Please Help!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

on my quest, i am joined by 3 NPC"s, well i die, and then 2 of the other NPC's die also. 1 NPC stayed back away for some reason, but out of range of the fight. Now my corpse is jsut lying there. What do i do? My toon wont clone or anyhting, help me please!


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by mapoone
on my quest, i am joined by 3 NPC"s, well i die, and then 2 of the other NPC's die also. 1 NPC stayed back away for some reason, but out of range of the fight. Now my corpse is jsut lying there. What do i do? My toon wont clone or anyhting, help me please!
the mission is hosed anyway

log out and log back in and redo it or do some other mission or quest if you want to


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

when i relog, it jsut starts me back at the beginning of ascalon academy. was hoping to get out with deleting my toon and starting all the way over. so you are positve i should have a travel marker on my map at all times i bring it up?


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by mapoone
when i relog, it jsut starts me back at the beginning of ascalon academy. was hoping to get out with deleting my toon and starting all the way over. so you are positve i should have a travel marker on my map at all times i bring it up?
the academy is a transition point and you will not be able to access presear askalon again for any reason

all quests unfinished are academic and you start the actual game

if there is a glitch there will be no map positions listed

/bug and trell them you cant get out of the academy

are you in the small pvp part or the grawl cave?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

im at the part where im supposed to walk in the grawl cave. gawd, i jsut want back to civilation, lol


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by mapoone
im at the part where im supposed to walk in the grawl cave. gawd, i jsut want back to civilation, lol
do you have the 3 others with you?

take it very slowly and run out if they gang up on you

if they chase you all the way back to the sargent he will kill them

you dont need to make the cave in one pass

get one run and recover and it will not respawn


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

i've done the cave 5 times, got all the way past the breach ouside of old ascalon, and thats where i die. how do i get out of all this mess? im tired f doing the same stuff over and over and dying at the same spot


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by mapoone
i've done the cave 5 times, got all the way past the breach ouside of old ascalon, and thats where i die. how do i get out of all this mess? im tired f doing the same stuff over and over and dying at the same spot
i did the same thing

the exit on the other side is scenery

you missed a part of the cave (i missed a dogleg with some in it)

when you have them all go back out where you came in and go back to the sargent for the cutscene of the searing

if no scene there is still one or more hiding


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

okay, some how we are not understanding each other, how the hell do i quit this mission crap, and find other REAL people playing. im tired of playing with NPC's. There has to be somehting wrong here.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by mapoone
okay, some how we are not understanding each other, how the hell do i quit this mission crap, and find other REAL people playing. im tired of playing with NPC's. There has to be somehting wrong here.
i do not know of any way to abort the academy sequence

i am trying to help you get through it

what level are you and what are your primary/secondary professions?

try not to yell to loud it took me several frustrating tries and it is fun when you get out into the main game


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

sorry, jsut been trying the same thing since 6 am, lol. im level 4 elementist. havnt got my second profession yet, although sure wish i did now that i keep dying. i jsut dont understand ho some things work here. like the part of the breach i die at, theres always one of my NPC's that got lost behind, so when myself and 2 npc's eith me die, we jsut lay there since that one party member is still alive somewhere.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by mapoone
sorry, jsut been trying the same thing since 6 am, lol. im level 4 elementist. havnt got my second profession yet, although sure wish i did now that i keep dying. i jsut dont understand ho some things work here. like the part of the breach i die at, theres always one of my NPC's that got lost behind, so when myself and 2 npc's eith me die, we jsut lay there since that one party member is still alive somewhere.
where you confuse me is *breech* as there is an explorable area after the academy with that lable

i am assuming you mean either the open air cliff ledge or the back opening of the cave which has a large area outside it

someone else had your problem and took the grawl out one at a time and made it

some people go through at level 3 but those are hardcore pvp ers in a hurry

they should have a stronger warning about a second profession before you enter the academy but you can pick one up on the other side

an ele you said?

did you get the 3 sets of spells or are you short there as well?


i go through the academy at level 6-7 as this area is beautiful and the experience is easy

good secondary for ele is monk

nice to have healing and resurection if nothing else and leave 6 slots for mayhem