Freind Of Kurzick

Master Ikram

Master Ikram

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Elite of Elites [EOE]

If i have the title Freind of Kurzick and i leave my guild will i lose my title aswell ?
I have been wondering this since i have the title but don't want to lose it.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Bust A Move

Hi, I'm sorry I recently bought factions.. A couple of weeks ago, and havent come across a title called "Friend of Kurzick" , how do you get that title?

Now, to your question.. Well, you shouldn't loose that title aslong as it doesn't have any connection to your guild.. I mean like, if you need to accomplish something withing the guildy thing to get the title, then you probably will loose it (not sure though).

But, If it hasn't anything to do with guild things.. Then you wont loose it i guess. Cheers buddy!



Purveyor of Useless Info

Join Date: Oct 2005

Perpetual Motion Squad [PMS]


No, you will not lose it. I switched guilds after pledging some Luxon faction to said previous and it stays. Any newly pledged faction only accumulates on what you have already earned.

Viggen: Friend of *Luxon or Kurzik* titles are from faction pledged to your alliance..250k faction is level 1 of this title.