Merged: What to invest in?
cry me river christ almighty.
I know a very good investment Its meeeeeeee no really im serious You have my IGN in my profile if you feel sorry for me
I think you will the market go back up. however i don't see them being as high as it use too.
Originally Posted by Ren Wuying
They should make VIP-class towns, to where you can only get in with a 100k fee. in these cities you could buy your 1mil armour pieces, drink your 100k ale, and dye your clothes with exotic 500k dyes.
Oh wait... ...
Originally Posted by Hunter Sharparrow
You can't be serious....
First it sounds like you rushed through the game, found good farming spots (or signed up to the online guide forums) and did nothing but farm for months. The op seems nothing more than just a brag "hey look how rich I am". The kind of thing that labels those that are rich as being "stuck up" and/or "snotty". |
Did you even read my post? I grinded out the whole game with my ranger. I got bored and a little frustrated not being able to afford that Dragos Flatbow , etc. so I decided to try to make money. I did some research here and starting trading. I realized that I could make much more by letting others farm new greens and being the middle man. Made a few hundred... and decided to try for 1 Million gold. Got there and the market on greens was spiraling so I went to higher end items. A lot less sales, more risk and a bigger payday. During that time I diversified into rare materials (Shards, Steel, Ectos, etc). Steel paid off nicely and the rest not so nicely but I didn't lose too much on the other stuff.
Once I figured it out it took around 2 months to make a few mil... It took longer to finish the game my 1st time than it did to get "rich".
Lastly, there is no bragging. I'm just telling what happened and why I am looking to diversify. It sounds like a lot to some, but to others it's not much.
I am trying to find something that would hold it's value like gold since there is a limited amount of gold we can hold. Bad or good, I consider the building of wealth a part of this game.
Now for all people that are upset... Don't be. If you want to come up, read what I wrote, do some research and it shouldn't be difficult. If you just want to pvp, then do that.
Ren Wuying
Originally Posted by MasterDinadan
You'd undoubtedly get an uproar of people complaining about new elite content that is only accessible to a small portion who spend all their time grinding...
Oh wait... ... |
Originally Posted by Ren Wuying
some of us are just lucky, bare with it masterdinadan
I've made peace with the fact that I won't be playing elite missions, so I've practically forgotten they are even there.
People get so jealous over things that other people have and they don't. But I figure, why should I care what everyone else has? It's only important what I have
Ok, with your millions.
1. Go to the nearest major city.
2. Buy up every single dye you can before the trader runs out.
3. Let me sell them all at a ridiculously high price
1. Go to the nearest major city.
2. Buy up every single dye you can before the trader runs out.
3. Let me sell them all at a ridiculously high price
Originally Posted by Evilsod
Ok, with your millions.
1. Go to the nearest major city. 2. Buy up every single dye you can before the trader runs out. 3. Let me sell them all at a ridiculously high price |
Buy your way into a powerhouse alliance, and take a few trips to the elite misisons, then sell the Zodiac Weapons. Not exactly your style...but it might be time for a change of pace!
Don't invest in anything! I'm serious! If you had to invest in something, invest in gold! Hard currency is hard currency, ain't nothing ANet can f*** up to mess with that. If you had to invest in items, I would invest in black dye. But keep most of your stuff in cash. I didn't do that, and now I'm poor, cos ANet royally screwed me up. I used to be a millionaire, and now I'm a poor schmuck...
My advice:
- Get Ale and Keys to get titles.
- Stop farming, and start doing stuff you don't earn money with.
- Give to the poor (just be sure you're not giving anything to an asshole).
- Buy stuff you don't need, but that's always nice (Armors, Minipets, expensive skins).
Seriously.. You can never have too much gold.
- Get Ale and Keys to get titles.
- Stop farming, and start doing stuff you don't earn money with.
- Give to the poor (just be sure you're not giving anything to an asshole).
- Buy stuff you don't need, but that's always nice (Armors, Minipets, expensive skins).
Seriously.. You can never have too much gold.
Draygo Korvan
You can do all sorts of things from silly contests to market manipulation. Going for worthless and expensive titles can be your thing, maybe you will get the Kind of a Big Deal title. (spend lots of money on keys/ale and ID kits).
can I have your stuff? (c)
there is always donate the my favorite charity "get the monk the best stuff", Alan Nian chapter.
I just sold my miniature Kuunavang for a tidy profit, and now I have more money in my storage box than I've seen in a very long time, and I want to keep the money flowing.
I'm thinking of the money I've earned as startup money that I'm going to invest, rather than fruitlessly spending all of it, leaving me broke, again.
I have some preconceived notions of profiting off of stuff like ecto and shards, but since I have no experience with such things, I'd rather have everything explained to me from the very beginning.
What should I concentrate on buying/selling in order to make money? When are the peak time(s) throughout the day/week when prices are at highs and lows? Any other tips?
Thanks for your advice. I look forward to raking in the ecto.
I'm thinking of the money I've earned as startup money that I'm going to invest, rather than fruitlessly spending all of it, leaving me broke, again.
I have some preconceived notions of profiting off of stuff like ecto and shards, but since I have no experience with such things, I'd rather have everything explained to me from the very beginning.
What should I concentrate on buying/selling in order to make money? When are the peak time(s) throughout the day/week when prices are at highs and lows? Any other tips?
Thanks for your advice. I look forward to raking in the ecto.
invest in mini-kuunies
Im not the most experienced in this type of thing...but to me it doesn't seem like there would be specifically good times when buying/selling is good. I assume any time a lot of people are on.
And as far as *what* to invest in, well thats up to you. If you think you can sell an upgrade/wep/rune for more than that person is selling it, then I think that'd be a start. Ill stop now because I don't know what I'm talking about. >.<
And as far as *what* to invest in, well thats up to you. If you think you can sell an upgrade/wep/rune for more than that person is selling it, then I think that'd be a start. Ill stop now because I don't know what I'm talking about. >.<
Lord Xenos
You should just give me your gold and you will invest in my storage gold amount? That sound good?
Sapphires and Rubys, the are very low at the moment. I have 2 stacks of both in storage, i promise you, they will go up.
I Wouldnt mind if you invested in me
Dr Ripley
Originally Posted by CyberNigma
invest in mini-kuunies
Originally Posted by tONYY
Sapphires and Rubys, the are very low at the moment. I have 2 stacks of both in storage, i promise you, they will go up.
Vahn Roi
I once invested in Superior monk runes. Before the launch of factions I had earned a profit of around 100k. As soon as Factions went public, the prices of these runes dropped dramatically and I when I sold them last night I made a profit of 9k...
Investments can be tricky
Investments can be tricky
Sir Skullcrasher
I would invest in materials.. from ectos, shards, jades, ruby, and other items. Believe me, with all the new kind of armors, these prices will spike up.
As rumors and speculation of "uber 1337 ruby armor" in chapter 3 comes around, prices of rubies and saphires are bound to spike just like they did before chapter 2 came out (and SF update came out). They key is to buy now after people are ticked about factions not using them and sell later when the craze hits but BEFORE chapter 3 is released.
Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
I once invested in Superior monk runes. Before the launch of factions I had earned a profit of around 100k. As soon as Factions went public, the prices of these runes dropped dramatically and I when I sold them last night I made a profit of 9k...
Investments can be tricky |
I also have a rant about runes:
I got a Superior Vigor as a drop yesterday. I was so happy. Finally I would pull myself out of the <10k gutter and be upwards of 70-80k!
When I went to Kaineng, however, I discovered that the prices of the once deathly-expensive runes are going down the drain. I wound up selling it to the rune trader for 25k before the prices got any lower.
As happy as I am for finally having a little spending money, I am also quite pissed at my luck. Just when the prices start falling rapidly do I manage to get my hands on a lucky drop.
Originally Posted by Ristaron
I got a Superior Vigor as a drop yesterday... Just when the prices start falling rapidly do I manage to get my hands on a lucky drop.
Meanwhile, as skullcrasher said, MATERIALS. We had a character full with nothing but normal materials. Right when Factions was released, my mate went to Kaineng and sold our guild's entire stock of bolts of cloth, iron ingots, etc. At prices that were 3-5 times normal price, we made a TON of money.
Count to Potato
Invest in urself, get urself more money and then create a bank, loan people and then they pay you back, of course there is a trust issue in this
I say buy amber/jade. Good 3k for about 20 minutes.(atleast on the kurzick side)
Solberg the Exiled
While I am not the best when it comes to investing (I am just too timid to invest too much of my money, most of it are kept in storage in nice plat form where i can stare at it and be happy) but the key to investment though, is prediction.
Like a poster from above said, when the rumors hit that there's gonna be uber ruby armor in Chapter 3 (who knows, there just might be), the price of ruby will spike but currently, due to of ruby having no use in chapter 2, the price is very low. And that is what investment is all about, you have to predict the market in the future and hope that you predict correctly.
Like a poster from above said, when the rumors hit that there's gonna be uber ruby armor in Chapter 3 (who knows, there just might be), the price of ruby will spike but currently, due to of ruby having no use in chapter 2, the price is very low. And that is what investment is all about, you have to predict the market in the future and hope that you predict correctly.
eternal pho
A few weeks ago sup. absorptions went down ot 28k, then rapidly struck up back to 80k and i could've made a 1.5mill profit off that. =(
Good luck merchanting, i never had the bother to try it!
Oh yes, and if you want to know what times of the day are best for selling whatnot, well... to be truthful the market fluctuates so much that you cannot predict this easily. Your best hope is to do what merchants do best: predict and analyse changes in market values and use them to your advantage.
Oh yes, and if you want to know what times of the day are best for selling whatnot, well... to be truthful the market fluctuates so much that you cannot predict this easily. Your best hope is to do what merchants do best: predict and analyse changes in market values and use them to your advantage.
Cronos Khan
i think jade/amber is a semi-sweet investment sine you can make quite a few k within minutes or hours. If you're not focusing on 15k armor, just give up your jade/amber for other's gold!
well, heres my 2 cents... become a broker.
its waht ive been doing throughout the 9 months of my guild wars playing time and its the way ive made the most money, even over farming and waht not.
1. always ask for a price, and never offer.
2. if they say a price thats well under waht you can get when you resell the item, then buy it.
3. eventually you will resell it. wait until you find a person who is buying, dont keep saying wts wts, because when you wts, then you want to get rid of it, and you will go lower than how much you can really get. always be on the lookout for people who wtb items that you have. they WANT it, so they will pay more than enough if not the going rate for items.
EXAMPLE i bought gold celestial daggers 15% (while enchanted) with a couple of decent mods for 20k.. thats a steal.... then i went and found someone who was saying "WTB celestial (or gold) daggers" and i pmed the person. now here i was expecting to get like 30k.. or 40k for the daggers because they aren't THAT great but they ARE celestials, rare skin, perfect dmg mod, although not the most desired, and the guy said wll im guessing u want 80k... well i only have 70k... and so i said.. hmmm 70k... i guess i can do it.. and there u go 50k net gain.
now keep in mind, this way of making money takes time, just like any other way of making money, and you kind of have to watch the market for prices. look for items that sell for a wide range of prices. example: not too long ago superior dagger mastery was going for a whopping 15-20k. everytime i saw someone saying "wts sup dagger mastery" i offered like 10k or so, and sometimes they said okay, and other times they said no... and even better, i sometimes found people who were selling the dagger mastery runes for 5k, and i bought em. with the runes in my stash i now looked for people who kept saying "WTB sup dagger mastery pm price" i sold each for 15k or if i kknew thati bought a certain rune for 5k then i would sell for 10k... i mean hey its still a profit right? of course...
the last time i went "broking" was last week and in one day i was able to make upwards of about 175k, buying/reselling runes at first, then buying/reselling green items (mostly daggers), and then gold items, once again mostly daggers.
wellps i hope you have some luck with this way of making money because ive have definitely relied on this method for all of my game playing days... even back in the days of D2 with some hardcore trading ... oh man those were the days hehehe.
if u have any further inquiries then go ahead and pm me in game:
Asian Pwnstar
oh and do this from time to time; its not exactly an everyday thing. oh ill shut up now >_<
PS and lastly, i know this isn't exactly an unknown way of making money, some people only go on guildwars to do this, sit in d1 of wahtever city and keep buying and selling, but some people just really dont try sometimes, then they complain about having little amount of money etc, etc.
its waht ive been doing throughout the 9 months of my guild wars playing time and its the way ive made the most money, even over farming and waht not.
1. always ask for a price, and never offer.
2. if they say a price thats well under waht you can get when you resell the item, then buy it.
3. eventually you will resell it. wait until you find a person who is buying, dont keep saying wts wts, because when you wts, then you want to get rid of it, and you will go lower than how much you can really get. always be on the lookout for people who wtb items that you have. they WANT it, so they will pay more than enough if not the going rate for items.
EXAMPLE i bought gold celestial daggers 15% (while enchanted) with a couple of decent mods for 20k.. thats a steal.... then i went and found someone who was saying "WTB celestial (or gold) daggers" and i pmed the person. now here i was expecting to get like 30k.. or 40k for the daggers because they aren't THAT great but they ARE celestials, rare skin, perfect dmg mod, although not the most desired, and the guy said wll im guessing u want 80k... well i only have 70k... and so i said.. hmmm 70k... i guess i can do it.. and there u go 50k net gain.
now keep in mind, this way of making money takes time, just like any other way of making money, and you kind of have to watch the market for prices. look for items that sell for a wide range of prices. example: not too long ago superior dagger mastery was going for a whopping 15-20k. everytime i saw someone saying "wts sup dagger mastery" i offered like 10k or so, and sometimes they said okay, and other times they said no... and even better, i sometimes found people who were selling the dagger mastery runes for 5k, and i bought em. with the runes in my stash i now looked for people who kept saying "WTB sup dagger mastery pm price" i sold each for 15k or if i kknew thati bought a certain rune for 5k then i would sell for 10k... i mean hey its still a profit right? of course...
the last time i went "broking" was last week and in one day i was able to make upwards of about 175k, buying/reselling runes at first, then buying/reselling green items (mostly daggers), and then gold items, once again mostly daggers.
wellps i hope you have some luck with this way of making money because ive have definitely relied on this method for all of my game playing days... even back in the days of D2 with some hardcore trading ... oh man those were the days hehehe.
if u have any further inquiries then go ahead and pm me in game:
Asian Pwnstar
oh and do this from time to time; its not exactly an everyday thing. oh ill shut up now >_<
PS and lastly, i know this isn't exactly an unknown way of making money, some people only go on guildwars to do this, sit in d1 of wahtever city and keep buying and selling, but some people just really dont try sometimes, then they complain about having little amount of money etc, etc.
Black Dye is the only thing that will never change i think. unless they up the drops of it.
invest in candy canes. those elite missions usually require them
Caelus The Fallen
Oh noes! My wallets too small for my fifties, and my diamond shoes are too tight!
Originally Posted by Batou of Nine
this thread sickens me. its a game. Not real world economics. If all you are in it for is to make loads of cash, find ways to maintain your net worth, then sit on it forever, then why did you buy this GAME!! its a game.
If you really enjoy that sort of thing, apply it to life. Life is where its at! And if your not at that age yet, then start enjoying the game before you grow up as a workaholic. (oh, dont wanna sound hostile or pragmatic, its just, people see that as a problem... in a GAME? Somethings wrong there imho.) |
troyismyname: I made about 70k trading ecto using that exact method in less than an hour last night. I tended to haggle with people a bit who were selling so I could buy cheaper (about 50% success,) and my sale prices were firm.
Once I accumulate a load of money I'll start investing in rubies/sapphires as well...the trader price is hovering at around 2k, which is ridiculously low considering how rare they are and how expensive they've been in the past.
Jadeite and amber seem to still be up in the air pricewise, since the trader is out of stock of them 99% of the time. People are jadeite for 2-3k, but when the trader has then, the price to buy from the trader is 1.7k. o_O I don't want to accumulate a lot of jadeite for 2k only to get screwed over later--I think it's best to wait until there's a large supply of them out of there.
I think I'm going to stay away from runes as some of you have suggested--the market for them has bottommed out, and I can't see the profit margin being worth the time or the inventory space. I can fit 250 ecto into one inventory space, but only one rune into that same space. >.<
Thanks for the great advice guys--keep the ideas coming.
Once I accumulate a load of money I'll start investing in rubies/sapphires as well...the trader price is hovering at around 2k, which is ridiculously low considering how rare they are and how expensive they've been in the past.
Jadeite and amber seem to still be up in the air pricewise, since the trader is out of stock of them 99% of the time. People are jadeite for 2-3k, but when the trader has then, the price to buy from the trader is 1.7k. o_O I don't want to accumulate a lot of jadeite for 2k only to get screwed over later--I think it's best to wait until there's a large supply of them out of there.
I think I'm going to stay away from runes as some of you have suggested--the market for them has bottommed out, and I can't see the profit margin being worth the time or the inventory space. I can fit 250 ecto into one inventory space, but only one rune into that same space. >.<
Thanks for the great advice guys--keep the ideas coming.