insane amount of faction
Id Like To Thank You All On Behalf Of TC..
Yeah ty very much, I'm really enjoying The Deep and me and the alliance I'm in are starting to learn how to do the elite mission.
Jiao Yang
So can someone clear this up for me..
Do the Crusaders control Cavalon and let people that are not in the alliance play in the elite mission. Also, is The Deep the elite mission?
Who controls cavalon at the moment?
Do the Crusaders control Cavalon and let people that are not in the alliance play in the elite mission. Also, is The Deep the elite mission?
Who controls cavalon at the moment?
Still our alliance [The Crusaders], but if we won't recieve help from community [like two 800k+ luxon factions guilds] or a HELL LOT factions donations BkBd will be owning Cavalon within 2hours again. And I presume they won't let anyone to The Deep again...until someone else [like we] will gain cavalon again.
Respect to TC =)
very nice job on overtaking cavalon.
Latest update. TC will be losing control of Cavalon within the hour due to some internal strife within their alliance. One of their officers just posted this notice on GWO, so you better hurry to cavalon and get ported to the deep asap
Last time I checked, TC had a bit over 9 million Luxon Faction, bkbd had 130k less, though I heard TC lost 2 Guilds worth 1.6 million faction <.<
And? Chest Farming pretty much ruined the market for FoW weapons. Factions ruined the market for Prophecies greens and other rare item skins. Markets are going to crash, it's just a matter of time.
Unless the rumours are true that the ebay Zodiacs are of the BlackBlades...
You mean like the time the traders got reset and people bought Ectos/Sup Absorbtion/Sup Vigor/... for 100g?
[edit: part of a thread cleanup
-Mercury Angel]
It will ruin the market for zodiacs |
Unless the rumours are true that the ebay Zodiacs are of the BlackBlades...
I meant FoW armor, its the idea that we farmed our asses off and got something and then all the lazy people who did 0 of the work get the profit (like farming for FoW armor and then everyone else getting it for free). |
[edit: part of a thread cleanup
-Mercury Angel]
Donut Zeke
Well, my alliance right now isn't too great. I love the fact that TC is willing to ferry people because my guild is all about fun, not farming faction.
Mercury Angel
-30- posts removed from this thread
I don't care if one alliance is the devil incarnate, it doesn't matter. Keep the alliance vs alliance crap off of Guild Wars Guru. We're not a platform to host your flame wars. That goes out to BOTH alliances.
It doesn't matter who started it, even a neutral party, but the responsible thing is to ask it to be taken care of via a moderator or administrator, rather than continuing it.
The next people who post such comments will receive warnings counting towards potential bans for trolling, flamebaiting, and or flaming.
Thank you,
-Mercury Angel

I don't care if one alliance is the devil incarnate, it doesn't matter. Keep the alliance vs alliance crap off of Guild Wars Guru. We're not a platform to host your flame wars. That goes out to BOTH alliances.
It doesn't matter who started it, even a neutral party, but the responsible thing is to ask it to be taken care of via a moderator or administrator, rather than continuing it.
The next people who post such comments will receive warnings counting towards potential bans for trolling, flamebaiting, and or flaming.
Thank you,
-Mercury Angel
I think it is great that an alliance is willing to put that effort to keeping an elite mission open for all. As a casual player I have no chance to play these missions otherwise. I would be happy to donate faction to the cause.
One potential problem I see is that TC will be overworked just to ferry all the people into the mission.
One potential problem I see is that TC will be overworked just to ferry all the people into the mission.
I think TC did a good thing for the community as a whole. Sure it is an elite mission, but it is no fun to be excluded because more faction doesnt always = more skill.
Swinging Fists
Originally Posted by Quajai
I think it is great that an alliance is willing to put that effort to keeping an elite mission open for all. As a casual player I have no chance to play these missions otherwise. I would be happy to donate faction to the cause.
One potential problem I see is that TC will be overworked just to ferry all the people into the mission. |
TC overworked by ferrying people? I saw that and bust out LOL. Have you seen how much faction this alliance has ? Like 9 bazillion !!! They are overworked grinding faction, - the ferrying is nothing to them. Based on the reaction to what they have done, the ferrying is probably seen as their rewards, as everybody praises how much they are appreciated.
Ok, so again, nothing meant to offend, but I'm sure the ferrying is no problem for them.
Omega X
Leave it to the community to fix the problem themselves when they are ignored. Reminds me of Open Source Software.
Swinging Fists
Originally Posted by Omega X
Leave it to the community to fix the problem themselves when they are ignored. Reminds me of Open Source Software.
Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
Quajai - What I am about to say, I mean no disrespect whatsoever, and I agree with your first paragraph 100%. But...
TC overworked by ferrying people? I saw that and bust out LOL. Have you seen how much faction this alliance has ? Like 9 bazillion !!! They are overworked grinding faction, - the ferrying is nothing to them. Based on the reaction to what they have done, the ferrying is probably seen as their rewards, as everybody praises how much they are appreciated. Ok, so again, nothing meant to offend, but I'm sure the ferrying is no problem for them. |
Originally Posted by photics
Hey Everyone!
Thanks to everyone who says thanks! The Crusaders Alliance is the People's Alliance. We had two choices... 1) Keep the elite items to ourselves, increasing the value of these items. Maintain the elite status of the elite mission. 2) Be heroes, and let everyone experience content that they paid for. We chose #2 This whole nonsense about buying faction is just that... nonsense. We were accepting Faction Donations, but I don't think that idea caught on. It's very cumbersome to donate faction to another guild. You have to leave your guild, join one of our guilds, donate the faction, then rejoin your old guild. It's too crazy. It's easier just to invite new members that want to farm faction. To encourage this, we did a guild competition event. Last week, we gave away gold to the one who could farm the most faction. This weekend, the highest faction farmer will win a mini-dragon from the collector's edition. This motivated the guild to farm faction. That's where a huge surge of faction points was gained. Plus, you need to lead by example. The guild had a huge surge in Faction once I got my copy of Factions. Once people saw that I was grinding away at Breaker Hollow, others joined in. On the Faction Freeway, others would farm faction with me. We would race each other and we would tell jokes on teamspeak. We didn't have to worry about protecting access to rare items. It wasn't about loot. Plus, we managed to find other guilds with similar ideals. The Alliance chat is very friendly. We say "Woo Hoo" whenever anyone donates faction! So thanks to everyone that said thanks! ![]() |
Im a bit confused...what happends when you "hold" these. What is different about your guild?
~Captain CCC

~Captain CCC
Swinging Fists
Originally Posted by Quajai
No offense taken. I was thinking more into the future. Like when everyone in the game knows that this elite mission is open to everyone and you just have to go over and find someone from TC (they don't control it now anyway) to take you in. I really don't know how much it consists to taking people in. I was thinking that a TC memeber had to go through the mission with them but that's probably not the case is it?
Now that I see what you meant, I understand your point / concern, but I think it was funnier before...
Kariston The Swift
Hasn't this thread already been done before? Lol.
Mercury Angel
30 posts get deleted and a warning issued, and the alliance vs alliance crap continues?
All of the posts that continued it are deleted, and this thread is closed.
All users who participated in the arguments after the warning (not necessarily every post that was deleted, but likely most of the posters) are hereby officially warned. No PM's will be done, the warning took place in this thread before this, and now I'm saying afterwards.
If, in the future, any of you is banned, and you can't think of why, this is one of the 'strikes' against you.
Trolling, flamebaiting, flaming, and such are NOT tolerated on the forums.
All of the posts that continued it are deleted, and this thread is closed.
All users who participated in the arguments after the warning (not necessarily every post that was deleted, but likely most of the posters) are hereby officially warned. No PM's will be done, the warning took place in this thread before this, and now I'm saying afterwards.
If, in the future, any of you is banned, and you can't think of why, this is one of the 'strikes' against you.
Trolling, flamebaiting, flaming, and such are NOT tolerated on the forums.