I think I just got owned by Anet
Heres the story, I had no slots left so I was changing weaps. Missed the screen with the bow, then it skipped to cutscene for Shiro. The closing gate behind us CLOSED my bow in, I did not get the option of "Do you really want to drop ______" it dropped it by itself. Look at the bow xD
Thanks for the game, but screw your bugs, Anet.
Mind you they're probably saying "Thanks for your cash and Money sink, Hazey.
Thanks for the game, but screw your bugs, Anet.
Mind you they're probably saying "Thanks for your cash and Money sink, Hazey.
Anet i acidentally dropped my bow during a mission and cant get it back! I h8 joo basterds =(.
Unless its an item that stacks like materials then it doesnt ask if you want to drop. Sucks for you, your fault not Anets.
EDIT: BTW you're supposed to take out other peoples names in screenies.
Anet i acidentally dropped my bow during a mission and cant get it back! I h8 joo basterds =(.
Unless its an item that stacks like materials then it doesnt ask if you want to drop. Sucks for you, your fault not Anets.
EDIT: BTW you're supposed to take out other peoples names in screenies.
LiQuId StEeL
sucks, but you have to admit it. pretty funneh.
sucks, but you have to admit it. pretty funneh.
Dark Suoon
that sucks......but pretty funny..srry i cant help it
The Son Of Morgoth
i feel your pain. morphine ftw
I know it was my fault, thought i'd just show this for chuckles and first reply is abusing me
Nocere Moriari
D'oh...... Man that sucks
I had a bug there that would have allowed you to pick it up... the 4 envoys got bodyblocked on each other outside the gate, so when cutscene ended (instantly), they were all piled up and the gate was open, and I was still in the imperial sanctum with shiro's spirit standing around
But zomg that sucks
But zomg that sucks
Eragon Dragonslayer
Man, that's what I call getting shafted.
Guardian of the Light
Ouch man.
By the way how'd you get a minion I reconize any minion spell on your skillbar.
By the way how'd you get a minion I reconize any minion spell on your skillbar.
that really sux, but I think what you experienced was a VERY freak occurrence. Flaming A-net and blaming bugs is really pretty low. Besides, the bow was req 13, it could have been worse.
Skill number 7 on his bar is the skill from the dragon, I would assume it's the one that gives a nice potent minion.
Da Cebuano
Anet owned you? uhhh, you owned yourself more so.
Cyan The Archer
That was not a bug. The bow isnt worth alot anyway.
Defendpeace Necros
that bow wasnt worth much so, no, i dont feel your pain.
Originally Posted by LordDeArnise
Man, that's what I call getting shafted.
Hey!! I didn't do anything.
Angel Develin
uhhh, did you drag your bow or double click on it to change?
If you double click on a weapon in your inventory this will not happen.
If you double click on a weapon in your inventory this will not happen.
Claire Wolf
But yes.. that does suck.
But yes.. that does suck.
Lasher Dragon
What I think is hilarious is that you would even use a vampiric shadow bow. It's in the slowest-firing class of bows in the game.
Lol... I have to agree with Lasher on that one... But still, that's funny...You should not be too upset though, because you didnt lose THAT much money's worth...
That does sucks but look on there bright side. There are better Bows out there.
-Old 3FL-
i use a vampiric hornbow and zealous longbow for gvg
works great
works great
I was saving it for my PvE ranger for GvG. THink past PvE people, Past PvE!
Went out and bought req 8 shadow bow. 5/1 vamp. +30hp now. What a waste of 110k. Yay.
Thanks for all your all so harsh insults and calling me an idiot, I really appreciate it. Whoever it was that said blaming anet was low, coming here and flaming ME was low, theres no need to flame me because I lost a bow, I was just demonstarting not to accidently drop something before you enter a mission that has a gate close by itself.
Thanks to all the people who didn't act like idiots and flame me OR say "That bow is useless" "Why were you using a vampiric shadow bow haha your an idiot"
Went out and bought req 8 shadow bow. 5/1 vamp. +30hp now. What a waste of 110k. Yay.
Thanks for all your all so harsh insults and calling me an idiot, I really appreciate it. Whoever it was that said blaming anet was low, coming here and flaming ME was low, theres no need to flame me because I lost a bow, I was just demonstarting not to accidently drop something before you enter a mission that has a gate close by itself.
Thanks to all the people who didn't act like idiots and flame me OR say "That bow is useless" "Why were you using a vampiric shadow bow haha your an idiot"
Originally Posted by Chooby
Originally Posted by Chooby
The closing gate behind us CLOSED my bow in, I did not get the option of "Do you really want to drop ______" it dropped it by itself.
There's no "Do you really want to drop..." message when you drag an item out, so I don't see any Anet 'bugs' here that needs to be screwed.
Unless you're going to say that you're just being off topic about the bug and meant the other bugs that and needed screwing, which is just a cover up for your mistake, hoping nobody would really catch that it was your fault, and just pity you and post "omgZfeelsry4uherehavsumfreeitamZwtfzANetbugsRhomo z0rz" but then you got flamed anyways, or you can play the ditzy role and claim you didn't know there wasn't a pop-up "do you want to drop this" message before dropping an item because you never dropped any item of all your time playing Guild Wars, or you could've just mistaken yourself and forgot there was no drop message, so now I'm just typing this long ass run-on sentence to decrease the amount of scape goat excuses you can use to stop looking like an idiot which is already too late but I guess you can redeem yourself by saying 'sorry for making ANet look like the villain' in this sad sad story that made me cry. Sorry for your lost though, just becareful next time. Asplode
Originally Posted by Lasher Dragon
What I think is hilarious is that you would even use a vampiric shadow bow. It's in the slowest-firing class of bows in the game.
Ranger spike bow, dur. The only weird thing is the 20% enchanting -.-