2 Vizunah Squares??
this is prolly a noob question, but how come in factions there are 2 vizunah squares. is the foreign quarter for char from tyria and local quarter for cantha char? or are both accessible to both types of char. if so, are they the same mission??
Yes they are the same mission and yes you got it right. Characters created in Cantha start in the local square, and characters created in Tyria start in foreign square. The mission includes one team of each side (If there's no human players, you'll get a team of henches on the other side).
Vizunah Square is a cooperative mission, which involves two parties of 8, one of which are from Tyria, the other from Cantha.
It is also possible to have both available no matter where you are from
Once you finish the mission the other side is also unlocked. And note there are two distinct map locations for the two 'quarters'. You'll want to be able to map to both if you run quests.
oh ok. thanx. so i can still get to the foreign quarter with my cantha char. but i dont have to?
Uhh.. I tried accessing the local quarters via undercity and failed, with my tyrian character who's wearing imperial armor.... is there a trick to entering the place?
Originally Posted by lg5000
Uhh.. I tried accessing the local quarters via undercity and failed, with my tyrian character who's wearing imperial armor.... is there a trick to entering the place?
Where do you start to access Vizunah Local with a Tyrian char?
Originally Posted by mtm
Where do you start to access Vizunah Local with a Tyrian char?
Undercity entrance remains closed for my Tyrian Char, and yes I have completed the Vizunah mission completed on the Foreign quarter.