Losing Guild Faction...


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


I've looked around for this, but to no avail. The guild I am in is Kurzick, and we were building up our faction. We all purged it at once, so we had like 60k; but a few days later we were down to 28k....Why does this happen? Does it just go down in time, or is it due to Luxon quest/faction?




Join Date: May 2005

Every day you lose 10% of your total guild faction.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Abaddons Bane


I believe it just goes down in time, it's happening to us and as I'm usually the only faction getter. I told them im not doing it cause its gone in a few days


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


I see, thanks

Smurfette of Archery

Smurfette of Archery

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006




Factions 0/10,00 in your Hero screen are for your Guild right? You get them by pvping right? I have a W/E lv 13 chart.(Lord Smurf Ba). I noticed yesterday I have 120/10,00 faction and I havent pvp'd. How did I get them? At least thats what I was told about Factions they where for guild use only in pvping. Yes still a newbie at game!


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by Smurfette of Archery
Factions 0/10,00 in your Hero screen are for your Guild right? You get them by pvping right? I have a W/E lv 13 chart.(Lord Smurf Ba). I noticed yesterday I have 120/10,00 faction and I havent pvp'd. How did I get them? At least thats what I was told about Factions they where for guild use only in pvping. Yes still a newbie at game!
Kurzik and Luxon faction are awarded in multiple PvE quests, competetitive (PvP-ish) missions, some Challenge missions and Alliance Battles, so it's not pure PvP faction.

Starting a Prophecies chara usually gets some Balthazar faction from getting out the presear, also doing the battles against AI bots in Isle of the Nameless gives some Balthazar faction. Other than that, Balthazar is pure PvP-faction.




Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Kaguya
Starting a Prophecies chara usually gets some Balthazar faction from getting out the presear, also doing the battles against AI bots in Isle of the Nameless gives some Balthazar faction. Other than that, Balthazar is pure PvP-faction.
Do note that you can only get 1K faction from the AI Bot's each day. Once you get 1K faction - be it from the initial training run, the Zaishen Challange mission's or the Zaishen Elite missions - you will stop getting faction from the AI. If you want more Balthazar faction (to get more runes/skills/items for PvP chars) you need to go PvP real people.