Farming Chitin?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2006

Somewhere Luxon Alignment: Chaos

The Dark Fortress


A guilding needs some chitin and I've been racking my brains as to where I would be able to farm some, Tyria or Cantha. Preferably not far into Kurzik territory, I havn't got far in there yet.

Lord Iowerth

Lord Iowerth

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Atlanta, GA (#guildwarsguru FTW!)

Biscuit Of Dewm [MEEP]


anything "bug like" will drop them or drop something that will salvage into them ... devourers, scarabs, spiders, etc.

All the spiders and scarabs in the jungle gave me a good amount when I fought through the Falls to map it on my tank, but unfortunately I don't have the "uber" suggestion on the "best" place.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006


i farmed the devourers in thirsty river (right by the beging) for chittin (i used w/m dont remember build though =( salvage the collector item they drop (i think its baked husk???) hope this helps



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


chitin fragment huh devourers drop those go back to ascalon and slap those scorpions back in there hole till u got enough :P



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

London, England

You could also try just outside Amnoon Oasis and Aurora Glade.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

I farm for Thorny Carapaces and Tangled Seeds in the Sage Lands. You can get quite alot if you solo. Carapaces salvage for 5-6 Chitin and Tangled Seeds 5-6 Plant Fibers. You can make some money doing this, although I suppose it doesn't compare to the high end farming. The Ebon Spider Legs and Mossy Mandibles are also good to salvage.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Crystal Desert.


I have been salvaging a lot of those. Simply go to the Crystal Desert and kill a bunch of devourers. There are a lot of devourers on the way to Seeker's Passage from The Amnoon Oasis. If you have any questions, PM me.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

i farm chittins outside marketplace. get out to bazaar, run past the Am FANH (or whatevr they are called)

run north, on the beach side. keep runing and you will reach a small mountain. theres always a bunch of devourer like creatures. today got 4 chittins on 1 run. first time i was there i wasn't even farming, just decided to kill stuff to lvl up my wammo.

if im not wrong its right next to entrance to Napuwi.

btw, there extremelly easy. my warior was lvl 16 and i just had 1 henchie warior alive (rest were killed during the run) all u need is sprint, some useful stance, heal sig and cyclone axe



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

The devourers in thirsty river, lots and lots of them right at the beginning with the sand giants. I use the standard "eviscerate axe build" w/mo that everyone else seems to use (it's so obvious, used it for months before I even noticed it was a standard build and I'm not too creative on builds). Once they start dropping less I go do one of the really early missions (sometimes run people for free) to reset the farming code. Each carapace expert salvages into 9-12 Chitin fragments, it doesn't take long as that is thier most usual drop.

Biggest thing is target one and aggro them. When they stop moving they start laying traps so run away a little getting the one you targeted to follow, press space to run back and hit it before it lays its trap, sometimes cyclone axe helps stop the other nearby buggers. Repeat for the next group in line, or just cast healing breeze and take the fire/blind traps. Just use bonettis or glads (if you took it instead of eviscerate, I usually do) before casting heals so they have trouble interrupting you.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


I spent a while looking around for the best place to farm chitin so I could get the exotic 1.5k armor for my assassin. Assuming you have access to factions then the very best place I found (and one which your guildie can probably do him/herself) is outside Ran Musu Gardens. The mantids there drop chitin quite frequently or pincers which can be salvaged into chitin. Also 3 pincers can be traded for a 10 use salvage kit at a collector outside the monastery. So it won't really cost anything.

If you don't have factions access then the best Prophesies place I found was in Pre-searing by the Ranger trainer (on the way to the fort) where all the devourers are roaming around. They drop die too which is always nice. A young w/r can farm there pretty easily.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Just farm the most expensive thing/place that you can farm... sell the stuff, and buy the chitin.

It'll probably be easier/faster and will yield you more in the end.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


I farmed Chitin Fragments for a while (till i had 100 of 'em) outside Fort Ranik. So go outside and walk and farm every devourer in the area, I used to get about 50 of 'em each 'run'. And 1 run would take me half an hour or an hour. Maybe not the fastest way, but the easiest.