Lag in House Zu Heltzer
I've noticed that everytime I go to the Kurzick city House Zu Heltzer I lag A LOT! Anyone else haveing these problems? If so it should be fixed.
Brother Gilburt
Brother Gilburt
I've had lag in House only in district 1 American.
Kool Pajamas
A lot of places outside the city area have lag problems in D1. Maatu keep being probably the worst that ive experienced so far.
Maatu keep is nothing compared to how bad SF was lagging for me for the first month or so after it was released. Just keep bugging ANET about the lag, and they will get round to fixing it
Almost all american d1's are lagged up.
actually I almost never lag in ameican dis 1. Also in House Zu Heltzer its not just lag. Its really really bad lag.
Brother Gilburt
Brother Gilburt
I wouldnt put this in the suggestions forums, as I'm sure A-ner is aware of this and fixing it, or planning to.
Maybe it's not the server its your connection? Dis 1 in America is indeed crowded but once in, the lag settles and its gone.
Mesti Arcanus
It would surprise me that it's not the server, everyone comments on the lag. Of course, I've not experienced the lag in HzH since I don't go there, but Breaker Hollow was atrocious at about 10-12pm CST last night: it would take me minutes to run out of the town.
It's not just you. Go to house and watch the chat. More complaints about the lag than there is spam for selling. What I've taken to doing is just switch to international zones whenever I go there. Much smoother.
There is Lag in D1 HzH Maatu Keep and the Academy various other spots in that area.. it wasn't until someone in there told me that it was only in d1 ... since then i go to D2. so it's not us but them.. i wonder if it has anything to do about that issue with the common err=7... i was thinking that all the D1's were on one server and we'd met the bandwidth limitations ? suggestions?
Just a question has anyone filled a bug report on this issue?
I think I saw a post from Gaile somewhere saying they're looking into it. Check the Dev Tracker forum.
Originally Posted by fiery
Maybe it's not the server its your connection? Dis 1 in America is indeed crowded but once in, the lag settles and its gone.