WARIOR Rune of ABSORBTION Question!!!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006


The Corpse Grinders


I was wondering if Absorbstion runes work only on the location you put them.
So if you would put 5 Superiors on you would have -3 to each location.

Anyone notice that the Warion Runes of Absobtion dont say"NON STACKING" next to them? Do they work for each piece of Armor u put them in seporately (Get hit in the leg It bloks for -3 because U had a rune in leg armor) Like that?

A few people IN GAME were like it works Per Piece, Though more effective on Chrst n legs... They were like it was in the update...
Dont know...




Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


Read the updates, test it yourself, either is easy to do. Either way the runes all have the same characteristic, the little 'non-stackable' on every single other rune means the same thing, you can't stact effects because they are global whether this rune says it or not, it is also .
Another option you could try (after reading the stickies - faq and rules): search



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006


The Corpse Grinders


Originally Posted by lennymon
the little 'non-stackable' on every single rune means the same thing,
But it doesent say NON -Stackable...
I'm just asking if its like wow where as Absorbtion runes work only on the location you put them.
So if you would put 5 Superiors on you would have -3 to each location...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006


Country Roads [HOME]

Quote from Guildwiki.org:

"Runes of Absorption reduce attack damage by 1-3 depending on potency. Minor Runes of Absorption reduce damage by 1, Major by 2, and Superior by 3. Runes of Absorption only reduce damage from attacks and have no effect on spells or other sources of damage. Like all runes, Runes of Absorption do not stack with each other, even though they do not have (non-stacking) in their description like the absorption armors or other types of runes. "




Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006


The Corpse Grinders


Originally Posted by take_me
Quote from Guildwiki.org:

"Runes of Absorption reduce attack damage by 1-3 depending on potency. Minor Runes of Absorption reduce damage by 1, Major by 2, and Superior by 3. Runes of Absorption only reduce damage from attacks and have no effect on spells or other sources of damage. Like all runes, Runes of Absorption do not stack with each other, even though they do not have (non-stacking) in their description like the absorption armors or other types of runes. "

Thank you very much... 8)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by DOOMZ
I'm just asking if its like wow ...
thanks be to Grenth its not like wow then... since wow sucks and all



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006


The Corpse Grinders


Originally Posted by lennymon
thanks be to Grenth its not like wow then... since wow sucks and all
U got that rite!
GW got me off that crap, Waaaayyyyy too sow for me!

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

after playing WOW for a mounth i came back crawling to GW, tearing of hapiness while shooting my bow....

i love GW....

Don Zardeone

Don Zardeone

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

Put a super absorb in your chest. If you get hit int he leg, you take 3 damage less.
If you get hit in the head, you take 3 damage less.
If you get hit in the chest, same thing.

Put a super absorb in chest and feet: get hit in the leg and you take 3 damage less, get hit in the chest and you take 3 damage less.
It doesn't matter how many absorption runes you put into your armour, the effect will always be that of the most important (superiour) rune.
It is impossible to have -15 damage from having 5 superiour absorb runes.

I met an "EXP Pro Tank" a few days ago. He told me he had 5 superiour absorption runes and that I'm stupid.
I don't talk to W/Mos anymore....



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


I do know for a fact there are some intelligent wamos... I think all the ones you are talkin about Don Zardeone are now Ass/mos



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Amber Order [AMBR]


nice nickname lol I play a A/Mo lol



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


i didnt even know u could get hit in diff spots...i thought if u got hit, u got hit in general, not specifically (like in the leg)....some1 clarify plz. if it IS specific, which spot gets hit the most....

Liber Pater

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

SpidersWeb [WEB]


Well, to put it simply, most direct hits you'll take will hit the chest. If you step on a trap, your feet and legs will take the punishment. As for head-shots, i think they're critical hits, not too sure though. So yeah, different parts will get hit by different attacks, sorry I cant be more specific.

Olfin Bedwere

Olfin Bedwere

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Stillwater, Oklahoma


About rune stacking.


Also from Guild Wiki

Armor Level
The Effective Armor Level depends on the Base Armor Level (BaseAL), AL Enhancers (ALEnhance), AL Shifter (ALShift), and Net Armor Penetration (NAP).

EffAL = (BaseAL + ALEnhance) × (1 - NAP) + ALShift
Each attack randomly hits one of the following body locations:

Chest - 37.5% for weapon attacks
Legs - 25% for weapon attacks
Head/Hands/Feet - 12.5% each for weapon attacks
Certain attack skills and spells have a bias in which body part they are more likely to hit. Relative positioning of the attacker and target can also affect which part is more likely to be hit. The Armor Level of the piece corresponding to the location attacked is used as the BaseAL, while any bonuses on that armor contributes to ALEnhance. Additionally, certain armors have the Gives 15 armor while casting bonus, which is applied even if the attack hits a different part of the armor. Finally, certain armor are described as having a negative bonus of Reduced armor vs Holy damage, but they actually function as "received damage +5 against Holy damage", regardless of hit location and stacking.

Shields provides additional ALEnhance against all attacks. Other weapons may also grant ALEnhance. Unlike bonuses from armor, the ones from weapons are always applied regardless of which body location was hit.

Armor penetration can come from the Warrior's Strength attribute, weapon upgrades, or skill properties. Add up all the various bits of armor penetration to obtain the net armor penetration (NAP).

Finally, skills that modify armor in their description are calculated in ALShift.