Buy factions or just install and play GW Prophercies


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006

UK, North East


I have had Guild Wars since release, but only played it for 1st week then got side tracked by SWG, EQ2 and WOW but now thinking of trying this game again and installing, once I find it Am trying to browse through the web to find the differences.

Sorry for such noob questions but just looking for clarity...

1) Should I install GW Proph or go buy Factions and install that or buy factions aswel and install both?

2) Do I miss out on something if I just install original GW and not buy factions and vica versa?

Really stuck here and just dont know what to do as I like the sound of the new assassin char.

Any advoce would be appreciated



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

you already heve the first chapter so why not give that a spin before adding the other?

you can always add the other at any time you feel like it

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Factions isn't required. Just reinstall GW and play for awhile til you think you are interested in investing more time in it - then you can check out factions.

factions gives you access to new skills, new characters, new areas. But you havent palyed number one since the first week - alot has changed, and you are beter suited fidning out if its a game you want to play awhile before putting the money up for the second chapter.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


Just play GW if you dont like it then GWF is never for you
Read forum posts before buy GWF



Not far from Elite

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by acko
1) Should I install GW Proph or go buy Factions and install that or buy factions aswel and install both?

2) Do I miss out on something if I just install original GW and not buy factions and vica versa?
if you got cash then ya get factions and combine the accounts. that way you can play both. That's my vote. I wanted to only have factions for more straoge but remembered my brother plays proph and hasn't gotten factions yet.

You will miss New skills and the two new classes if you don't do factions. If your a fan of skins then your miss the new skins (love the asian style swords), if your not then head over to LA and just trade for some. and the story