A simple idea but when you get a weapon customized how about the ability to name your weapon? This and when you custom weapons, the text of the weapon changes to red. This allows others to know the weapon is customized and prevents ripoffs from noobs buying custom weapons. For green weapons the text would turn red but the name remains as is. It would be neat to name you celestial sword to something like soul breaker or whatever you might like.
"I'm Wielding a Soul Breaker and the Guardian of Ages!"
Personalized Weapons
When you try to trade a customized weapon to someone the person your tradeing to is notified by a pop-up on the screen that the weapon is customized.
Not nessasary and would make it harder for people to know what weapon your actually weilding. I mean, you could name a Smiteing Rod a Crimson Carapace Sheild.
Brother Gilburt
Not nessasary and would make it harder for people to know what weapon your actually weilding. I mean, you could name a Smiteing Rod a Crimson Carapace Sheild.
Brother Gilburt
neat idea im for it