Any plans to fix the "one piece behaves like a full suit" armours?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


It would be good to get any official word/stance on this: the armours where one piece basically has the same effect as a full suit. For example, Knights/Ascalon and Virtuoso/Performer. As it stands now there seems to be no point having a full set of any of those since just one piece has a global effect.

Will this ever change to become piece specific, or remain global as is? I've a full set of a certain armour which has been sitting in storage gathering dust for many months (and taking up valuable room) - if it's never going to be made useful in it's entirety it's going in the bin



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

They can change it when they give us the ability to upgrade/change the stats on old Tyrian Armor...until then it would be annoying for a lot of people to have absorbtion only on our feet!