Suggestion: Disable popup dialogs and move it from team chat
I'd like to see an option to remove the annoying popups of Mhenlo and others talking.
Another option I'd like to see is a way to move their overly huge paragraph speeches from Team to something like All, where it can be disabled and still communicate with your team easily.
Edit: Well since this is sort of in there already, they need to make all the options visible.
Another option I'd like to see is a way to move their overly huge paragraph speeches from Team to something like All, where it can be disabled and still communicate with your team easily.
Edit: Well since this is sort of in there already, they need to make all the options visible.
i agree about the pop-ups. i cant tell you how many times im fighting and the darn NPCS are popping up annoying msgs in the middle of battle. not only can i not see what i'm doing but i have to waste mouse clicks on closing the darn things instead of squishing my foes. they are a really horrible idea.
im not partial to where the msgs show up either in local or team but this is my first time through the game. im sure once ive run a few characters through and am familiar with everything i will want to shut up the NPCs also.
im not partial to where the msgs show up either in local or team but this is my first time through the game. im sure once ive run a few characters through and am familiar with everything i will want to shut up the NPCs also.
Kool Pajamas
To remove pop ups:
Options->Customize layout->uncheck dialouge->Save
As far as moving the text to all chat, might be a good option.
Options->Customize layout->uncheck dialouge->Save
As far as moving the text to all chat, might be a good option.
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
To remove pop ups:
Options->Customize layout->uncheck dialouge->Save |
Only seems to appear when in a mission for some reason.
Engel the Fallen
There is a dialogue 2 thingy as well. I disabled both right away.
Rayne Nightfyre
Yes, it will only work when in a mission or quest that involves henchmen/NPCs rambling. Dialogue 2 only appears when you have more than one NPC talking.
Wow now that is weird. They need to let you see those options at all times.
I noticed they stop spamming your team box when those are disabled.
(Just tried it) So I guess they need to make those options visible at all times now.
I noticed they stop spamming your team box when those are disabled.

Will turning off hints remove those blue popups?
Yes it will.
Turned off both .... still get henchy blabber popping up while in the middle of a fight.
And it's not just the henchies talking, but all those peasants running around, and it sometimes obscures the target so you can't see the damage you are dealing or if it is being blocked. To me it is affecting game play and I would like to have to option to turn it off.
And it's not just the henchies talking, but all those peasants running around, and it sometimes obscures the target so you can't see the damage you are dealing or if it is being blocked. To me it is affecting game play and I would like to have to option to turn it off.
Originally Posted by quickmonty
Turned off both .... still get henchy blabber popping up while in the middle of a fight.
The henchie blabber isnt your dialogue 1 and 2 options. Those are the Main quest/mission dialogue Boxes that pop up in the middle of your screen when key NPC's are talking. I presonally like them, but of course I dont want them getting in the way when i'm fighting. I've moved them to the bottom left corner. Anyway, i dont think there's an option to turn off henchie blabber. And i dont really care if they give us that option or not.. They dont talk to much, and it doesnt get in the way when they do anyway. As for the blue txt from npc's that shows up in your team chat, I dont think there's a way to turn that off either, unless if goes away with the dialogue 1 and 2 options unchecked. Kinda doubt it though.
turn the setting off (:
Updated/edited original post.
Its so annoying haveing these pop-ups come in the dead center of your screen(sometimes in combat). So you click on the X to get rid of it and another one comes....
Brother Gilburt
Its so annoying haveing these pop-ups come in the dead center of your screen(sometimes in combat). So you click on the X to get rid of it and another one comes....
Brother Gilburt
Curse You
Personally I don't mind the henchment talking. I always have my screen zoomed out to max, so I can see as much as possible and the speach bubbles don't get in the way. Also, I alway PLAN my attacks (even with henchmen) and will target key opponents prior to starting the fight, and then use the hold-shift click ability to select my new targets (this way if I miss I won't go running at them). The henchmen only talk occasionally during battles and usually it's a short sentence or phase, so I don't get how that gets in the way.
Also, I though we already determined that you can turn off the speach "pop-ups" when you're in a mission. Personally I don't mind much, but then again I've only had to bother with them on my casters (Necro, Monk, Ele) and ranger. Haven't tried any Canthan missions with my warrior yet.
Also, I though we already determined that you can turn off the speach "pop-ups" when you're in a mission. Personally I don't mind much, but then again I've only had to bother with them on my casters (Necro, Monk, Ele) and ranger. Haven't tried any Canthan missions with my warrior yet.