Drops for you in different color
Unforutunately search is down, I went through 6-7 pages of the Sanitarium and didn't find this idea. If it has been posted before, I'm sorry.
Well, it's nothing important, but if it wouldn't be too hard to program I think it would be nice and useful. Something like this:
(Image Link)
If the drop is for you, your name would simply be dyed in another color. I really like how purple and gold drops are in the corresponding color, this would be just another nice addition.
Well, it's nothing important, but if it wouldn't be too hard to program I think it would be nice and useful. Something like this:
(Image Link)
If the drop is for you, your name would simply be dyed in another color. I really like how purple and gold drops are in the corresponding color, this would be just another nice addition.
Dougal Kronik
Why not. But only if your name is the only one that is different in color. Not every member of the party.
Even though I can tell what drops are for me by holdiong the Left ALT key.
Even though I can tell what drops are for me by holdiong the Left ALT key.
I'd like it better if only drops that were assigned to you would appear, but this would be a workable solution.
I'd like it better if only drops that were assigned to you would appear, but this would be a workable solution.
he means that only u will see ur name in color if the drop is for u... i think...
/signed :P
/signed :P
Its good idea, since it make you feel more "special"
(but don't make it light blue....)
actually, the differnt color of the drop (purpble, gold, blue) that show up in the message was suggested by someone somewhere on the fourm. Kudo to that idea.
(but don't make it light blue....)
actually, the differnt color of the drop (purpble, gold, blue) that show up in the message was suggested by someone somewhere on the fourm. Kudo to that idea.
I dont pay attention to that when i'm fighting, I just look for my drops on the ground when the fight is over.. They're always sitting there plain as day. Other drops would be grayed out, mine would be in color.
But this isnt a bad idea for those that would like it. And it shouldnt be hard at all to impliment.

But this isnt a bad idea for those that would like it. And it shouldnt be hard at all to impliment.
I once didn't even notice a gold max req 8 chaos axe that dropped for me until somebody said congrats.
I once didn't even notice a gold max req 8 chaos axe that dropped for me until somebody said congrats.
yeah if the drop is yours it comes up in the color of your choice, if not it just appears the normal color (i forget what it is lol)
hawk nice avatar, i remember the days of starcraft broodwar, cant believe soo many ppl still play it
/signed would be nice to see when i have a drop. Especially if it gets colored gold or purple (seems those are rather a great deal better now, purples). I do like the item coloration (with regards to it being gold or purple).
The number of times someone has missed a black dye till I pointed it out to them.
I also press Alt when the fight is over and pick up my drops, but some people don't even know they can do that. And the blue color was just randomly selected
, any other would be fine too.

/Signed I Like the idea

Jiao Yang
Thats a great idea
Thats a great idea

sure why not

Actualy I would like it, if I can only see the items that I can pick up.
I am so tired of people spamming trade window in the mid of a mission asking to see the item or buy it, and I dont see why I need to know what the others are getting as well=P
Actualy I would like it, if I can only see the items that I can pick up.
I am so tired of people spamming trade window in the mid of a mission asking to see the item or buy it, and I dont see why I need to know what the others are getting as well=P
Originally Posted by G.S.
Unforutunately search is down, I went through 6-7 pages of the Sanitarium and didn't find this idea. If it has been posted before, I'm sorry.