this morning, the Tombs are empty, we hardly put a group together. the most hard time we had was to find a monk (which is weird). then I see a monk inviting herself to my party, so i let her in. She was talking to us as a normal person, i did the "interview" and we went on to the Under World"
there, she starts spamming "heal party" randomly. 1 person taking a little damage, (1 orison of healing would do the job) and she is doin heal party. and she kept spamming it, along with other skills spammed randomly. (ranger 1 is burning and being meteored, and shes using heal party and orison of healing on ranger 2) she even spammed heal party when we were standing around waiting for an AFK
we start woundering whats up? start askng her why shes doin it, but no answer. at all! evr skill she did she was "calling" it, so the chat was full of spams.
she kept spaming random skills aT RANDOM TIMES, along with rebirth, which was most of time out of place. all along the run, she kept following diffrent ppl, sometimes right inside of aggro zone! she didnt pick up nothing! even not a gold drop.
we were woundering, maby its just a kid that cant read? but no! it was spaming skills in a same order, never runing on her own direction. and not 1 single word.
surprisigly we finished the run with very few deaths. got our grees
i posted this just so you can see what world is coming too!
BOTS!!!! first they get elona, now ToPK..... im kinda scared