Shredder's Talon???



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

I just snagged a Shredder's Talon.

Shredder's Talon (Green Item)
Piercing Dmg: 11-18 (Dagger Mastery 9)
Bleeding Duration +33%
Health + 30

I'm not sure on this one, but how rare is this item? It was dropped off of Shredder in Xanqua Skyway. By the area, I'd think it'd be fairly common, but since it actually has Shredder's name on it, it almost sounds like it's fairly rare.

Can I get a little more info on this item or item's with bosses names in general?




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Most new greens price is how the seller wants to sell it. Some people will find a green item start spamming it for 100 k. The smart buyers will set a price and let it keep going down. Seeing everyone knows all bosses drop greens of course they will be farmed.

As for your green, first time reading the name but I doubt it's not known.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Bosses' name in title means its a Green (stats are always the same) and only that 1 boss drops it.

Some have good stats and are on rare to find bosses, and those are worth soemthing.

A Xanqua Skyway boss green with bad stats isnt going to get you much.

The Talons dont sell for much.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

I"ll have to post a pic of it then (proof of exsistance).

But I ahve stuff like Kole's Torment and Vilnar's Staff. I've just never really gotten a handle for how rare some of these are. Is there a quick guide or something?

Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Bosses' name in title means its a Green (stats are always the same) and only that 1 boss drops it.

Some have good stats and are on rare to find bosses, and those are worth soemthing.

A Xanqua Skyway boss green with bad stats isnt going to get you much.

The Talons dont sell for much.
Are you saying those stats are bad? I'm not sure of what you're saying. I thought those stats were pretty good. Especially since the +33% bleeding duration is very useful.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


I wouldn't mind a 15^50 daggar, bleeding and any condition is great and all but if there's an enemy monk to mend it, it's useless.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Are you sure about the damage? I thought 7-17 was max. But if it is 11-18 then you probably have a very nice drop there. Also you want to check out the Green Baseline thread in the pricecheck forum, i don't think its in there yet, but I'd be willing to pay 30-40K for it right now



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005

Mo/Me -

Here's the GWiki page on them, with the correct damage and modifiers listed.

Best Wishes.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

Well, I ahve an elementalist/assassin. Pretty nice build actually b/c I can work it like a ninja. Energy storage is great for ensureing I can chain attacks, then I follow up wiht pyromancing or I use geomancing for protection.Heck, I can even use aeromancing to inflict nice damage.

Either way, I intend to keep that one as long as I have use for it.

I'll have to post a pick of it in my inventory sometime, but it's hard to konw off hand what an item is worth. And since the search is generally down, I didn't see that thread.

Thanks again

EDIT: NM... thanks Caleb The Pontiff for finding that one




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


So I guess it wasn't 11-18 from first post.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by xenoranger
I"ll have to post a pic of it then (proof of exsistance).

But I ahve stuff like Kole's Torment and Vilnar's Staff. I've just never really gotten a handle for how rare some of these are. Is there a quick guide or something?

Are you saying those stats are bad? I'm not sure of what you're saying. I thought those stats were pretty good. Especially since the +33% bleeding duration is very useful.
It has an undesired dmg mod (which is really the most important part when selling a weapon), and bleeding duration isnt a big seller. Something like sundering/zealous/vamp sells for more.

With greens especially, it really has to be "perfect" to be worth more than a few k.

"perfect" in a market sense (15^50 dmg mod, Highly desirable mods like Fortitude, vamp, etc)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

K, I get what you're saying, but if you think tactfully, isn't bleeding a good thing? If you're up against a warrior or whatever, use an offhand attack (I think they're all offhand) that causes bleeding. This puts them on the degen. While they're bleeding, you can complete your combo with something like blinding powder. It may not be worth much, but after kicking it around for a while, I think I see some nice uses for this one. Also, if you're an A/N, there are plenty of cheap curses you can use.


N E rate, Your description of the market makes sense. I usually don't sell things, but rahter keep them myself. If I do unload stuff, it's usually given away. Aw well, thanks Former Ruling.