a/mo/n/rt/e ftw
Blind Rage
16 attributes = one man hoh team
neat little trick.
So you paid some gods to give you +1 attributes to every class? :/
Blind Rage
Vahn Roi
haha nice
Why is your Critical Strikes between the Ritualist attributes? Should't they be huddled up?
Riken Chrono
what you can pay to get attributes?
Nice...what gods do you pay to get that?
Kitty Soft
Grenth for all of them.
Blind Rage
yeah, the only way you can get that many is from grenth or lyssa
Eragon Dragonslayer
so u can buy attribs now? what do they cost? (yes i know im a noob for not having factions)
Blind Rage
no, in factions the res shrines have a statue of a god above it, if your region has favour you can kneel on the shrine and a "representitive" of your god will appear, talk to that god and you get an option of 20 minute blessing buffs, like +20 health.... and etc, you can also buy buffs which +1 attribute point to all your attributes for a certain class, eg. Necromancer of Grenth, and Ritualist of Grenth, also each god has an ele attribute linked to it, so grenth is Disciple of ice.
hope i helped
hope i helped
(this feature was already there in the FPE
Eragon Dragonslayer
Originally Posted by Blind Rage
no, in factions the res shrines have a statue of a god above it, if your region has favour you can kneel on the shrine and a "representitive" of your god will appear, talk to that god and you get an option of 20 minute blessing buffs, like +20 health.... and etc, you can also buy buffs which +1 attribute point to all your attributes for a certain class, eg. Necromancer of Grenth, and Ritualist of Grenth, also each god has an ele attribute linked to it, so grenth is Disciple of ice.
hope i helped yea it helped thanx and i only played for a hour on the FPE
hope i helped yea it helped thanx and i only played for a hour on the FPE