Assassin's Promise is "in the game"?
Aarroe of Gilgamesh
ok well no one has found this skill yet as far as i know. but what i have found is a glitched "boss" in rhea's crater. it's name is focus of hanaku, which sounds like a pretty decent name for a boss carrying the missing skill. the problem is that this named monster 1) lacks an aura, and 2) has a mesmer skillset. well the skillset is typical for its type, because this is a kraken, but bosses of type often have different skill sets to match profession. this named kraken is hanging out with a bunch of afflicted, which puts it further out of place. it also uses energy surge as an elite, which, while typical for a mes skillset, is cappable on a boss in the great city of kaineng. the other bosses that are in kaineng have skills that are one of a kind. my 2cents, the boss that the skill is supposed to be capped on is in the game, as gaile said, but he is bugged for skillset and aura.