The mystery of the floating platform...
heheheh.....all in the camera angle-ing. That or (maybe?) vid card problem. Cool trick though.
=P I think it was vidcard + lagg because it stayed like that until I left lol...even killed a few of those suits of armor =) BTW this isnt my build now...I was a noob then lol. My PvE character was level 3...=\
brute blake
Originally Posted by Shiznie
=P I think it was vidcard + lagg because it stayed like that until I left lol...even killed a few of those suits of armor =) BTW this isnt my build now...I was a noob then lol. My PvE character was level 3...=\
Hehehe the glory days! lvl 3 Primary PvE charr i didnt realise just standing around with a -1 degen sword could kill me!
Hehehe the glory days! lvl 3 Primary PvE charr i didnt realise just standing around with a -1 degen sword could kill me!
Hmm brute blake seem's to have mood swings lol...he flames me in my other posts but he's pretty nice here lol