I know alot of people are having problems lately. As 2.5 hours ago i am only able to load new cities or towns via map travel. Walking through portals from towns to explorable areas causes an err=5 disconnect, along with entering new instances vie "Enter Mission" buttons. So basically, I have been rendered useless as far as missions and quests.
Is err=5 a server problem or a client problem? Is there anything I can do about it?
I guess I should mention that I have no lag at all (well, not more than usual at least) and the loading screen just sits at 0% for like 2 minutes until the disconnect occurs.
Help is appreciated,
Entering areas and disconnects
Canadian Bacon
No official word yet, but I'm sure that ArenaNet is working very hard to correct the problem. These things usually get fixed very fast.
No official word yet, but I'm sure that ArenaNet is working very hard to correct the problem. These things usually get fixed very fast.
blue cheez
or Gaile spilled coffie on the servers and they're all screwed
When this happened on Diablo 2 LoD servers we always joked that they either spilled coffee or Mountain Dew over em or an electrical storm blew em to scrap.
Ira Blinks
you not the only one...
all got err5, and I simply hax
all got err5, and I simply hax
Sir Skullcrasher
I hope the server will be fix and don't require a rollback or shutdown like last time. Remember that 1 days shutdown time the server had and everyone can't get online.
Hmmmm a second thred concerning this same topic
Maria The Princess
i keep getting err 007...... and its anoing...
i keep loading posts (sometimes) and samething, try go outside and wont load for shiznot..... cant do much of anything