The ability to see how much faction donated to alliance.
I would like the ability, to see how much faction, aside from gaining the title 'friend of the kurzicks/luxons' at 250k, because that is general, that a member in your specific alliance has donated, to your particular alliance. Either in the pop up that shows when a name is highlighted, or aside their name.
Simple, and all I really want atm.
Simple, and all I really want atm.
So you can kick those who did not fill their daily quota?
Did I say that?
And to answer, no.
And to answer, no.
Originally Posted by Ishmaeel
So you can kick those who did not fill their daily quota?
Originally Posted by shadowfell
And to answer, no. |
In all fairness, if you're in a guild that is going to do that, you might as well leave. However, members who lie about how much they contribute can also hurt a guild. Personally I wouldn't want this to be implemented, but it would make the lives of a lot of guild leaders a lot easier, I'm sure.
Originally Posted by shadowfell
Did I say that?
And to answer, no. |
This would cause yet more discrimination. Its not a good idea.
We actually, hold, right now. You can't hold a house, non stop. Unless your BB, of course. I would like to see it put it as more of an encouragement. Kind of tempting to believe that a lot of guild leaders, and officers might not be practicing what they preach, when they encourage members to farm faction. I guess it would be a plus to accountability. No need to go flaming, kids.
Mandy Memory
I am sure some people would use it to kick those who arent pulling their weight, but others might use it to praise those who are doing well...
I am sorry but this sounds like a horrible idea to me. Before factions came out, I never had over 20k at a time, never had a set of 15k. Once factions came out, I went to selling alot of amber to get enough for 15k on my assassin, instead of donating to my 2 guild alliance. Do I want my guild to kick me for wanting to have some more money than I would normally have? No, and that's probably what it would be used for.
Guys are you all such crappy guilds that they would kick you for not bringing in the faction points even though the game is just like 2 weeks out?
if you don't bring in the points and you know you could be kicked for it, maybe save the honor for yourself and leave?
if you don't bring in the points and you know you could be kicked for it, maybe save the honor for yourself and leave?
Well, I'm actually for it. Since the only people it would hurt are those people who join an alliance that actually has interest in taking control of an outpost and then don't contribute their share of faction to taking it.
Basically, it's only hurting freeloaders. Now, seeing as how my alliance never stands a chance of getting an outpost, this isn't going to hurt me one bit, because nobody will care that I'm not contributing a single point.
Basically, it's only hurting freeloaders. Now, seeing as how my alliance never stands a chance of getting an outpost, this isn't going to hurt me one bit, because nobody will care that I'm not contributing a single point.

Well, the idea was to reward people who are doing well and to show them, "hey look, I am practicing what I preach to you, because I myself have put in so much and continue to.." as a guildie said, it would be a whole new world of respect for the person if it was -shown- that they were working that hard for their alliance and not just any kurzick guild.
And aside from this, I'm not really sure, but if I have ever had luxon faction floating around and have contributed kurzick faction to my guild, the luxon faction not only dissapears, but shows up in the title track for friend of the luxons.. This doesn't seem like it would be an accurate judge of how much you actually donated to your alliance in this case, considering I have never been a part of any luxon guild.
And aside from this, I'm not really sure, but if I have ever had luxon faction floating around and have contributed kurzick faction to my guild, the luxon faction not only dissapears, but shows up in the title track for friend of the luxons.. This doesn't seem like it would be an accurate judge of how much you actually donated to your alliance in this case, considering I have never been a part of any luxon guild.
if you are in a alliance who want try to get a city you have to accept you will get kicked if you dont give enough faction.
nothing strange
nothing strange
Kool Pajamas
I like it. If you get kicked from a guild because of already need a new guild.