We are all aware of how FOTM farmers use their emotes to taunt and boast throughout the entire game, and how Rank is meaningless, except when it comes to joining most HA groups if you are not with your guild, or even being considered for some (lame) guilds.
The entire 8v8 competition area of HA is based entireally around your RANK.
If you are not ranked, or ranked low, you will not be considered for most groups, regardless of skill.
Anyway, the merits and faults of RANK have been discussed at length, and there has been little suggestion on how to make HA more accessible to low ranked players.
MY suggestion is to scrap fame for victories, and only be awarded anything for winning the HoH itself.
This would make rank/fame/whatever an actual indication of skill and teamworking ability, rather than time spent in HA, and as such would promote an atmosphere of competition to be the best, not grind out victories against newbs.
Fame farming goes against everything this game is supposed to stand for, from where I am sitting. Numbers being handed out for victories against varied oppoisition, and these numbers being used as an indication of your skill or ability has to be the worst concept implimented in this game.
When you go to a PvP outpost, and 3/4 of all chat spam is calling for ranked FOTM groups to farm more rank, you know something is badly broken.
People should turn up to PvP with one intention only, to Prove Themselves Worthy, if not Win.
People often turn up at HA with one intention only, to FARM.
Remove RANK, watch the competition level and complexity sky rocket.
These are just my opinions.
An Idea on Rank.
awesome sauce
Actually, since the titles update ive noticed a great decrease in the rank seperation. There are a lot of non-rx+ groups out there now.
/not signed
Fame is a global indicator of ability and HA is not only the last map.
Relic run ,1 vs 1 are part of HA
if you give fame only for who win hoh it will render it even meaningless.
1) iway guy its know the iway win hoh normaly after they made a hall skip and eoe bombed the holding team. Your suggestion will make iway people gain rank even faster compared a balaced build.
2) Holding build who look for Hoh skip , many people play those build trying just to win hoh skipping relic run , 1 vs 1 etc. so they may have a good rank but they sux to all other map who is not HoH. I want rank meaning the WHOLE HA not only the last map.
3) a team who fight all way trought all map will be penalized
Fame is a global indicator of ability and HA is not only the last map.
Relic run ,1 vs 1 are part of HA
if you give fame only for who win hoh it will render it even meaningless.
1) iway guy its know the iway win hoh normaly after they made a hall skip and eoe bombed the holding team. Your suggestion will make iway people gain rank even faster compared a balaced build.
2) Holding build who look for Hoh skip , many people play those build trying just to win hoh skipping relic run , 1 vs 1 etc. so they may have a good rank but they sux to all other map who is not HoH. I want rank meaning the WHOLE HA not only the last map.
3) a team who fight all way trought all map will be penalized
-Old 3FL-
Rank is useless
Fame is not a global indicator of ability, it is a global indicator of lack of originality and stealing someone elses effective and easy to use build.
Since when did that prove someone had a firm grasp on the mechanics of this game?
If anything fame becomes and indicication of peoples lack of skill, lack of originality, lack of desire to win. How perverse.
I agree that performance throughout the entire HA should be what gets you fame/rank, but there is no way any kidn of mechanic could be implimented to show this.
At the very least it would stop people turning up at the HA to farm newbies, and might encourage people to play to win the HoH.
You can /not sign it all you like, the fact remains that FAME is something you farm, and like all farmers who want to farm, you join the best farming team you can.
Enuff said I think.
End the farming in HA.
FAME for being a winner, not a loser.
Since when did that prove someone had a firm grasp on the mechanics of this game?
If anything fame becomes and indicication of peoples lack of skill, lack of originality, lack of desire to win. How perverse.
I agree that performance throughout the entire HA should be what gets you fame/rank, but there is no way any kidn of mechanic could be implimented to show this.
At the very least it would stop people turning up at the HA to farm newbies, and might encourage people to play to win the HoH.
You can /not sign it all you like, the fact remains that FAME is something you farm, and like all farmers who want to farm, you join the best farming team you can.
Enuff said I think.
End the farming in HA.
FAME for being a winner, not a loser.
Kool Pajamas
They just need to add a separate random Hoh area that gives a smaller amount of fame so people can learn the maps and have fun.
People farm fame because getting emotes is the only point of winning in HA. Winning on the HoH map is pointless because it gives no fame bonus and sigils are worthless and the devs won't fix that problem.
Fame should not be taken away from victories. That would make playing in HA go from having one point (to earn a tiger) to having no point.
Those who do not have rank need to earn it like everyone else who's parties they want to leech off of did. Good players do not complain about not having rank, because they have earned rank for themselves. End of story.
Fame should not be taken away from victories. That would make playing in HA go from having one point (to earn a tiger) to having no point.
Those who do not have rank need to earn it like everyone else who's parties they want to leech off of did. Good players do not complain about not having rank, because they have earned rank for themselves. End of story.
yeah only give fame/rank to HoH holders, only thing we will see skyrocket is the number of groups trying to HoH skip and the number of HoH holding builds. 8 monks FTW!
another great idea.
another great idea.
umm dude... rank 9 + shows either u have been IWAYing alot, for the past 6 month straight... which is dedication in it self, or you have been in teams that are good enough to hold HoH and beat iway regularly in tombs.
y would they not get rewarded in fame... also, the amount of fame u get for each win goes up as 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 24 - 32 - 40 - 40 - etc. that means, higher ranked people have been holding HoH, or else there is no chance u can get rank 12 without holding and getting 40 fame every 10 minutes
the only people who whine about the rank system are former PVE noobs who did not start PVPing when they realized that GW RP isnt very good. Most top guilds that does HA do recruit based on pure skill (I know Moa Birds and IVEX recruit without regard to rank), and my guild FoSa recruit by word of mouth. If you are a good player, you will find your niche in the fame world. If you suck, well that is too bad, go iway some more.
y would they not get rewarded in fame... also, the amount of fame u get for each win goes up as 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 12 - 18 - 24 - 32 - 40 - 40 - etc. that means, higher ranked people have been holding HoH, or else there is no chance u can get rank 12 without holding and getting 40 fame every 10 minutes
the only people who whine about the rank system are former PVE noobs who did not start PVPing when they realized that GW RP isnt very good. Most top guilds that does HA do recruit based on pure skill (I know Moa Birds and IVEX recruit without regard to rank), and my guild FoSa recruit by word of mouth. If you are a good player, you will find your niche in the fame world. If you suck, well that is too bad, go iway some more.
Also, when you see someone holding for an extended period of time, you should go into observer mode and see which guilds they are in. Most of the time, you will find people from top guilds holding halls, top guilds that are ranked high on the ladder gvg system, are they not worthy enough to play in HoH?
You say rank being handed out for victories is a bad concept, but how else are they going to hand out rank? by how many ectos you have??? by how good you are at SF farming or who has the best 55 monk?
What is wrong with running FOTM, if you are a better player than them, you can run it your self and beat them with your own version of FOTM, that would prove you to be a superior player, so dont complain about FOTMs. Also, you would be getting fame in the process.
Scrapping rank will be the worst idea because people will only then play with pugs from top guilds, known guilds, or friends. If you havent been in HA for a while, and nobody knows you, how will that improve ur chances of getting a group. GLuck playing iway or ViM all day.
Again, if you feel HA is baised against new players, well first off, you can blame ur self for wasting 1 year on PVE and not realize that GW was built for pvp, or you can take the man's way and prove your skills to people from top guilds. I promise you, if you are good, you will be recruited, and then you will have a good guild to gvg/HA with, and this thread would not be here.
You say rank being handed out for victories is a bad concept, but how else are they going to hand out rank? by how many ectos you have??? by how good you are at SF farming or who has the best 55 monk?
What is wrong with running FOTM, if you are a better player than them, you can run it your self and beat them with your own version of FOTM, that would prove you to be a superior player, so dont complain about FOTMs. Also, you would be getting fame in the process.
Scrapping rank will be the worst idea because people will only then play with pugs from top guilds, known guilds, or friends. If you havent been in HA for a while, and nobody knows you, how will that improve ur chances of getting a group. GLuck playing iway or ViM all day.
Again, if you feel HA is baised against new players, well first off, you can blame ur self for wasting 1 year on PVE and not realize that GW was built for pvp, or you can take the man's way and prove your skills to people from top guilds. I promise you, if you are good, you will be recruited, and then you will have a good guild to gvg/HA with, and this thread would not be here.
I have not spent the last 6 months trunning IWAY and farming fame, and I get penalised when I turn up in HA by being classed as someone with absolutely no clue, instantly.
So I dont go. But I would like to do it occasionally, even regularly, but whether it is IWAY farm spam builds, or my own lack of rank, fame seems to both be lowering the level of individual mental competition, and at the same time denying me access.
I can fully understand how it is not a problem, and you even enjoy it.
But, it means nothing, and can still often exclude players from parts of the game.
So it is broken, badly, and must be fixed.
So I dont go. But I would like to do it occasionally, even regularly, but whether it is IWAY farm spam builds, or my own lack of rank, fame seems to both be lowering the level of individual mental competition, and at the same time denying me access.
I can fully understand how it is not a problem, and you even enjoy it.
But, it means nothing, and can still often exclude players from parts of the game.
So it is broken, badly, and must be fixed.
Or get rid of rank altogether. If you really want people to try to win, just wipe it. Once I hit my rank 9 (only 1100 fame to go
) I will try out tons of new builds. Ive gotton 90% of my fame from spike builds, and they get boring after awhile. I wanted to try a good balance but I really don't have the patience with my tiger so close.