When you take Gwen for a walk for over XXX hours or times you get:
lv1 title, Dangerous Stranger
lv2, Kidnaper
lv3, "I am no perv, I just like children!!" <~yes this is a title
When you finish XXX mission with henches
lv1 title, loner
lv2, Lone Wolf
lv3, Anti-Social
When your pet die over XXX times
lv1 title, Bad Owner
lv2, Fail Owner
lv3, Pet:"What did I ever did to you??"
When you have the drop rate reduce window pop up for X times
lv1 title, Farmer
lv2, Hardcore Farmer
lv3, "Daddy need a new pair of everything!!"
I just want to have a good laugh

I think I can get the Anti-Social and the Pet:"What did I ever did to you??"