E3 Challenge

Duly Thankful

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Although I have little interest in PvP, I like to check out the Guild Ladder now and then, and see who is doing what in the PvP world. I was reading about the E3 Challenge, and browsing the results of the guilds who were attempting to beat The Last Pride. With one result to come, nobody has managed to beat the champs, so I was puzzled by the description of the prizes that are to be awarded.

At the end of the event, the guild that won the fastest victory will earn the E3 Challenge Gold Medal! The guild that won the second fastest victory will earn the E3 Challenge Silver Medal, and the third fastest victory will earn the E3 Challenge Bronze Medal.
As nobody looks like beating EVIL, how do they decide who won what? Anybody know?



Raged Out

Join Date: Sep 2005

The Last Pride

But girls are the root of all evil.



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



Originally Posted by MMSDome


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Who said nobody beat Evil? I watched the first match between iGi and Evil a few days ago, and iGi beat Evil.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right next to the armor crafter.


I can't wait to see the pics and videos =)

Originally Posted by MMSDome
The Last Pride

But girls are the root of all evil.

This is the whole proof:




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by MMSDome

That's about the funniest thing in all of human history.... but I have no idea what that evil person above me is trying to say.

I was at the E3 event for the past three days. Last Pride won with ease (vs. some group from Latin America). Last Pride received the Gold Medal. It was a fun show. They had the Fire Ele/Necros perform on stage again, but i think they are banned for next year for being to noisy. Apparently Sega in the booth next to them complained all weekend. Too bad because the half-nekkid goth rockers do put on a good show. Still, one of the Fire Necrolettes has "expanded" a bit since last year's show I noticed. Maybe a little too much Ether Feasting over the the last 12 months, I dunno. A great performance all around regardless.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006

There are problems upon problems with both of these poor logical proofs. First of all, both are based upon not an indisputable fact, but opinions, thus negating any validity they might have.

Secondly, you will find in mathematics, "and" means addition. Therefore, it would be time+money, not time x money, or in the case of the second proof, time+money+girls+sex. Thus, the first proof, we have 2 x money, thus 2 x rt{evi}), and because the root of evil is debatable as to what exactly it is (some arguments espousing the human mind, others God, et. al.), all we have is a variable that's impossible to know the value of. In the case of the second proof, we have 2 x rt{evil} (see above on time and money) + 4 x rt{evil} (2 x answer for girls), we have the answer 4 x rt{evil}, another nameless variable.

Therefore, even working within the assumptions of the proof, we can only determine that both men and girls are a multiple of the root of evil, which does nothing to espouse whether one or the other is evil or good.

The only way I can see to make this anything useful is by making the assumption that evil is a negative. Because negative number's can only have imaginary square roots, and any multiple of an imaginary number is still imaginary, we can conclude that neither men nor girls exist outside the realm of the mind; they are imaginary.

Unless, of course, you work with keeping the root of evil as money, in which case girls equal 2 x money, and men as 4 x money, in which case the proofs argue that men are worth more monetarily.

That's enough logic for one day. Ta.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Misa
I can't wait to see the pics and videos =)

This is the whole proof:

actually girls = evil, men = evil^3 makes men worse than girls only if evil >1.




Join Date: Mar 2006

New Jersey

The E3 challenge is pretty lame, IMO.

They put a bunch of guilds up against the best known guild in the game. If I'm not mistaken, isn't War Machine Ranked #1? On top of that, most of the guilds I saw playing EvIL were rank 300+..


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


And last I checked, these guys are freaking *professionals*.... the have sponsers, they are *paid* to be good at GW. Because TV shows actually air their matches in Korea...



Raged Out

Join Date: Sep 2005

you know how we have team apparel in America for football and basketball and stuff?

In Korea do people where Last Pride stuff?