Some missing things from factions?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005



Now there was talk of auction houses and a use for rubies and saphires. I distinctly remember the frog mentioning something about customizing armor with them and crafting jewelry. I know an expanded storage was said to be in the works. The official release was some time ago and yet none of these additions have came to be. Has anet totally cast them aside (and if so i think it would be a travisty) or are they still in the works. Thank you for your time

Slayd Deathbringer.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

north carolina



if you check the dev forum, glance at a few of the chatlogs and you'll see that atleast the storage issue is being implemented... sometime...eventually.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Chapter 19: The Improved Storage Quest



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Something else that is missing:

What happened to Gwen?????


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by nebucanezar
Now there was talk of auction houses and a use for rubies and saphires. I distinctly remember the frog mentioning something about customizing armor with them and crafting jewelry. I know an expanded storage was said to be in the works. The official release was some time ago and yet none of these additions have came to be. Slayd Deathbringer.
it just came out.

the frog apologized for the gem mistake

expanded storage was never promised with a specific chapter but would be streamed into all chapters when they decided how to do it.

same for IMPROVED TRADING SYSTEM (many times stated improved trading sysyem may not be an auction house)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Loviatar
expanded storage was never promised with a specific chapter but would be streamed into all chapters when they decided how to do it.
I can imagine the rigorous decision-making process and the meetings held twice a week on the issue whether to add 10 or 15 slots to the xunlai agent and how it will impact anet's long-term business model.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Alleji
I can imagine the rigorous decision-making process and the meetings held twice a week on the issue whether to add 10 or 15 slots to the xunlai agent and how it will impact anet's long-term business model.
actually we may already have a look at it in the form of a 10 dollar mule character holding the equivalet of 2.25 storage vaults.

i dont think thats the case but merely a possibility



Sins FTW!

Join Date: Mar 2005


Angel Sharks [AS]

Originally Posted by Loviatar
actually we may already have a look at it in the form of a 10 dollar mule character holding the equivalet of 2.25 storage vaults
I'm not paying any money just so I can comfortably store all the crap and crafting materials I collect because I'm a pack rat. I want it for free!


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

PvE is the Metagame

new UW & FoW is still missing and the rest of cantha too



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by Wildi
new UW & FoW is still missing and the rest of cantha too
smart money is on a mid-late summer expansion similar to Sorrow's Furnace.

any takers?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

It is a shame that the promises and hints were not acted on. Many players invested in all those gems etc. Were lead to expectations for improved storage and improved customisation of weapons (don't play with words around improved increased etc it makes you look small).

Anet knows what we want. Anet hinted that we would get it through the frog. Everyone bought factions. Now we find out that none (or very little of it) was actually provided.

I know the rants have been stated already.

I just think Anet has to be carefull not to disappoint its customers.

I mean, auction houses are done elsewhere. Anet knows we want one. Why not just do it? Same with gems. They promised a use for them. It's not hard to incoporate one (they did with glass vials and monster claws). Why not just do it? It's not that hard!!! We are your customers telling you what we want. You can do it. So, why don't you?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

very very good points Irongate...

I;d really like to know what the big hold up is as well.

For over a year they've been maiking changes after changes which we certainly appraciate.....but when are they gonna tackle those few things we've been asking for since day 1?

It's not like we're asking for the moon here.....

We're asking for the same nessecesties many other MMO's already enjoy.

I understand their are many issues with how it will effect the economy and such . Increased storages means farmers can store more etc etc. Imporved trades mean Farmers can move more matrial faster.

The simple solution of course is tax the trades done on the Auction house or whatever it is...the more trading you do the higher your tax...set a max number of transactions per day per player. (this is nothing new done on at least 3 MMO's I can think of).

anyhow I'm sure other have much better Ideas....but still ....when?




and why the hold up?

We're calling you out on the carpet Anet.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

If I remember correctly I thought Gaile mentioned something about town clothes too?


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by generik
If I remember correctly I thought Gaile mentioned something about town clothes too?
and you are right.

she said she liked the idea and would pass it on.

Vahn Roi

Vahn Roi

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006


Just a thought...even if there are auction houses added to the game, what is to stop people from selling in the outposts and clogging up the local chat?

and Civilian clothes would be sweet.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


Seers of Serpents [SoS]


Conical Hats for our toons.

and no i wont give up :P

PS: all the other things mentioned before above, i am still looking forward to guild vault and the AH and the "reconnect" buttion that was promised by Jeff Strain.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
Just a thought...even if there are auction houses added to the game, what is to stop people from selling in the outposts and clogging up the local chat?

and Civilian clothes would be sweet.

A special filter that catches <number>{kK} and instantly logged out the user, deleting his or her account



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
Just a thought...even if there are auction houses added to the game, what is to stop people from selling in the outposts and clogging up the local chat?

and Civilian clothes would be sweet.
I don't mind if people do that. I would rather not waste my precious playing time that way. I just want somewhere to dump my stuff for sale and let people buy it if they want it, so I can carry on playing the game (PvE and PvP) instead of standing in town.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

yeah if ppl want to spend all day spamming to sell who cares....though I bet it would signifigantly decrease the amount of said spammming

point is I don't want to have to do that to sell my stuff....

though admittedly I usualy sell most stuff to vendors....just because I have no time to sit around spamming WTS all day.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

instead of complaints i offer a temporary (maybe permanent) solution.

how many of you would be in favor of 2-3 new merchants

one for purples one for golds one for greens

these merchants would give a decent price and let you get a worthwile sale from an item nobody will pay for anyway as it is a few points short of perfect.

if most of the things that are too poor to sell but too good for merchant fodder could be gotten rid of fast and easy that would free up the trade channel a lot.

any opinions anybody?




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Something you didn't add was pure speculation and rumors floating around either to be implemented or not.

Please read the Game and Dev thread, there's already one that Gaile states it would be a huge update and only till when it's completed it will be in the game.



Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Kha
I'm not paying any money just so I can comfortably store all the crap and crafting materials I collect because I'm a pack rat. I want it for free!
I need room for all my greens! I have all greens for my classies that like plus now that there is new 15k armor sets. I am sooo not throwing none of my 15k sets out. I need more please