I found this odd Staff....

Mia Deschain

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


It has two req, Protection Prayers and... Communing? Anyone know what this is? New for Factions? Can weapons have req from two classes or is this not some new class attribute? I don't have Factions yet.... Thanks for any help.

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


That right there is a typical staff ID.

There is only 1 req for the staff itself, the other parts are built in mods. I personaly have seen 1 staff that works for 3-4 different classes.

So this kinda of staff ID'ing isnt new, it's just A.net toying with everyone.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2006

there is no spork


it anet's way of makeing duel calls wepaons, in this case Rt/M are M/Rt



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


I've once had a: Req 9 fire, 19% change of faster illusion spel recharge, 19% change of faster blood casting staff.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


My necro uses a truncheon with a divine favor bonus. I use it because it has an extra +3 energy...don't even have the divine favor attribute...oh, well...NOTHING is more useless to me than the Droknar Forge Collector that gives you items that recharge your Soul Reaping skils and gives you half speed casting (20%) for Soul Reaping...there are NO soul reaping skills...as far as I know, ANet took all the soul reaping spells/skills and what-have-you and divied them up into the other attributes sometime around the Alpha stage...Just another way GW is like the real world: full of unusual useless things to make us wonder the age-old question under our breath...wtf?

Caelus The Fallen

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Voice of the Darkness


Actually, I believe there are some SR skills now so its finally useful. Well... in theory, I leave it to your individual judgement if the SR skills are worth your 20/20 bonuses.

Ailee S

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Oo Oo O Bubbles O Oo Oo [oOo]

I believe there are only 2 of SR skills, both Elite... nice enough but still cant replace classics like SS ... both got low casting time (1/4s and 1s) and recharge 15s ... so its imo only useful in theory...




Join Date: Jul 2005

In the right situations the new SR elites are absolutely amazing.