


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005

BC Canada

Is anyone else disappointed with Factions?

I have 2 Guild wars Prophecies accounts because 1) I enjoy Prophecies and 2) Some of my characters werte stuck at the end of the game and at Thunderhead and none of the Guild Members seemed to be playing at the same time I was on (I refuse to play with the pre-pubescent idiots you get in PUG's)

I assumed Factions was going to be a continuation of GW Prophecies..new areas and quests etc., but it is a whole different game and WAY too hard and stressful unless you are with an exceptional team. There is no way I can manage a lot of the quests (Undercity for example) with henchies and even with good guild teams we have failed the mission out of Dragon's Throat 3 times.

Instead of being able to pull targets..they now stay together and are close enough to other groups to make sure you aggro at least 10-15 mainly Ritualists, healers, mesmers and Necros.

I just wish I had known it would be like this before I bought the 2 CD's. I wouldn't have bothered.

Oh and with 6 characters available per account you still have a teeny storage box.

Excuse me venting. I am now going to go and play in the "kiddie pool" of Prophecies where I can actually enjoy myself.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

I understand what you're saying. I see Cantha as different, but mostly I'm okay with it. I haven't started a Cantha character. I took my Prophecies character there and got a kick out of being introduced to Cantha that way. I enjoy the story and do feel like I take on the role of my character. So it actually felt like I was in a foreign land being thrown into more adventure.

I noticed more human enemies in the city areas and enemies that use knock down on my party and I. Can get a little annoying at first. And those falling rocks in on of the missions, the one that takes you to Altrumm Ruins. Those rocks really interrupt me when I'm trying to use a Troll Unguent just to survive. May attribute for lag and framerate loss too.

And the city areas look really modern looking compared to the populated looking areas of Tyria. And when you enter such an area, one of the commonly seen loading screens looks like some kind of futuristic airplane runway. I dunno, I know it's supposed to be the city and stacks of buildings or whatever. But to me it looks like there's a freeway road with a divider line or something. That loading screen picture never works for me.

Pevil Lihatuh

Pevil Lihatuh

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Yorkshire, UK


Just to say, I'm like you and never group but hench everywhere, and undercity is possible with henchies, so keep at it! I like Factions, but I hate the co-op missions (i don't group for a reason, give me a choice ot have henchies on the other team please) and i don't like the locked doors everywhere. But the rest of its great


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

The valley south of Maatu Keep is a scenic place I really like. A relief after seeing the city all the time.

Dark Suoon

Dark Suoon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Organization of Dawn [DAWN]


yea i love that place
the city is all dull and stuff and like mega crammed in, no grass or anything anywhere
i also like Jade Sea too



Technician's Corner Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2006


http://www.lunarsoft.net/ http://forums.lunarsoft.net/

Well said and I agree. Chapter 1 just seemed better in so many ways. I didn't like the fact that Chapter 2 had a giant "Ascalon-like" area (those ugly slums) and there really aren't many areas that are pleasant to look at and enjoy. As stated in a prior post, the area south of Maatu Keep was probably the best area appearance-wise. The co-op Cantha and Tyria missions were terrible for those who like to solo or do missions with hench. The co-op missions only allow people to grieve others. The only half decent thing were the skills and new armors. This leads me to believe that Chapter 3 should take a much longer time before getting released. I'd rather it take two years and have excellent quality and content, than be a bland repeat of Chapter 2.



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

United Kingdom

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


I personally, am one of those who love the new chapter.

Mister Overhill

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Tampa, Florida

Sticks and Stones


There is the possibility that chapter 2 is more or less a filler, and that chapter 3 will be the real deal. Time will tell.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


There is also the possibility that just because you don't like it, others will. I personally really like factions.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

I think that factions is too short, i hate the way they did elite missions, and i agree that mobs are frequently too clumped to be able to effectively pull, but other than that its a great game, just won't have longevity of prophecys so hopefully we won't have to wait too long for chapter 3.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


I had Factions pre-ordered and all. Had it installed on the 24 hour headstart...only just days before it came out I joined an all PvP guild. I just today made it off of the Shing Jea island...made it to Vizunha Square (or whatever the hell it's called). After entering the mission (with henchies) and failing (with henchies) without being told I'd be co-opping with another team (oh god, why did I bring henchies) I left the mission with the distinct feeling that if I had the option to replay the mission or headbutt a board full of nails, I'd opt for the latter.

Seriously...what am I supposed to do? I don't have a PvE guild, I'm using an assassin...it'd probably take me somewhere between 1-2 months to actually get into a PuG. Wow, right now I hate this game so much that my opinion should be completely ignored. I'm too angry to be objective. Leave me alone...


The truth itself

The truth itself

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


First Degree


I think you failed to understand the basic concept of this game, MULTIplayer.

Rayne Nightfyre

Rayne Nightfyre

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Acolytes of Lyssa [AL]


I have mixed feelings about Factions; there's a lot I like about it, but much I hate too. I love experimenting with new builds that are available and hunting for and capturing skills. The scenery is amazing once you get into the Kurzick/Luxon areas. For those who say it's nothing special... take a trip to Mourning Veil Falls, it's amazing. More than anything, however, it's the new things that were implemented that bug me the most (Town control and titles mostly). I admire A-Net's effort in introducing new ideas, but these new ideas are just turning into more grinding and more farming. Overall, Factions just doesn't have the fresh and innocent feel Prophecies once had. Tyria was a great place, and of course it was going to be difficult to top. But I'm keeping my hopes up for Chapter III.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006


Grenths Dark Alliance


yes multiplayer is the basic concept, but some people would rather not work with horrible players in co-op missions and would rather control the henchies *which you cant* more or so like a squad based FPS