Anyone else feel that the constant henchmen banter is annoying? I suppose it is intended to bring some life to the game, but to me it is distracting and tends to pop up and block your view.
I would suggest that they go back to keeping their mouths shut.
Henchie chit-chat
Mister Overhill
Yeah, it was a bit funny at first, but just like how you get those pop up dialogues of the NPCs chattering in Factions, it's annoying and has no way to turn it off.
I agree in many ways, this thread as an example, but not to the henchie chit chat.
Originally Posted by Tarun
Yeah, it was a bit funny at first, but just like how you get those pop up dialogues of the NPCs chattering in Factions, it's annoying and has no way to turn it off.
The henchie talk is a bit silly, but it's a step up from the human teammates who don't talk at all.
Zhou Feng
I prefer they do talk. Even when it pops out at bad times its a lot better then silent human robots err I meant mates.