are you gonna tell them what you think and show them the door? Leaving them some time to think about how they are with people, and maybe they might improve themselves a little for future relationships.
The "Suck it up, or play something else" attitude in my opinion, is a pretty weak and poor attitude to take towards things. If you don't like reading the forums anymore, the same thing could be said to you really. See how non-productive it gets? I don't agree with all the rants, but some of them I can identify with, and voice my opinion, that's what the good thing is about it. If there's a larger number that agree with a particular annoyance in the game, the more productive it is in helping Anet improve their product. Otherwise, it's just one person's rant or complaint, and is dismissed more easily. Maybe the game will get better or improve some things in the future, then people will stop complaining. If it doesn't, then I would imagine all the "Suck it up or play something else" people would have hardly anyone to talk to in these forums anymore, and the game would slowly die out. Because we would be playing something else eventually. While you're henching almost every mission or LFG for hours and hours. Anyways, have fun with that.
The game has gotten great reviews everywhere.... Where is this "everywhere"? Have you read the threads on here? I dont call that great reviews.
Not signed, even if you put a gun to my head.
Not signed, even if you put a gun to my head.
Stolen Souls
I have an idea. Let's start a petition to "Stop the petitions!!".

Originally Posted by Findariel
I can't possibly see it as a bad thing as people have great ideas to improve their favourite game even further
![]() That it sometimes is in the form of constructive criticism, well .. |
I like to read constructive criticism, not ranting or whining.
Macktar Wang
Originally Posted by Zsass
That's the problem. People complain about it, but don't give any ideas or opinions on how to improve what they don't like.
I like to read constructive criticism, not ranting or whining. |
On topic - If no one voiced disapproval, nothing would ever be improved (or it would take a lot longer). How would you all like it if some of the missions that were un-completeable would never get fixed?
/not signed.
Funny thread though.
Funny thread though.
Maybe people complain because they geniunly feel some things bother them and not because they want to annoy other people? If nobody complained about limited guild options we probably wouldn't have had scrimmages and guild merchants, or possibly even alliances.
/not signed
It's good to read complaints as it gives you another viewpoint on the game. Without them, there will be shameless praise for the game. We know the game isn't perfect. The game is awesome, but it isn't perfect.
It's good to read complaints as it gives you another viewpoint on the game. Without them, there will be shameless praise for the game. We know the game isn't perfect. The game is awesome, but it isn't perfect.
Originally Posted by akruan
I think that guildwarsguru, the forums that teached me how to play the game I love and have guided me for over a year has turned into a forum of petitions, whines and it's not even interesting anymore. Please people. Don't be so, hmm childish? When the original game came out you accepted the game and enjoyed it. I have one more petition, go and play your new game that has gotten great reviews everywhere, stop complaining and please bring the fun back to this forums!!!
/signed. ^_^ |
Have you tried the off-topic forums? Also: GWGuru IRC chat amuses me.
... and, even if it has "gotten great reviews everywhere"... um... so what? oO
/not signed^42
what the heck is this petition?
I would ask to "Ignore" this petition ...
Petition against petitions goes well in comunist societies ... good luck
I would ask to "Ignore" this petition ...
Petition against petitions goes well in comunist societies ... good luck
If you mean great reviews in media - they have things called deadlines. they cannot possibly go in depth, at least the ones are out now. If you want indepth reviews, your going to have to wait a few weeks. People who play the game daily probably can make a better judgement in the short term than some reviewer assigned to review it by a certian date.
Here are few things I'd like to bring up:
1) If there was indeed too much complaining going on, you really have no other choice than to "complain about the complaining," since just letting the forums go to crap would be a bad idea.
2) There are a lot of repeat complaints, for example, there were three threads all about elementalists sucking at once on the first page of Sardelac. Seriously, I can understand search being down, but if it's on the FIRST PAGE then we're going to close/delete/merge your double/triple/quadruple thread.
3) If the community has a lot of issues with Factions, which it appears they do, then they have the right to talk about it. "STFU AND DONT COMPLAIN" is a pretty lame response. Always aim for having something logically sound to say if you're trying to counter arguments. That is all.
1) If there was indeed too much complaining going on, you really have no other choice than to "complain about the complaining," since just letting the forums go to crap would be a bad idea.
2) There are a lot of repeat complaints, for example, there were three threads all about elementalists sucking at once on the first page of Sardelac. Seriously, I can understand search being down, but if it's on the FIRST PAGE then we're going to close/delete/merge your double/triple/quadruple thread.
3) If the community has a lot of issues with Factions, which it appears they do, then they have the right to talk about it. "STFU AND DONT COMPLAIN" is a pretty lame response. Always aim for having something logically sound to say if you're trying to counter arguments. That is all.
Not because I hate people that complain exactly, it's just that it seems people pick a topic they make 500 million topics saying the exact same thing. It gets annoying to scroll through them and find a topic I am actually interested in.
Not because I hate people that complain exactly, it's just that it seems people pick a topic they make 500 million topics saying the exact same thing. It gets annoying to scroll through them and find a topic I am actually interested in.
I find it funny that each time someone does give constructive critiscim, it's shot down, flamed and torn apart no matter how well thought out the idea is.
Then, those that voice opinions on improvements and ask others what they think of the suggestion are quickly labeled "whiners".
The most fun is when many people ask for change to something rather than give reasons that something shouldn't be changed, a flame war errupts as a diversion tactic.
Where does the problem start? Anet. If any player asks Anet for a change or sends a suggestion, Anet tells them to post it to the forums where the devs can read it. So, in doing what Anet suggests, the "whiners" get flamed broiled.
If we want to see less petitions and less "whining", then if you don't agree with an idea posted, don't post there (thus not giving your support) or at least give a reason as to why not.
Then, those that voice opinions on improvements and ask others what they think of the suggestion are quickly labeled "whiners".
The most fun is when many people ask for change to something rather than give reasons that something shouldn't be changed, a flame war errupts as a diversion tactic.
Where does the problem start? Anet. If any player asks Anet for a change or sends a suggestion, Anet tells them to post it to the forums where the devs can read it. So, in doing what Anet suggests, the "whiners" get flamed broiled.
If we want to see less petitions and less "whining", then if you don't agree with an idea posted, don't post there (thus not giving your support) or at least give a reason as to why not.
/not signed
ignoring a problem does not mean it goes away. as a customer i have all the right to complain if i'm not happy about a product. we live in a DEMOCRATIC society (or at least i hope we do..)
ignoring a problem does not mean it goes away. as a customer i have all the right to complain if i'm not happy about a product. we live in a DEMOCRATIC society (or at least i hope we do..)
We all can post what is wrong, and how we can improve it, but when it starts boiling down to threads like "OHNOES ANET TEH CH3ATED MEH!!" it gets annoying.
In my view it is threads like this which are "childish" (to use the OP's word) because they have zero substance or discussion value whatsoever; whereas the complaint threads that he is complaining about do.
Originally Posted by primal98
We all can post what is wrong, and how we can improve it, but when it starts boiling down to threads like "OHNOES ANET TEH CH3ATED MEH!!" it gets annoying.
/signed |
constructive criticism is good.
being a relentless GW basher with nothing to say except this game/company is the pits is not and one of those got banned just recently.