I would love seeing some more itemmods
of hexxing :max 20% extra in length of hexes (similarly to the enchanting mod)
exhaustive: increase exhaust condition length on foe
+15% dmg while under effect of weaponspell
I'll prolly have forgot some more...
Itemmods suggestion
Renegade ++RIP++
I like the idea of a hexxing suffix, but a lot of them run on for ages, like faintheatedness, which can go for 30 + seconds
I dont quite understand the example for the inherent though...
I dont quite understand the example for the inherent though...
Renegade ++RIP++
inherent is simply the +15% dmg while in stance, or health>50, or under enchant.
The idea was simply with the introduction of itemspells (ritualist skills) that weapons with that mod or how you would call it should have been in from basedesign. But seeing that they aren't represented,not even in the pvp options, i thought why not propose it and hope to see it implimented.
20% of 30secs is still only 36secs. Not that special. But seeing that we have an enchant one I don't really see the problem with a hexxing one.
The idea was simply with the introduction of itemspells (ritualist skills) that weapons with that mod or how you would call it should have been in from basedesign. But seeing that they aren't represented,not even in the pvp options, i thought why not propose it and hope to see it implimented.
20% of 30secs is still only 36secs. Not that special. But seeing that we have an enchant one I don't really see the problem with a hexxing one.
you CAN'T have of hexing... anybody who knows a lot about the game knows this would lead to some major imbalancing issues.
exaustive.... wtf? so what while your targeting them they recover more slowly from exaustion?
exaustive.... wtf? so what while your targeting them they recover more slowly from exaustion?
Exhaustive/Hexing are ovverpowered.
There are not enough weapon spells to account for a +15% under a weapons spell.
There are not enough weapon spells to account for a +15% under a weapons spell.
Renegade ++RIP++
Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
Exhaustive/Hexing are ovverpowered.
There are not enough weapon spells to account for a +15% under a weapons spell. |
there are sufficient hexremovers. Hexbreakers, hexeatingsignets,etc... even elite versions that remove 2. It would be like stating that having enchantingmods is overpowered as well...
no exhaustive just means that when you target them when they use an exhaustionskill the exhasutioneffect is worse then normal, which can also be combined with or in combination with other skills in which you give enemies exhaustion while they are casting. Simply in stead of gale greying out 10 energy it will grey out 12-13 energy now when you use it and you get hit by an attack during the castingtime, but the recoveryrate won't be touched. In essence it would just extend the time you suffer from a reduced energypool, just as poisoneous extends the time of poison, daze extends the time of being easy interruptable, cripple extends the time of the cripple effect, etc.
If I want I can get a full bar out of weaponspells, that in my opinion constitutes sufficient reason for such an option.
Mandy Memory
Hexing would be as overpowered as Enchanting. (Thus it should be added)
And I know a lot about the game, and I have yet to see an important hex carry out its full duration...because any player that knows anything about the game brings a hex removal skill. Why would a hexing mod be overpowered then? (And perhaps I am missing something...in which case it would be 5-10% instead of 10-20%)
And since there is 1 skill that causes exhaustion on an enemy...exhaustive is pointless.
And I know a lot about the game, and I have yet to see an important hex carry out its full duration...because any player that knows anything about the game brings a hex removal skill. Why would a hexing mod be overpowered then? (And perhaps I am missing something...in which case it would be 5-10% instead of 10-20%)
And since there is 1 skill that causes exhaustion on an enemy...exhaustive is pointless.
Renegade ++RIP++
please reread the part concerning exhaustion. If a person with an exhsutive mod hits someone casting meteorshower, eartquake, gale, shock,etc it will increase the effect of the normal included exhaustion. On top of that it will also work in the cae you pointed towards. It ain't as easy to use as any of the other prefixes, but it has a situational use and could annoy some people severely if used properly. But meh it was just an idea.
please reread the part concerning exhaustion. If a person with an exhsutive mod hits someone casting meteorshower, eartquake, gale, shock,etc it will increase the effect of the normal included exhaustion. On top of that it will also work in the cae you pointed towards. It ain't as easy to use as any of the other prefixes, but it has a situational use and could annoy some people severely if used properly. But meh it was just an idea.