Faction Alignment


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

Fire Crest Order


I was wondering, If my guild is aligning with Kurzick, and my main Factions character plays the Kurzick missions, can my prophesies character align with Luxxons? I couldn't find any related topics when i searched....

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


You are aware that when you spend your Kurzick faction, you also reduce your Luxon faction by the same amount ? Kurzick / Luxon faction is account-based, not character-based. I haven't tried to do the Befriending the Kurzicks on one char and Befriending the Luxon on another, but if it's possible, you would really have to focus on earning faction in one or the other at a time, or you would be wasting a lot of faction.