Is it just me or does anyone else notice that the way assassins run in town is awkard looking and needs a redo animation?
Also, the way assassins run in battle looks like they'll fall foward [since theyre not running fast enough for leaning forward so much, lol].
Assassin town run cycle is messed up...
Assassin running forward is one of the lamest animations in the game. They always look like they are running into a very strong wind.
During the assassin training; each assassin had their hip broken and back muscles torn. They were told to "toughen" up as Togo was busy else where. The damage was never healed and now they are "broken" and can't run without a crook.
/bad joke
/bad joke

Night Daftshadow
To add to this topic. They should also change the run animation for the Oni. I don't about you guys but to me the way the Oni run looks like a little fag. More like girly-men.
They run with a sway.
the good animators must have left or something...
Tien ak
What I reckon its great
Its kinda like how all ninja/assains run in games check out Tenchu, im sure I've seen the main char run like that.

Its kinda like how all ninja/assains run in games check out Tenchu, im sure I've seen the main char run like that.
tenchu was a bad game, and they didnt run they used that stealth walk thingy which didnt make them go faster.
on note they should run like other characters until they use a speed boost then they casn lean foward like a ninja should.
on note they should run like other characters until they use a speed boost then they casn lean foward like a ninja should.
/not signed
i actually like the way they walk/run
i actually like the way they walk/run