Some questions about Factions armor...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005


Dynasty Warriors [DW]



I have a Prophecies monk in Cantha now (Luxon), and I want to buy him new armor. I got a few request though:

- I know where to buy the Luxon armor (I'm not there yet), but where can I buy the Canthan armor?

- I saw screenies of the Kurzick and Canthan male monk armor, but how does the Luxon 15k male monk armor look like? (screenie?)

- Is 1 piece of Acolyte armor (+10 while enchanted) global? Or is the +10 only for THAT particular part, let's say, pants?

- What are the costs the 15k Cantha and Luxon pants?

I really hope someone knows answers on my questions



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

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Originally Posted by Queto
- I know where to buy the Luxon armor (I'm not there yet), but where can I buy the Canthan armor?
Kaineng Center.

Originally Posted by Queto
- Is 1 piece of Acolyte armor (+10 while enchanted) global? Or is the +10 only for THAT particular part, let's say, pants?
Location, not global.