Real Guild Wars episode 2 released!
Billy Bob bo FTW
Once again a good movie
Once again a good movie
Stalker Haras
When i went to go watch the movie, this is all i saw. I heard the voices. but i got this for the picture.
Wow.. that was just... wow. Sorry dude but that was terribly pathetic. No more of that, please.
Gmr Leon
Drake was cool,XD
Originally Posted by Tarun
Wow.. that was just... wow. Sorry dude but that was terribly pathetic. No more of that, please.
Speaking of pathetic... Look at you and your corny ass FF7 long haird/masculin queer avatar. At least he made something and it was not that bad.
Emu Hunta
wow. holy crap. that was a great video. imma stay tuned and good luck to you and your videos. =)
the first one was alright but after only the second episode ime already sick of the monk and thers nothing else original or funny here so thats the last 1 ime watching.
Great work again! I will be waiting for new episodes!
I saw this post and immediatly my mind translated: "Star Wars: Episode 2"... x_x
thanks if you liked it im not sure i will make a third though
great stuff i'd love a third
This is great stuff, I love it, great job.
Great stuff, ignore the jerk and make more.
Eragon Dragonslayer
great dude just great....u should make a 3rd
Drake probably ran all the way to Droknar's Forge -.-
eheh thanks guys. I'm thinking of making a third but I am going back to Brazil in a week, will be back in 2 or 3 months so it will probably be a while. Glad most of you liked it